zayance said:
Wow, great Job, man at last you have this thing coming to an end, you must feel relieved no?
HaHa! There's still a lot of work to be done before the end!
Up to this point, most of the time has been spent waiting.
Now the real work begins.
There are a number of things that need to be improved on the sample before production can begin.
Here's a rundown of my findings while evaluating this sample:
-outermost mesh is correct in size (mesh size and wire diameter).
-middle mesh (fine mesh) is correct in size.
-innermost mesh is incorrect in size (it's 10x10 and should be 12x12—wire diameter is okay though).
-outermost mesh alignment is correct on the main cylinder, but off by 45° on the top.
-main, cylindrical mesh was cut slightly too large.
-vertical headbasket rails are tucked behind the top & bottom rings; this combined with the previous note causes the rails and mesh to bulge a little on the sides.
The solution here is to adjust the mesh WxH so that it fits better. Also, the recesses for the side rails need to be deeper.
-main, cylindrical mesh height/opening is correct (@45mm).
-top mesh height is 1.44mm too tall.
-vertical rails need to be aligned more closely to the side holes (off by ~1mm+).
-I would like to see further polishing on all headbasket parts before nickel plating.
-finish on the body tube is directly off-mill. Tons of little imperfections and coolant staining(?). It doesn't look terrible, but it's definitely not something I would want to sell anybody.
Anyway, this will be easily solved by performing a bead-blast prior to anodizing as specified.
-body tube was made from tube stock with a slightly larger OD and smaller ID. The inside and outside were both turned to match the specs, but the ID is about 0.5mm over-sized.
-side holes on body tube are M3 tapped, where they should be 3.7mm through holes.
-end cap and insert nut threads are littered with a bunch of gunk & filth.
-All parts in general need better deburring & degreasing.
-countersink on end cap side holes needs to be larger; they're ~0.3mm smaller than specified.
-end cap OD is 0.5mm too small.
-inner have no idea what they were thinking when they made these.
They're totally functional, but they're more like an "artist's interpretation" of what is on the shop drawings/SolidWorks models.
Instead of being milled from solid brass/aluminum as specified, they're punched and broken brass with nickel plating!
I am going to suggest that they be made without the crazy side folds that they added (as they're totally unnecessary) and without nickel plating.
-the slots in the inner rails are also 3mm too short.
-capsule mounting plate is made from black ABS and should be clear polycarbonate as specified.
-better deburring/de-flashing is needed on the capsule mounting plate
-better deburring and filth removal is needed on the insert nut
-capsule mount disc is fine (not pictured).
I think that's about it, but I might be leaving something out.
Anyway, lots of little things that need to be fixed, but they should all be easy to accomplish.