The return of the 32c

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Interesting that there is A/D/A in the console and the whole thing connects to a DAW with an ethernet cable.

Was Harrison bought by the same company as SSL?

The video mentions 5532/34 opamps.
Interesting that there is A/D/A in the console and the whole thing connects to a DAW with an ethernet cable.

Was Harrison bought by the same company as SSL?

The video mentions 5532/34 opamps.
Yes, it is like that.
The a/d/a in the desk is interesting. I wonder what the latency is? I have not seen specs but they did mention dante virtual sound card in the video. Dvs does 64 I/o at 48k with a minimum latency of 4ms. Dvs can up to 96k and do 32 I/O still minimum latency of 4ms.
The fact it’s got dante leaves possibilities open but to get any better on the computer side would need a dante pcie card.
4ms is enough to throw off any musicians,