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I used to be a moderator on GS, and met Meg on a few occasions.

Her role was very much like Ethans here, and I got the impression, she was always on call, and saved the site from hacks, shutdowns, growing pains etc on more than just a few occasions.

She deserves at least half of what the site is worth, imo.


Thanks, Gustav, for a first-person insight. And also for not turning this into the nth little boys pissing contest showing their frustations.

Well, you know who you are, boys!
.... little boys pissing contest showing their frustations.
Weren't you doing the same thing in your other posts? In fact, aren't you doing exactly that with that comment? I'll accept I am one of those 'boys' if you accept that you are one aswell :)
The only three problems I see with this heartwarming story is that the ex?-punk-lady didn't disclose the amount of money she got (so I have to assume that it was a lot), that she didn't write only one line of important CONTENT needed for success (this was done by the USERS, for FREE) and that ex?-punk-lady needed more than ten years to come forward with her story.... this causes all my alarm-bells ring.
The hours of her (only subjective) personal counting.... but let's see:
She claims 80 hours/week, 52 weeks a year and this for 5 years.

That means 80 x 52 x 5 20.800 hours, lets assume € 10,-- for every hour, this would be a sum of € 208.000,--.... below minimum wage, but not really bad, but after ten years everything can be gone....

On her website (last part) she clearly writes she didn't sign a non disclosure agreement.
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The only three problems I see with this heartwarming story is that the ex?-punk-lady didn't disclose the amount of money she got (so I have to assume that it was a lot), that she didn't write only one line of important CONTENT needed for success (this was done by the USERS, for FREE) and that ex?-punk-lady needed more than ten years to come forward with her story.... this causes all my alarm-bells ring.

It wasn't a lot. That's what resulted in the "less than minimum wage" comment. Also, it's NDA by the court.

Also, coders usually don't provide content.
There does seem to be this plague of people shouting about equality for females , I cant deny they have more than their fair share of inequities foisted upon them by society but try flagging some blatant inequities that men have to put up with and the PC brigade will shoot you down in flames .
It is perfectly fine to point out things on both sides. You might enjoy Bill Burr, he has some rather hilarious bits about some of the issues that men face. E'ven in a serious context reasonable people should examine the data on all sides. Jordan Peterson gets a lot of flak for things like his stance on gender pay inequality, but has actually done a lot to help narrow that gap.

The issue becomes when serious wrongs are not acknowledged. It is a tactic to deflect attention from one thing by pointing out another (often misleading) thing. It is a way to get around having to actually correct the wrongs. A non-gender example would be claiming All Lives Matter in response to Black Lives Matter. The people responding are often not being genuine in their motives.
and that ex?-punk-lady needed more than ten years to come forward with her story.... this causes all my alarm-bells ring.
O.k. what if I told you the needed money or time to mount a legal defense. it is common. I know a pro audio dealer who started making and distributing speakers with the name of a famous, well known studio designer and speaker maker. The only problem is the known person has nothing to do with the audio dealer. while this has been going on for some time, only recently was a court case filed to stop such thievery. it takes a lot of money to mount a legal court caase and defense or prosecution depending on which side your on.
What does this change on the fact that the case was SETTLED (including the money transferred from the accepted settlement) and closed (forever, no reopening today) more than ten years ago, and now - ten years after - all this fuzz ?
I tell you something: my experience is that, yes, there exist real victims, but real victims normally want to forget the pain as fast as possible, therefore keep quiet and look to move on in their - sometimes very successful - lives. Those who PRESENT themself as poor victims TEN YEARS LATER normally are no real victims, they have other intentions - this is my personal experience.

These words of "Meg" should make you think twice:

Wow, still so much hate ten years after taking the settlement money... and then this:
Standen wanted to settle and offered me an amount.

But I refused. I didn't come this far to settle for something which Standen should've offered me on the 22 of February 2007....But I was fed up with being bullied and wanted to hear the outcome. ....The good news is I refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement at the cost of a larger settlement.

Sometimes it is never enough.....

I can't see any LEGAL reason (please educate me) why the money received has to be kept a secret - but one thing doesn't have to be a secret:

How much of the money received is still there ?

My bet is: nothing

And the cow is still around with an udder full of tasty milk...
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I can't see any LEGAL reason (please educate me) why the money received has to be kept a secret - but one thing doesn't have to be a secret:

How much of the money received is still there ?

My bet is: nothing

And the cow is still around with an udder full of tasty milk...

I don't know anything about UK law. Just that it's very different from our law, that goes back to things Napoleon did.

For instance: In Meg's case, the lawyers worked for a percentage of the amount that the judge would rule. If they lost the case, that would be nothing.
That's completely illegal here. For good reasons. Not so in the UK.

What is clear, however, is that Meg publishes what she's allowed. As she mentions multiple times. I suppose she got some advice?

Also, it's not important if she waited ten years. Doesn't change one bit and I see no reason to start imagining reasons, only supported by "in my experience". Your experience might just be coincidentally wrong.

I've done a bit of research before publishing this. That includes dropping a mail to a couple of people in the UK who could be able to shine some light on the matter. None of them could find anything factually wrong with Meg's statements.

My vast experience with coders is that things like this happen a lot.
I've gone back and forth on GS for years.
There is some good info on there. Often a general web search will only return relevant results on GS. With much the rest being click bait or just chud.
But the general atmosphere is a bit too locker room for me.
Happy they changed the childish and offensive name, but knowing this background I'll not be patronizing GS.
Sure it costs me nothing, but I won't be helping them harvest ad revenue.

I've had several very similar experiences.
You start a project with a friend on verbal agreement. Often these types of things are so small it seems ridiculous to even consider a contract.

Then stuff starts happening fast and next thing you know someone has assigned all the rights to themselves and soon after are talking to well heeled people you both would have ridiculed for being in your part of town only a few weeks ago.
I well know the feeling of trying to control your emotions and do the rational, legally hygienic thing while your ape brain is telling you to burn them to the ground and salt the earth while you still have the ability to do so.

I'm a guy, and have never had any such projects with my current or former romantic partners. So I cannot imagine how that impacts Meg Lee Chin's psyche. Because just being betrayed by mere friend/business partner hurts quite as much as I can stand.
Hello GDIY

My wife has just informed Jules of our thoughts. My wife is fluent in Cockney meaning its always exciting when she shreds someone. I have no idea what was said but it sure sounded amazing!

We are officially, 100% invested into GDIY.

Thanks again for sharing. This is why we love GDIY. Direct honesty.

Be Well

Wall & Family
Just because there was a settlement, it doesn't mean it was enough, or that she was compensated for all the extra stuff she had to put up with Legal settlements can go a LOT of different ways.

If there was an implied partnership agreement she might have missed out on a rather large sum of money.
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Hello GDIY

My wife has just informed Jules of our thoughts. My wife is fluent in Cockney meaning its always exciting when she shreds someone. I have no idea what was said but it sure sounded amazing!

We are officially, 100% invested into GDIY.

Thanks again for sharing. This is why we love GDIY. Direct honesty.

Be Well

Wall & Family

Do keep us posted please!
Do not know the practical merits of this particular case.. I can certainly attest though that women in the industry are still treated as second class too often.. It is mental to me how some men still get away with the harassment and stalking.. Online harassment and online stalking are the same as in person even trolling themed comments.. I hope to see change for the better in the industry..
Do not know the practical merits of this particular case.. I can certainly attest though that women in the industry are still treated as second class too often.. It is mental to me how some men still get away with the harassment and stalking.. Online harassment and online stalking are the same as in person even trolling themed comments.. I hope to see change for the better in the industry..