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the circle jerk
Not a term I have much use for, but the real circle jerk is on the right--the breathless accounts of.....what, exactly? What's the big news here? Only unreliable right wing sources seem obsessed with Musk's Steaming Dumps. working one another into a lather over???????? It's like Pizzagate, or the Durham investigation, or the stolen DNC emails, or (insert Right Wing Outrage here)--there's just not much there beyond the froth spewing from the mouths of rabid conservatives.

Oh, and speaking of jerks and circles, our own little right wing mutual appreciation society certainly hasn't escaped my notice. You guys get awfully busy with your little thumbs!! (y)
Not a term I have much use for, but the real circle jerk is on the right--the breathless accounts of.....what, exactly? What's the big news here? Only unreliable right wing sources seem obsessed with Musk's Steaming Dumps. working one another into a lather over???????? It's like Pizzagate, or the Durham investigation, or the stolen DNC emails, or (insert Right Wing Outrage here)--there's just not much there beyond the froth spewing from the mouths of rabid conservatives.

Oh, and speaking of jerks and circles, our own little right wing mutual appreciation society certainly hasn't escaped my notice. You guys get awfully busy with your little thumbs!! (y)


Anyway.. Was anything refuted?

Deep breath dude..


I gave you a thumb too..

I'm glad you like state controlled media..
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You sound angrier than usual... hows it going?
Not mad--maybe darkly amused. I watch the right wing hoi polloi fall into the same old trap every time--some Big Scandal that is going to shake the libtards to their core, and then....nothing. Of course, that notion that there was something BIG there that somehow didn't get uncovered never goes away--I'm sure there are many folks who still believe the Swiftboat BS about John Kerry, even though it was debunked decades ago.

A guy who works with a group that tries to debunk lies about election fraud said this: "It's a lot easier to lie to people than it is to convince them they've been lied to." I often see that right here--folks who cling to whatever tiny shred is left of some lie they've bought into--often something they really want to believe. I suspect very few of us have never struggled to acknowledge that something we believed was complete crap, but it must be especially hard for conservatives these days as they are constantly bombarded with lies, distortions, and conspiracy theories--it must be tough to wade through the garbage that comes from all these supposedly "trusted" sources to find one's way.

It must be sad hopping from Benghazi to Hillary's emails to Pizzagate to Election Fraud to Durham Investigation to Twitter Dump to...well, whatever comes next. So much promise, and so little payoff. And yet, I guess as long as there's some shiny new conspiracy theory glimmering on the horizon, hope will never die.
Anyway.. Was anything refuted?
Some stuff explained in more detail or a different take maybe...And whatever this is....explained away?

"Despite, Musk's assertions, Twitter's actions were not in violation of the First Amendment because "Twitter is not a state actor and the First Amendment applies only to state actors," Doron Kalir, a professor at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, previously told Insider.

He explained that the First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press," and because Twitter is not considered the government, and is instead an independent company, it does not fall under the First Amendment."
Not mad--maybe darkly amused. I watch the right wing hoi polloi fall into the same old trap every time--some Big Scandal that is going to shake the libtards to their core, and then....nothing. Of course, that notion that there was something BIG there that somehow didn't get uncovered never goes away--I'm sure there are many folks who still believe the Swiftboat BS about John Kerry, even though it was debunked decades ago.

A guy who works with a group that tries to debunk lies about election fraud said this: "It's a lot easier to lie to people than it is to convince them they've been lied to." I often see that right here--folks who cling to whatever tiny shred is left of some lie they've bought into--often something they really want to believe. I suspect very few of us have never struggled to acknowledge that something we believed was complete crap, but it must be especially hard for conservatives these days as they are constantly bombarded with lies, distortions, and conspiracy theories--it must be tough to wade through the garbage that comes from all these supposedly "trusted" sources to find one's way.

It must be sad hopping from Benghazi to Hillary's emails to Pizzagate to Election Fraud to Durham Investigation to Twitter Dump to...well, whatever comes next. So much promise, and so little payoff. And yet, I guess as long as there's some shiny new conspiracy theory glimmering on the horizon, hope will never die.
You're assuming way too much. I thought the discussion was about twitter. Who said anything about election fraud?
Some stuff explained in more detail or a different take maybe...And whatever this is....explained away?

"Despite, Musk's assertions, Twitter's actions were not in violation of the First Amendment because "Twitter is not a state actor and the First Amendment applies only to state actors," Doron Kalir, a professor at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, previously told Insider.

He explained that the First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press," and because Twitter is not considered the government, and is instead an independent company, it does not fall under the First Amendment."

"Twitter is not a state actor and the First Amendment applies only to state actors."
If that's the argument, it seems to be where the problem lies. Once the government starts influencing moderation, does a private entity become a 'state actor'? Cant have it both ways.
Some stuff explained in more detail or a different take maybe...And whatever this is....explained away?

"Despite, Musk's assertions, Twitter's actions were not in violation of the First Amendment because "Twitter is not a state actor and the First Amendment applies only to state actors," Doron Kalir, a professor at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, previously told Insider.
The first amendment violation applies to the government directly influencing twitter moderation.

He explained that the First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press," and because Twitter is not considered the government, and is instead an independent company, it does not fall under the First Amendment."
You're assuming way too much. I thought the discussion was about twitter. Who said anything about election fraud?
Overgeneralization is his stock and trade when he's losing the argument. Of course since he's admitted that he puts no value on the First Amendment, he's also upset that people he doesn't like still get to speak truth to authoritarian power. One wonders if he sees value in anything in the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, or the rest.
Overgeneralization is his stock and trade when he's losing the argument.
Well, it's "stock in trade," but I wouldn't expect things like spelling to be your stock in trade. I don't believe either your or fallout understands what I wrote at all. But one can't expect comprehension from folks who live in a constant state of excitable delusion.
Well, it's "stock in trade," but I wouldn't expect things like spelling to be your stock in trade. I don't believe either your or fallout understands what I wrote at all. But one can't expect comprehension from folks who live in a constant state of excitable delusion.
You should actually read what the 'twitter files' are all about instead spewing your incessant nonsense.

..and John, please don't close the thread. I'm not offended, although I can't speak for anyone else.
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I just take out the garbage here so please do not be the garbage.

To not be the garbage, avoid personal invective like calling each other stupid, and or deluded (even if the shoe fits from each other's perspective). Subjective bias is altering the perception from both sides of any argument.

This endless political scrum is relatively harmless, but wastes personal energy that could be utilized to do something productive. I hope you guys are working on your new years resolutions. I have some suggestions. :unsure:

Some stuff explained in more detail or a different take maybe...And whatever this is....explained away?

"Despite, Musk's assertions, Twitter's actions were not in violation of the First Amendment because "Twitter is not a state actor and the First Amendment applies only to state actors," Doron Kalir, a professor at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, previously told Insider.

He explained that the First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press," and because Twitter is not considered the government, and is instead an independent company, it does not fall under the First Amendment."
I certainly ain’t no lawyer, but my whole line of thought was just that, stated not nearly as simple and elegant. AnalalogPackrat believes I’m wrong because he’s confident Twitter is a monopolized public square. I’m so convinced it is. It would be interesting to hear what a few lawyers would have to say about that. Of course, lawyers can and do easily argue any side for the right price.
This is what comes next The DHS is all in on disinformation. Elections, Covid, and even Ukraine disinformation. Another 60 billion for Ukrainian weapons. Wow I’ll bet Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are looking at the profit from their defense stocks. This is an incredible overreach of DHS’s original mission.
Who could have possibly predicted that a massive concentration of power and authority in one government agency some 20 years ago could turn out so badly? Shock. Surprise.
I certainly ain’t no lawyer, but my whole line of thought was just that, stated not nearly as simple and elegant. AnalalogPackrat believes I’m wrong because he’s confident Twitter is a monopolized public square. I’m so convinced it is. It would be interesting to hear what a few lawyers would have to say about that. Of course, lawyers can and do easily argue any side for the right price.
No, I see government abusing its power and colluding with several large corporations to control information. If they happened to thread some legal needle (doubtful) it still goes against the principles we once valued as a nation. You could say it is not that different from rich people hiring accountants to find legal ways to avoid taxation. It seems to me several of you had your panties in a twist about that.