Hi, the ECC801S is a direct replacement without any modifications required. As I said, I am referring to the rare Siemens Halske ECC801S tube. You can identify/compare your ECC8xx tube here.
The best Version, the original, extremely rare Telefunken 801S costs much more than an excellent GE 6072 nowadays.
Regarding Figure8 in 251 - I had problems with short circuits of the backplates in CK12 and K87 Style Capsules caused by long and rough deliveries. My capsule blackplates were not "bridged" at the factory. The insulation between the two capsule halves especially in CK12 Style Capsules is very, very thin and was "short" through bumps ...via Post or what else... when delivered. I was able to solve the problem by slightly loosening the three connecting screws that hold the two halves together, one by one, and immediately re-tightening them, and checking the conductivity between the two backplates until the conductivity disappeared and then only opening the problematically screw as far as really necessary. I am anything but a specialist and it is a very demanding / precise job. So I don’t want to encourage anyone who is afraid to undergo such an operation. But it can be fixed in about a minute, and is super easy. Arienne gave me the instructions for K87 capsules, the same works for Ck12s

she is a great person...