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If that's the argument, it seems to be where the problem lies. Once the government starts influencing moderation, does a private entity become a 'state actor'? Cant have it both ways.
Agreed. Still, all we have is Elon’s “Dumps”, whatever that means. We can “interpret” those however we want here in public, and we do with endless radio, tv, and internet talking-heads taking the lead for us to regurgitate online and to our friends, but unless it becomes “truth” in the eyes of the law through the court system, it is still nothing more than hearsay. It’s legally not a state actor until you prove it is in a court of law.
Well, it's "stock in trade," but I wouldn't expect things like spelling to be your stock in trade. I don't believe either your or fallout understands what I wrote at all. But one can't expect comprehension from folks who live in a constant state of excitable delusion.
Subject-verb agreement isn't your grammatical forte, but I forgive your minor error as well as the typo. Maybe you could make actual arguments supporting your belief that the authoritarian control of speech is helpful instead of nit-picking.
No, I see government abusing its power and colluding with several large corporations to control information. If they happened to thread some legal needle (doubtful) it still goes against the principles we once valued as a nation. You could say it is not that different from rich people hiring accountants to find legal ways to avoid taxation. It seems to me several of you had your panties in a twist about that.
Again, until it’s proven in the court of law, it’s nothing more than a political talking-point, regardless of how much we convince ourselves that we know we’re right.
Again, until it’s proven in the court of law, it’s nothing more than a political talking-point, regardless of how much we convince ourselves that we know we’re right.
So? Does that mean that you can prevent us from discussing it? More information is released regularly. Did the big news organizations and their acolytes wait for "the court of law" before spinning their stories about, oh, the Covington HS students? Kyle Rittenhouse? Michael Avenatti? The Steele dossier? You really don't get it.
Who’s preventing us from discussing? Here we are, doing just that.
GroupDIY is not the public square.

When social media alternately amplifies stories that they like and suppresses stories they don't like, the public discussion is being manipulated.

When government influences social media to promote or damp messages based on ideology the first amendment is being compromised.

When government influences social media to promote or damp messages based on ideology the first amendment is being compromised.

That's just, like, your opinion, man.
Point me to some laws, some court decisions. Heck, show me how the Twitter situation has been thoroughly investigated in a fair and even-handed manner. ....Oh, wait? It hasn't been? And Musk, a man with an obvious agenda, has been controlling the flow of information on this matter? Well, then. I guess we must all bow down to the great and glorious Musk, right? Because he's rich, and right wing blowhards love him. Yeah, that's it!!!
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
Yours is polluted by your preference for Orwellian control of speech and the press. You're on the wrong side of history and the future.

Point me to some laws, some court decisions. Heck, show me how the Twitter situation has been thoroughly investigated in a fair and even-handed manner. ....Oh, wait? It hasn't been?
I'm sure we can trust the administration who benefited from the arrangement and strengthened it to honestly pursue the "truth."

And Musk, a man with an obvious agenda, has been controlling the flow of information on this matter? Well, then. I guess we must all bow down to the great and glorious Musk, right? Because he's rich, and right wing blowhards love him. Yeah, that's it!!!
Until he came out in support of free speech he was the darling of the neo-leftist climate authoritarians. I still don't trust him completely, but he seems to be doing what he said he would do w.r.t. Twitter and its rotten core. I enjoy watching the squirmers as he continues to be data-driven and much more open than Vijaya and Jacksputin ever were. As for "controlling the flow of information" he did flush that crappy clog, Baker, from the system. Good riddance.
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
like yeah that's my personal judgement. ;)
Point me to some laws,
I point you to the constitution and bill of rights. That's law. :cool:
some court decisions.
A bit early for that. I expect rigorous hearings investigating this stuff and more, when the next congress is seated Jan 3(?). We don't need new laws, just enforce the existing ones (may be harder to do than it should be.)
Heck, show me how the Twitter situation has been thoroughly investigated in a fair and even-handed manner. ....Oh, wait? It hasn't been? And Musk, a man with an obvious agenda, has been controlling the flow of information on this matter? Well, then. I guess we must all bow down to the great and glorious Musk, right? Because he's rich, and right wing blowhards love him. Yeah, that's it!!!
Your arguments sound a bit hyperbolic, you should tweet Elon.

GroupDIY is not the public square.
Is that to say Twitter is? What is the difference between GroupDIY and Twitter, business-wise, legally?
When social media alternately amplifies stories that they like and suppresses stories they don't like, the public discussion is being manipulated.
Maybe so, according to your opinion, based on Elon’s “Dumps”, that is all it is so far. And is it illegal? Are there are court cases yet?
When government influences social media to promote or damp messages based on ideology the first amendment is being compromised.
We patiently wait for the courts to make that determination. None so far, as far as I know.
Were the "files" released in their entirety, and available in original form, without Taibbi's and Weiss's (et. al) analysis layered on top, so we can see the full context?
Were the "files" released in their entirety, and available in original form, without Taibbi's and Weiss's (et. al) analysis layered on top, so we can see the full context?

Before Elon fired Jim Baker as Twitter's deputy general counsel, Baker who was formerly FBI lead counsel was reportedly in the loop vetting the Twitter files before they were released. I would be surprised if he didn't deep six some embarrassing stuff. We may never learn everything, but what we are seeing despite Baker's clean up effort*** is quite damning.


*** I am ASSuming that Baker took advantage of his position as a gate keeper to manipulate the releases. I might be wrong, but I don't think so. :cool:
Were the "files" released in their entirety, and available in original form, without Taibbi's and Weiss's (et. al) analysis layered on top, so we can see the full context?
Was any information made available before Musk bought Twitter? Did Jack and Vijaya perjure themselves in Congressional hearings?
The repubs I’m sure will create some political theater with control of the house just like the Dems have done for the last 2 years. And the theater will have new daily productions with change of seasons. I’m sounding a bit jaded. But kind of loving it.
I am ASSuming that Baker took advantage of his position as a gate keeper to manipulate the releases. I might be wrong, but I don't think so.
And that lack of knowledge certainly won't stop you from spouting off here!!! Thanks for your kind assistance in bringing down the level of discourse just a little bit more--no contribution is too small!!

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