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Back on the topic of Covid... the CDC has just reduced the Covid isolation time from 10 days to 5 days.

The skeptic in me wonders what science they are following(?), but it sure makes a lot of sense from a practical business/economic perspective.

I approve because the 3 weeks to bend the curve has surely expired by now.

I don't want to know cases... we know omicron is very contagious. I am more interested in deaths. I saw a stat today for FL deaths that was crazy low, but can't find it again, all the media spin is about the high infection numbers.

Be very afraid. :eek:



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Just like that, from a winter of death to don't worry you can stay home for 5 days (vax'd or unvax'd) or just come to work and wear a mask if you're boosted! LOL.. Feel cheated yet?
Chances are she’d have mild symptoms shot or no shot. It’s been like that since the original outbreak. My comment wasn’t really about the vaccine but more about the government response in general. It’s obvious that it’s never been about public health. They literally downgraded it to a cold after months of bullshit. My sister in law is livid since she had both of her children get the shot. She’s a total left wing nut job and even she’s had enough.
Chances are she’d have mild symptoms shot or no shot. It’s been like that since the original outbreak. My comment wasn’t really about the vaccine but more about the government response in general
Well part of the response was to get people on board with the vaccines are good at lessening the symptoms of covid so, at least for my friend, that seemed to work.
I guess that’s a bit like one of my peers from work who didn’t get a shot and tested positive over the holiday and had nothing more than a runny nose some mild muscle aches. I guess his immune system seemed to work.
I guess that’s a bit like one of my peers from work who didn’t get a shot and tested positive over the holiday and had nothing more than a runny nose some mild muscle aches. I guess his immune system seemed to work.
Yeah. Last winter ,Nov2020 ish I talked with a bunch of people who were sick in a part of FL where they didn't really wear masks and most of them said they had the flu but they had never been tested so who knows.

My brother in law who's in his 40s, jacked, in Atlanta caught covid during the protests ,he's in SWAT, and he was pretty bad, laid up in the hospital for a week and ended up going back in for a couple of days because of clotting. Most the treatments were pretty mild though. A little oxygen and vitamins, with some prescription blood thinners after the second stay. Not sure how to reconcile some of the stuff going on with too general a theory.
Ya don't say? :rolleyes:

“If you look at the children that are hospitalized, many of them are hospitalized with Covid, as opposed to because of Covid.” -Fauci
Ya don't say?
Well, they do sometimes but it's not in the headlines for whatever reason. ..insert JR's emoji here. I need to get up to snuff on using them ...oh....:eek:

Child hospitalizations are surging in this Chicago hospital. Only one of the young patients was fully vaccinated, doctor says​

"He added that many of the infections the hospital is treating are mild or were incidentally caught during the hospital's screening process in children who were getting admitted for something else"

Child Covid hospitalizations are up, especially in 5 states​

Child hospitalizations have grown at nearly twice the rate of adults in the past 4 weeks, an NBC News data analysis shows
"However, he said, his hospital has seen a lot of kids test positive for Covid without necessarily showing symptoms or getting sick"We test anybody who’s admitted to the hospital for whatever reason to see whether or not they have Covid, and we’re definitely seeing an increase in cases. However, we’re really not seeing an increase in children who are hospitalized for Covid or in the intensive care unit for Covid," Offit said"
The latest headline on the national airwaves here in Ireland today is that the covid epidemic will reduce life expectancy . Lets face facts, we've known for many years the trend to get married later in life, have less children, yet live well into our 80's was sooner or later going to lead to a collapse of the welfare, pension and healthcare systems and in fact in the longer run would result in extinction when the reproduction rate in certain subsections of the population dropped below a threshold level .

Could the economic migration from war torn countries around Europes borders , or in the case of the USA across its southern border all be part of the master plan ? Merkels re-settlement of millions from war torn countries in Germany probably makes good economic sense in the longer game ,but it probably spelled the end of her political career as it wasnt a popular move with many 'echt' Germans .

In the light of the above realities , how can we be sure the mass vaccination of western populations isnt also just part of the master plan to bring back some level of viabillity to western societies . My prediction is , in the longer term this whole thing will go down in the history books as an exercise in social engineering on a grand scale , this will be accompanied by a backlash against the mainstream political parties , whether the ensuing political flip flop will end up with us better or worse off is anyones guess, but with the way political parties via modern social media can home in on and sway the undecided vote it doesnt look very promising does it ?

Not trying to piss on anyones cornflakes with this , just saying it how I see it .
I notice a new shift in covid mask advice.. The "experts" are now sharing that cloth spit masks may not be effective against omicron.... DUH :unsure:. Cloth masks were only something like 11% effective against regular Covid.

My inner skeptic is wondering if this advice shift driven by new science, or new conditions on the ground, namely that far more effective n95 masks are now widely available. For a while mask advice discouraged universal use of N95 masks to preserve supplies for actual health professionals. I recall difficulty buying real n95 masks, now amazon and walmart have them in stock for sale.

I wore my ineffective cloth mask to the post office this morning because I find it hard to breath in my n95.


PS: One doctor on TV said he prefers KN95 for general use because they fit looser, while he uses proper N95 masks while working in his office, but he can't use the n95 for prolonged periods.
PS: One doctor on TV said he prefers KN95 for general use because they fit looser, while he uses proper N95 masks while working in his office, but he can't use the n95 for prolonged periods.
Yeah, real effective. :rolleyes: I just double mask with a cloth mask over a surgical mask. I have a beard anyway, so I imagine a lot of air gets both in and out through it, but the cloth mask presses the surgical mask into the beard, so might help a little. For the 95 masks to be effective they have to be well fit for a tight seal, and I doubt most people do this.

I figure whatever mask one wears helps a little, catching some of the virus and decreasing the viral load if exposed, which may lead to a less serious course of the disease.
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