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abbey road d enfer said:
Unfortunately, it's very frequent. A man and a woman start a business relationship on top of a romantic relationship. Of course, the man is the recognized originator. The woman does not want a contract, she wants a family. It happened so many times it's banal.
The big issue there is no court recognizes it. They consider the woman has committed a fault, when there are serious and deep extenuating circumstances.
We have to teach our daughters their rights and how to protect them before such issues happen.
Bill Gates and Melinda are getting divorced... no pre-nup.

warpie said:
I don't agree with this. There are nasty/ naive men and nasty/ naive women. I know many cases where a man got screwed up by his male business partner.
I don't deny there are naive men and devious women. I'm talking about statistics, and the social/patriarcal pressure that encourages men to be leaders and women to be followers.
The share of women among entrepreneurs is 34% in the western world. It is improving, with 40% of new ventures being led by women.
JohnRoberts said:
Bill Gates and Melinda are getting divorced... no pre-nup.
IMO it's not comparable.
I don't know their story. Can she claim she was operative in the success of Microsoft?
I don't doubt there are many examples of men being fleeced by their wife when divorcing.
pucho812 said:
there is speculation that this was planned due to the biden/harris tax plan,  A strategic divorce.
I think she just wanted to eat a good steak.  ;)

I bet that it will happen the same that to Jeff Bezos, his ex got 38 BILLION dollars out of him, lets see how much she will get out of Bill....
user 37518 said:
I bet that it will happen the same that to Jeff Bezos, his ex got 38 BILLION dollars out of him, lets see how much she will get out of Bill....

Do you have any grasp of how important MacKenzie and Melinda were in the respective Amazon and Microsoft stories? Your language is like something from 30 years ago and I say that as a very non woke individual...
ruairioflaherty said:
Do you have any grasp of how important MacKenzie and Melinda were in the respective Amazon and Microsoft stories? Your language is like something from 30 years ago and I say that as a very non woke individual...

Teach me, tell me what MacKenzie did that is worth 38billion, and what Melinda had to do with MS-DOS and Windows when Bill decided to quit college in pursuit of Microsoft
user 37518 said:
Teach me, tell me what MacKenzie did that is worth 38billion, and what Melinda had to do with MS-DOS and Windows when Bill decided to quit college in pursuit of Microsoft
People aren't robots. They're social creatures. Companionship can be very important for some people. Spouses support each other. It's a little crude to think that the female companions of men don't deserve any credit for the man's accomplishments. But the fortunes we're talking about are unique. If you ask me if MacKenzie deserves 38 billion, I would say no and that neither does Jeff. They deserve whatever they can spend on themselves. After that, I think they need to give it away as dividends or charity or higher saleries or whatever.
squarewave said:
People aren't robots. They're social creatures. Companionship can be very important for some people. Spouses support each other. It's a little crude to think that the female companions of men don't deserve any credit for the man's accomplishments. But the fortunes we're talking about are unique. If you ask me if MacKenzie deserves 38 billion, I would say no and that neither does Jeff. They deserve whatever they can spend on themselves. After that, I think they need to give it away as dividends or charity or higher saleries or whatever.

Im not saying they dont deserve credit for their support, in fact, 100 million is too much but ok, but 38 billion freaking dollars? You can buy the Czech republic with that, I am exagerating of course, but not really....
warpie said:
I don't agree with this. There are nasty/ naive men and nasty/ naive women. I know many cases where a man got screwed up by his male business partner.

Yes but it's nowhere near 50/50. I would say it's less about gender and more that the nice person usually gets screwed over. On the whole statistically woman are much more likely to be nice / giving / nurturing.  Which unfortunately is detrimental in the current business environment.
user 37518 said:
Im not saying they dont deserve credit for their support, in fact, 100 million is too much but ok, but 38 billion freaking dollars? You can buy the Czech republic with that, I am exagerating of course, but not really....

Would you be singing a different tune if the genders were reversed? Your posts seem to have a consistent anti-woman theme.

Besides I don't know why you are emphasizing  absolute dollar amounts  they are completely irrelevant.  It's the percentage that matters.  If you participated in 20% of a business that really took off would you cap your return based on some arbitrary dollar amount and let the other partners take all the money?
john12ax7 said:
Would you be singing a different tune if the genders were reversed? Your posts seem to have a consistent anti-woman theme.

Besides I don't know why you are emphasizing  absolute dollar amounts  they are completely irrelevant.  It's the percentage that matters.  If you participated in 20% of a business that really took off would you cap your return based on some arbitrary dollar amount and let the other partners take all the money?

I am not anti women, if the genders were reversed I would still think it would be absolutely unfair, but from your tone I am guessing you would be singing a different tune, anyway, regarding specifically to MacKenzie and Melinda, I guess they were also share holders from the start right?  or they must have a contract or a position in the company from the very begining? did they contribute with ideas to create the companies from the start? did they invest from the very beginning? was MS-DOS or Windows an idea they came up with together? or is it more like I was next to this guy for 20 years and now I deserve 38billion? I am sorry, but US divorce laws are so unfair.

Again, I'll just wait and see how much Bill gets squeezed out of this... I think MacKenzie will still keep her record for the #1 highest divorce settlement in history thou... many tobacco companies don't have to pay that much for damage reparation.
There does seem to be this plague of people shouting about equality for females , I cant deny they have more than their fair share of inequities foisted upon them by society but try flagging some blatant inequities that men have to put up  with and the PC brigade will shoot you down in flames .

A woman charged and found guilty of a crime is 6 times less likely to serve prison time than a man convicted of the same crime .

99 times out of 100 a woman gets custody of the children after a break up/divorce , even though the male partner may have visitation rights enshrined in law , the court almost never admonishes women who choose to not allow fathers their rights .

As a father , you dont contribute to your kids financially , the woman only has to press a button and daddys led away in handcuffs .

Of course instances of male on female violence are by far the majority , but theres good evidence that female on male violence is both under reported and difficult for the police to prosecute .

Its just a suggestion but maybe the guys who want to appear on social media like knights in shining armour defending womens honour should at very least counterbalance an instance of bias against women with another of bias against men , be sure to wear a hard hat though to protect from incoming fire from militant feminism  :D
If you pick your position before you start to look at the data, you'll find plenty of instances of where the system works against men; even favours women you might say.

If you stop looking after you've found a few harrowing examples of how unjustly men can be treated when it comes to custody of children, to use an emotive example, you might reach the conclusion that women haven't got it so bad after all; that perhaps it's men who're the real victims. It's all just stacked up against men by the 'plague' of people demanding equality for females, the PC brigade and RADICAL LEFT WING FEMINISTS and so on.

However, if you take the time to continue your research, rather than stopping when you've read something which confirms your veiw that it's all just a big con, what you might end up discovering is that 'the system' - which does occasionally tip against male rights - is *grossly unbalanced in almost every other area* against females.

The inequity which men face is completely outbalanced by the inequity which women face. Does inequity exist for men? Of course it does. Does the fact that it exists mean that women's right don't matter? That somehow the whole thing is a con, subtly giving women the upper hand whilst subjugating men's rights? Well if any version of that rings true for you, I think it's time to do a bit more reading.

I used to be a moderator on GS, and met Meg on a few occasions.

Her role was very much like Ethans here, and I got the impression, she was always on call, and saved the site from hacks, shutdowns, growing pains etc on more than just a few occasions.

She deserves at least half of what the site is worth, imo.


user 37518 said:
Teach me, tell me what MacKenzie did that is worth 38billion

Sound like a ridiculous figure, but the answer is "the same thing Jeff Bezos did that is worth 38 billion".


There does seem to be this plague of people shouting about equality for females , I cant deny they have more than their fair share of inequities foisted upon them by society but try flagging some blatant inequities that men have to put up with and the PC brigade will shoot you down in flames .

A woman charged and found guilty of a crime is 6 times less likely to serve prison time than a man convicted of the same crime .

99 times out of 100 a woman gets custody of the children after a break up/divorce , even though the male partner may have visitation rights enshrined in law , the court almost never admonishes women who choose to not allow fathers their rights .

As a father , you dont contribute to your kids financially , the woman only has to press a button and daddys led away in handcuffs .

Of course instances of male on female violence are by far the majority , but theres good evidence that female on male violence is both under reported and difficult for the police to prosecute .

Its just a suggestion but maybe the guys who want to appear on social media like knights in shining armour defending womens honour should at very least counterbalance an instance of bias against women with another of bias against men , be sure to wear a hard hat though to protect from incoming fire from militant feminism :D
Man, you are going into a dangerous road pointing that out, I can tell you that, trust me, a good way to know is when rob_gould chimes in and replies.

Tubetec, your scent has been detected, more of them will follow.... time to put your flame suit on, I'll do the same.

However, if you take the time to continue your research, rather than stopping when you've read something which confirms your veiw that it's all just a big con, what you might end up discovering is that 'the system' - which does occasionally tip against male rights - is *grossly unbalanced in almost every other area* against females.

Ohhh I see what you did there.... you restrained from using the term 'the patriarchy' by instead saying 'the system', well played, bravo sir, bravo 👏👏👏👏
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Ohhh I see what you did there.... you restrained from using the term 'the patriarchy' by instead saying 'the system', well played, bravo sir, bravo 👏👏👏👏
Is this leading anywhere? Is this discussion going to generate understanding? No. I see all parties being entrenched in their positions as if they had a sin to exorcise...:confused:
Ever hear the saying 'a rising tide floats all boats' well thats how I think it should be when were trying to deal with inequality, not a lob sided reactionary knee jerk as is all too often what we see with social media driven 'group think'.
Should we , like has happened to some extent within the EU , shelve the democratic process itself to try and address the male/female imbalance ?
It maybe a mistake to get hung up purely on disparities between the sexes in this discussion as theres plenty of imbalance out there that has nothing to do with your dangley bits .
Rob's quite entitled to express his opinion , Ive no problem with that , we might agree or disagree , as long as the tone is kept civil its all going in the right direction.
As I said before if your not ruffling at least a few feathers your probably saying little of consequence at the end of the day .