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I don’t. You can’t put that on everyone, any time they have a fair point. No one prevented Alex Jones from exercising his free speech. Ever. He’s used it quite well and has now suffered the civil consequences of his continued, out of thin air BS. Again, NOT a free speech issue!
I'm not talking about Alex Jones at all. Ricardus built that strawman in his response. You said "It is not a free speech thing to yell fire in a crowd without a fire!" which is patently ridiculous. Own it.

You can't be a fence-sitter your entire life. "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice." -N. Peart
Dang! Every day this thread becomes more and like Elon Musk’s Twitter! Add in a prodigious helping of racial epithets and a generous sprinkling of conspiracy-laden antisemitism and we’ll just about be there! I for one cannot wait!!!!
Simply not true.
In fact, the opposing attorneys have said "take him off the air."
So. Is he still on air?
If his speech comes with billion dollar judgments how is it "free?"

Explain your liberal logic.
My logic is not necessarily liberal or conservative. Regardless, I’m not seeing the logic in the question. So far it seems pretty strange. Feel free to expand.
I'm not talking about Alex Jones at all. Ricardus built that strawman in his response. You said "It is not a free speech thing to yell fire in a crowd without a fire!" which is patently ridiculous. Own it.

You can't be a fence-sitter your entire life. "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice." -N. Peart
But I WAS talking about Alex Jones and you replied to me when I did. My whole point with him when I said that is: He cannot saying anything he wants without consequences because of “free speech”. His civil prosecution is an example of that.

By the way, feel free to call your local police station with a threat to quickly find out that that speech is also NOT a free speech issue.
But I WAS talking about Alex Jones and you replied to me when I did. My whole point with him when I said that is: He cannot saying anything he wants without consequences because of “free speech”. His civil prosecution is an example of that.
Your logic is broken. I never said anything about there being no consequences. And just because you insist on talking about Mr. Jones does not mean my response was specifically about him.

By the way, feel free to call your local police station with a threat to quickly find out that that speech is also NOT a free speech issue.
Threats have been discussed multiple times in this thread. Feel free to continue beating that dead horse.
Your logic is broken. I never said anything about there being no consequences. And just because you insist on talking about Mr. Jones does not mean my response was specifically about him.
What are you talking about? Look from #337-on. Our recent exchanges about free speech started from your reply to me commenting on the whole Alex Jones saga is NOT a free speech issue. Stop trying to make things look different from how they truly unfolded. It’s all right here.
What are you talking about? Look from #337-on. Our recent exchanges about free speech started from your reply to me commenting on the whole Alex Jones saga is NOT a free speech issue. Stop trying to make things look different from how they truly unfolded. It’s all right here.
I no longer follow what you're trying to say. I could care less if it's Alex Jones or anyone else. They should be allowed to speak on equal terms. That's how we shine a light on bad ideas--by discussing and arguing in the crucible open, publuc discourse.

Maybe I misunderstood, but you seem to be saying Alex Jones is different somehow ("NOT free speech"). Why? What other cases do you think need to be carved out of the free speech umbrella and why?
I am encouraged by all the interest people have taken into concepts like "free speech", while there still seems to be some disagreement about what it actually means. I won't bore you with what I think it means, but keep investigating.

The stance of the supposed free speech absolutists seems to be to let everybody say whatever stupid, baseless sh!t they want to, and somehow the truth will prevail. Vladimir Putin would beg to differ.
One of Putin’s tried and true propaganda tactics is to “flood the zone” with competing interpretations of an event—from the ludicrous to the plausble to the true. And Putin’s audience, ordinary Russians, thow uptheir hands and quit looking fo the truth, because who can know, right? This has worked extremely well at quashing the truth in Russia, and has done nothing to bring it to the fore.

Persistent fools who spread disinformation unchecked, the useful idiots in this machine, also do an excellent job of destroying inquisitve discourse. We see that right here on this forum.

All of which is to say that free speech absolutism is at best an unattainable pipe dream, and at worst disingenuous, self-serving bullsh!t. Much like the rest of Libertarian” philosophy.
The stance of the supposed free speech absolutists seems to be to let everybody say whatever stupid, baseless sh!t they want to, and somehow the truth will prevail.
What allegedly better alternative do you propose that has not already failed in much worse ways?

Vladimir Putin would beg to differ.
One of Putin’s tried and true propaganda tactics is to “flood the zone” with competing interpretations of an event—from the ludicrous to the plausble to the true. And Putin’s audience, ordinary Russians, thow uptheir hands and quit looking fo the truth, because who can know, right? This has worked extremely well at quashing the truth in Russia, and has done nothing to bring it to the fore.
Oh, please. Conflating an autocratic authoritarian regime with control over the press to a free society with freedom of speech and the press is patently ludicrous.

Persistent fools who spread disinformation unchecked, the useful idiots in this machine, also do an excellent job of destroying inquisitve discourse. We see that right here on this forum.
Opinions vary on the identities of said fools and what constitutes "disinformation." Inquisitive discourse includes dissent and disagreement. You can't have progress without it.

All of which is to say that free speech absolutism is at best an unattainable pipe dream, and at worst disingenuous, self-serving bullsh!t. Much like the rest of Libertarian” philosophy.
Nothing human is perfect. What alternative scheme do you imagine being better? Secret committee meetings to label disinformation? How do you think such things have worked out in human history? Whether you can admit it or not, the Liberties you have enjoyed here in the USA have benefited you and everyone else far more than they have caused harm. No better system has been found that does not have worse consequences.
What allegedly better alternative do you propose that has not already failed in much worse ways?
I'll take what we have now (or what Twitter was pre-Musk) over your ideas.
Oh, please. Conflating an autocratic authoritarian regime with control over the press to a free society with freedom of speech and the press is patently ludicrous.
And why not? How is the nonsense spouted by Trump, or the imperious and erratic behavior of Musk, such a great improvement over Putin? And on a smaller scale we've seen right here the havoc that can be wreaked by bombastic, nonsense-spewing fanatics. Meaningful discourse gets derailed by petty minutiae, as well as the persistent need to debunk the fairy tales being told by the perpetrators. The American right has made a pronounced move toward fascism and white supremacy--sometimes very openly. I see no reason not to equate DeSantis's "where woke comes to die" with Putin's anti-LGBTQ policies--the main difference is that the American right is just starting to get serious about fascism.
Nothing human is perfect. What alternative scheme do you imagine being better?
So very, very many schemes. There is no doubt in my mind that a so-called "libertarian" state is a recipe for oppression and extreme wealth inequality. All the supposed ideals of the philosophy get trampled under human greed and hypocrisy. I'd take any European social democracy over anything "libertarian." Canada would be fine too.
Not to change the subject back to on topic but is anybody still following all the twitter file dumps? I think they up to 9 or 10 by now.

The latest twitter files suggests that the government worked with twitter to control the public Covid conversation.

Hmmm. :unsure: Ignore the bright shiny distractions...

Ignore the bright shiny distractions...
You mean ignore the Twitter dumps? Probably an excellent idea.

EDIT: So was the Covid stuff Trump-era or Biden-era? Because I can definitely see Trump harassing Twitter: "DON'T LET PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF ME FOR SAYING THEY SHOULD SHOOT UP BLEACH! IT WORKS!!!! I KNOW BECAUSE I AM A VERY STABLE SCIENTIFIC GENIUS!!"
I'll take what we have now (or what Twitter was pre-Musk) over your ideas.
So you're all-in on centralized authoritarianism. Thanks for confirming that you don't buy in to the individual liberty/personal accountability dual that our nation was founded upon.

And why not?
If you don't get it after the past few years you never will.

How is the nonsense spouted by Trump, or the imperious and erratic behavior of Musk, such a great improvement over Putin?
Really? You're going to equate an actual authoritarian regime with one built on checks and balances? Or close (and secret) cooperation of government and industry to control speech (a.k.a. actual Fascism) with a guy who reveals it to all of us?

And on a smaller scale we've seen right here the havoc that can be wreaked by bombastic, nonsense-spewing fanatics.
Don't like it? Don't read it.

Meaningful discourse gets derailed by petty minutiae, as well as the persistent need to debunk the fairy tales being told by the perpetrators.
Most "debunking" is just repeating a differently bad view of reality manufactured by another group with a different and bad agenda.

The American right has made a pronounced move toward fascism and white supremacy--sometimes very openly.
Pure fantasy. Who wants government to control the Constitutionally protected speech and actions of others (often with the help of private industry)? Who wanted to take rights from people who refused to comply with vaccine mandates?

I see no reason not to equate DeSantis's "where woke comes to die" with Putin's anti-LGBTQ policies--the main difference is that the American right is just starting to get serious about fascism.

Serious about countering it.

So very, very many schemes. There is no doubt in my mind that a so-called "libertarian" state is a recipe for oppression and extreme wealth inequality.
We don't have a libertarian state. Far from it.

All the supposed ideals of the philosophy get trampled under human greed and hypocrisy. I'd take any European social democracy over anything "libertarian." Canada would be fine too.
I'll buy your ticket.
You mean ignore the Twitter dumps? Probably an excellent idea.
I know the cognitive dissonance hurts, but if you'd pay attention you might experience a revelation.

EDIT: So was the Covid stuff Trump-era or Biden-era? Because I can definitely see Trump harassing Twitter: "DON'T LET PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF ME FOR SAYING THEY SHOULD SHOOT UP BLEACH! IT WORKS!!!! I KNOW BECAUSE I AM A VERY STABLE SCIENTIFIC GENIUS!!"
TDS is real.
I have not seen much of any “dumps” through mainstream media (left or right)… I know, they’re part of the big bad conspiracy theory…

I will note, however, how interesting it is what people are and are not willing to follow. Jan. 6 was just families having picnics in the park and congressional investigation is nothing more than a political witch hunt. I can’t be bothered to watch the hearings. It’s all lies anyway. However, Elon Musk is most certainly always putting out the truth. We can trust everything he’s involved with. We wait with bated breath for every dump.