U47-style bodies - who can make one?

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hi skylar,
everything looks to be moving along very nicely.  great job and thanks for all your work!
i get tired just looking at all the progress you've made.

BTW, if we were on the first list (the one which was on the webpage) do we need to re-assert our interest in this buy or will you notify us at some point.  i just don't want to miss out when the time comes.

No need to re-assert interest.

I have everyone's email who submitted a survey from the webpage or contacted me in general about the mic body.
I plan to send out email alerts to everyone, post a notice in this thread, create a White Market thread, and add a link in my signature to raise awareness when these bodies are ready to be purchased.
That should do it, I think.

On another note, I will be receiving the sample pictured previously on Wednesday.
I will post some more pictures for everyone to enjoy at that point.
I think that incorrect "brushed chrome" finish looks much better than any of the original "dull gray" u47 images posted here. Wish it was an option in the group buy. I know it's a long shot but wouldn't it be quite simple for the manufacturer to just anodise, and skip the bead-blasting for those who might want it?
hey guys,
have been following this eagerly with no need to comment on the great work being done but will grab 2 of these when opportunity arises and think you might be suprised in the interest come ordertime proper!
zayance said:
Wow, great Job, man at last you have this thing coming to an end, you must feel relieved no?  :D

HaHa! There's still a lot of work to be done before the end!
Up to this point, most of the time has been spent waiting.
Now the real work begins.

There are a number of things that need to be improved on the sample before production can begin.
Here's a rundown of my findings while evaluating this sample:

-outermost mesh is correct in size (mesh size and wire diameter).
-middle mesh (fine mesh) is correct in size.

-innermost mesh is incorrect in size (it's 10x10 and should be 12x12—wire diameter is okay though).
-outermost mesh alignment is correct on the main cylinder, but off by 45° on the top.

-main, cylindrical mesh was cut slightly too large.
-vertical headbasket rails are tucked behind the top & bottom rings; this combined with the previous note causes the rails and mesh to bulge a little on the sides.
The solution here is to adjust the mesh WxH so that it fits better. Also, the recesses for the side rails need to be deeper.

-main, cylindrical mesh height/opening is correct (@45mm).
-top mesh height is 1.44mm too tall.
-vertical rails need to be aligned more closely to the side holes (off by ~1mm+).
-I would like to see further polishing on all headbasket parts before nickel plating.


-finish on the body tube is directly off-mill. Tons of little imperfections and coolant staining(?). It doesn't look terrible, but it's definitely not something I would want to sell anybody.
Anyway, this will be easily solved by performing a bead-blast prior to anodizing as specified.

-body tube was made from tube stock with a slightly larger OD and smaller ID. The inside and outside were both turned to match the specs, but the ID is about 0.5mm over-sized.
-side holes on body tube are M3 tapped, where they should be 3.7mm through holes.


-end cap and insert nut threads are littered with a bunch of gunk & filth.
-All parts in general need better deburring & degreasing.
-countersink on end cap side holes needs to be larger; they're ~0.3mm smaller than specified.
-end cap OD is 0.5mm too small.


-inner rails...wow...I have no idea what they were thinking when they made these.
They're totally functional, but they're more like an "artist's interpretation" of what is on the shop drawings/SolidWorks models.
Instead of being milled from solid brass/aluminum as specified, they're punched and broken brass with nickel plating!
I am going to suggest that they be made without the crazy side folds that they added (as they're totally unnecessary) and without nickel plating.
-the slots in the inner rails are also 3mm too short.


-capsule mounting plate is made from black ABS and should be clear polycarbonate as specified.
-better deburring/de-flashing is needed on the capsule mounting plate


-better deburring and filth removal is needed on the insert nut


-capsule mount disc is fine (not pictured).

I think that's about it, but I might be leaving something out.
Anyway, lots of little things that need to be fixed, but they should all be easy to accomplish.


Here's the cable I made with gepco 2-ch snake and the binder connectors.


And here's my p2p MK7 build in this body.


Wow.  Thanks for the attention to details.  And keeping us updated.  It's amazing the way the Chinese manufacturers cut corners and expect one to swallow their off-mark results.  Yes, all those issues are easily corrected by a willing and attentive maker.  I just hope they are such.  I'm not at all surprised by this specimen, unfortunately.

Thanks for keeping us up to date and I really appreciate the attention to detail.  :)
Well, in all fairness, this sample is not a production line sample.
This was their first "we're going to try to put this thing together and see how close we are" sample.
They were not planning to send me this one until I asked them to.

So, I don't think they were cutting corners and trying to pass this off as what will be mass produced.
The head basket in particular is clearly an experiment in construction and assembly.

I was warned when they shipped it that it's still a work-in-progress.
Right now they're working on refining their CNC programs and assembly techniques.
I should see another sample fairly soon.
Yes of course, big job so far, cool to see pictures and the details anyway, all this thing will work i'm sure, they have to do it well, you will be a good client for them....
Skylar said:
Well, in all fairness, this sample is not a production line sample.
This was their first "we're going to try to put this thing together and see how close we are" sample.
They were not planning to send me this one until I asked them to.

So, I don't think they were cutting corners and trying to pass this off as what will be mass produced.
The head basket in particular is clearly an experiment in construction and assembly.

I was warned when they shipped it that it's still a work-in-progress.
Right now they're working on refining their CNC programs and assembly techniques.
I should see another sample fairly soon.

Well said.

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