U47-style bodies - who can make one?

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Actually, this is the way it works when you're not able to deal directly in person with the individual who is supervising/doing the work.
Long distance technology.
It takes time and a lot of effort to communicate what you want and how you want it done when separated by great distance, be it a letter, email, fax or phone conversation.
You can't be aware of what problems may develop at the distant end.
If any of you are following the Lucas microphone thread on PSW, even when the companies involved are in the same country but separated by distance, unavoidable delays can crop up, ie: machinery failure.
You've already read of his problems trying to get a great looking but economical power supply enclosure built and after all that work, the bid for the product came in higher than he wanted.
That's why, whenever I had/have to work with someone, I would physically go to his/her office and speak with them face to face.
That way, you get immediate aural and visual feedback to your ideas, questions and comments that you can't get in an email or phone call.
Skylar has, to me, amazing patience to even go forward with this project on his own, dealing with someone across the Pacific.
I'm sure with his perseverance and dedication to this project, it will come to fruition with a product exactly as he has designed and envisioned.
But as you can read here, it's been a long hard road.
Too bad there are so few companies in North America which can build a great product economically any more.
So for this project, I say "Bravo, Skylar!"
You're a better and much more patient man than I.
Lucas microphone thread is not like Skylar's.  Look at the prices
Yes and there's the rub.
To get almost anything manufactured for a decent price any more, you have to go to Asia where they can produce high quality goods along with low priced crap.
North American industry, unless it's what we call the cottage variety, such as Oliver Archut's home and factory (with fewer than 6 employees, I think) in the middle of Kansas and Latch Lake where the Lucas bodies and parts are being made by fewer than a dozen people) simply can't compete and even then, the prices are much higher than what can be produced on the other side of the Pacific Rim.
The Lucas products are NOT DIY.
All of the contributors to the Lucas project are experienced manufacturers in their own specialized fields.
Skylar is one person, on a mission, to produce a very high quality product at a reasonable price under what most would call almost impossible conditions.
So kudos definitely are in order here.
Given all the time and effort and money he's devoted to this project, I know it will be successful, despite all the hurdles and delays.
I can't wait to see the finished parts.
BIG improvement on the second sample.

We might be able to move forward with this one.
Pictures to follow...stay tuned.
Well, good news.

We have officially started mass production of the mic body...

...now for the catch:
There are still a couple issues to iron out with the headbasket.
So we're going to do one more sample on the headbasket to get the side rails a little more square.
But all of the other parts are beginning mass production now.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have some work to do...
some quick photos
[I'll try to get some better photos taken with a proper camera in a proper studio.]


I'm working with the engineers to reduce the slight bowing effect on the side rails of the headbasket.
Also, the outer mesh is a 12x12mpi and should be 10x10mpi.
Should be easy fixes.

Some scratches on this part on the inner portion as you can see,
but they won't be seen on an assembled mic, so it shouldn't be a big deal IF the production units have similar scratches.

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