the new "only" Covid thread

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There are now two active conspiracy theory posters on this board. I predict we'll be past 'stolen election' and well into 'Qanon' territory before xmas.
Possibly before Halloween.

His videos since his latest reinvention of himself contain simple populist ideas which tell his audience exactly what they want to hear. There is hardly any new information; hardly any commentary beyond the obvious; hardly any substance at all to be honest.

He's come an incredibly long way since the early 2000s (when he first appeared in the UK) with little more than a quick tongue and a thesaurus, and this latest development in his persona is making him even wealthier. It's a grift. He's very good at it, but it's a grift nonetheless.

Opinion based on your personal world view.
Back at you. Your opinion with no backing. His popularity might have something to do with failure of modern "journalism" to have any moral or ethical compass whatsoever, nevermind intelligence or curiosity or a concern for accuracy.

I'll be honest, it doesn't feel like we'll uncover anything new by digging into again. But my opinion is that, whether musk is a genius, successful businessman and gifted engineer or not, his motivations for buying a leading social media platform may not be as altruistic as he makes them seem.
We shall see. Again, hard to see how he could make it worse.

It's total bullshit. Let's call it what it is. No one is going to try to drill a hole in my or your head without our permission.
Yet if someone had come here five years ago and predicted half of what we all experienced in 2020 and 2021 would you have reacted the same way? The world has gotten surprisingly odd of late.
his family seems to very very wealthy, from what i heard.

also the paper writes about it. › news › uk › politics › rishi-sunak-wealth-banker-city-b2209406.html

How Rishi Sunak made his wealth | The Independent

He will also be one of the richest politicians to enter No 10 Downing Street. According to the Sunday Times Rich List Mr Sunak and his wife, Akshata Murty, are worth £730 million. Mr Sunak, the ...

the same as with trump, people that have lost any real connection with the surface of the earth and are completely lost in space.
why would such people take a job like this if your income is much much higher than you get payed.
Would you lift your head from the bed if you have a huge wealth like that, what motivates you?
people in social media literally making you black and what not.

what are his motivations if he even can't imagine how a normally families lives.
..speaking of 'stolen elections'.

Hillary sure sounds like a 'conspiracy theorist'. Hillary = QAnon?

Sorry for the veer.

But my opinion is that, whether musk is a genius, successful businessman and gifted engineer or not, his motivations for buying a leading social media platform may not be as altruistic as he makes them seem.
How about all of the above...

There is no shortage of examples of wealthy businesspeople who desire more influence over public opinion. Another notable recent example is Jeff Bezos purchasing the Washington Post. I am not as good of a mind reader as you guys. I am willing to give Elon the benefit of doubt for his defense of free speech, until he demonstrates otherwise.

There is an interesting dynamic between Twitter and the administration, the government wants a say into what content is allowed or amplified. Musk wants to be in the good graces of the government supporting his sundry business efforts. The government is doing a investigation of Musk's twitter purchase on national security grounds. They would be doing him a huge favor if they blocked it. ;)


A Lincoln said:
"In this age, in this country, publicsentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever molds publicsentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions." ― Abraham Lincoln
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Almost on topic I am hearing reports of record influenza hospitalizations this season blamed on lack of mask usage and safe distancing. I suspect over the years flu did not get many headlines.

Richard Rowe wrote:

“Let me be real clear….I do not give a F##K what happens to anti-vaxxers. I don’t. Let Darwin do his work. They helped kill 700,000 Americans. I do not have the pity or tears to spare for any of them. It’s all dried up now. Sorry. At this point. I’m just hoping they feel 1/10th of the pain they’ve caused everyone else. The kids will be fine. THEY’RE going to suffer. And I f##king well think they’ve earned it.”

Looks like the Darwinism he refers to is working.

I prefer a tin-foil hat to a blindfold.
I'm trying to digest this now. Passed it along to a friend who got his PhD in microbiology 30 years ago. No BS detected.

Interesting. The first part linked to was the same as what Indian scientists published two years ago. That report disappeared soon after publication.

The second part, the senate investigation, again is old news. I just skimmed it. Have to read it thoroughly, but couldn't find anything mentioning that the lab breach happened while the Wuhan lab was doing paid research for the USA. It seems back then, the USA deemed GOF research too dangerous to do in-house. What's changed since then, is that they still continue doing very dangerous GOF research (which is still illegal, afaict), but they're doing it in Boston, USA. Perhaps that's less dangerous?

Anyhow, what especially interesting is the first (and only up till now) comment:

It's a part of a mosaic of lies that merit overthrow at the pending election. Recommend participation.

Is this a call for revolution?

I'm not sure I have to cheer that, or condemn it...
Interesting. The first part linked to was the same as what Indian scientists published two years ago. That report disappeared soon after publication.
There is a link to a recent paper, not yet peer reviewed, that reaches the same conclusion as other "diasappeared" papers. Then there is a link to a slightly simplified explanation of that paper's findings (Abandamide blog).

The second part, the senate investigation, again is old news. I just skimmed it. Have to read it thoroughly, but couldn't find anything mentioning that the lab breach happened while the Wuhan lab was doing paid research for the USA.
It's there.

It seems back then, the USA deemed GOF research too dangerous to do in-house. What's changed since then, is that they still continue doing very dangerous GOF research (which is still illegal, afaict), but they're doing it in Boston, USA. Perhaps that's less dangerous?

Anyhow, what especially interesting is the first (and only up till now) comment:

Is this a call for revolution?
Calling for ousting the current controlling party by democratic election is hardly "revolution." Isn't that what was done in 2020? Was it a revolution then?

I'm not sure I have to cheer that, or condemn it...
It's a part of a mosaic of lies that merit overthrow at the pending election. Recommend participation.

I read "overthrow" not as voting. Remember what some misled right-wing people did on jan. 6?

But you can also read it as "exercise your right to vote".

The problem remains the same however. Binary politics end in destruction. Just like football (soccer for you Muricans).

"You Murderous Hypocrites": Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests 'Amnesty' For Pandemic Authoritarians
The Atlantic has come under fire for suggesting that all the terrible pandemic-era decisions over lockdowns, school closures, masking, and punishing an entire class of people who questioned the efficacy and wisdom of taking a rushed, experimental vaccine - for a virus with a 99% survival rate in most, should all be water under the bridge.
"We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID," writes Brown Professor Emily Oster - a huge lockdown proponent, who now pleads from mercy from the once-shunned.

"Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward," she continues.
Except, they weren't “in the dark” about Covid. There were numerous sources pointing out the actual science that ran contrary to the mandate claims, and they were deliberately silenced by a vast media campaign. Evidence suggests that media platforms worked in tandem with Big Tech, the CDC and the Biden Administration. It was not a simple matter of overreaction, there was collusion to remove all counter-information.
As the Daily Sceptic's Michael P. Senger puts it: "There’s a lot wrong here. First, no, you don’t get to advocate policies that do extraordinary harm to others, against their wishes, then say, “We didn’t know any better at the time!” Ignorance doesn’t work as an excuse when the policies involved abrogating your fellow citizens’ rights under an indefinite state of emergency, while censoring and cancelling those who weren’t as ignorant. The inevitable result would be a society in which ignorance and obedience to the opinion of the mob would be the only safe position."

And it's curious how those who scream "conspiracy theory" the loudest are those that history shows have been the most wrong or were just flat-out lying to us.

Whether or not the globalist criminals succeed in reaching their goal of killing 95% of us remains to be seen.

I hope they fail.
That was from a scientific study of violence in sports. Soccer often has riots.

The conclusion was clear: there's far more violence in sports that only have two parties. Two parties mean there's only two choices for fans. As soon as there are many choices, there isn't as much incentive for violence.
That was from a scientific study of violence in sports. Soccer often has riots.
The conclusion was clear: there's far more violence in sports that only have two parties. Two parties mean there's only two choices for fans. As soon as there are many choices, there isn't as much incentive for violence.
Many sports involve only two teams and violence by fans isn't as common. Could it simply be the hooligan minority in the soccer fanbase instead of A vs B? Seems more likely to me.

And voting isn't A or B. Most of the time there are multiple races each election so you can vote A for Senator, B for Governor, etc. And there are often independent or 3rd party candidates as well.
Soccer is the obvious example. First, because it's very popular and secondly, because it gets media coverage.

Last century, French TV couldn't get a license with the soccer league representatives because they wanted an excessive sum for TV rights. So broadcast decided to air rugby. In just one year, rugby surpassed soccer in popularity. Fan violence also transferred. Needless to say the soccer league was much easier to deal with after that one year. This has happened with other sports too, just on a much smaller scale. A conclusion could have been that popularity provokes violence, but that was proven wrong.

I don't know. Never spent much time on it. But the research was fairly well carried out and at the time I read it, it seemed very plausible. And it was followed up with several other studies, one about voter conduct. And those reached the same conclusion.

Can you come up with an example of a sport with a violent fanbase that's not two team based?
Soccer is the obvious example. First, because it's very popular and secondly, because it gets media coverage.

Last century, French TV couldn't get a license with the soccer league representatives because they wanted an excessive sum for TV rights. So broadcast decided to air rugby. In just one year, rugby surpassed soccer in popularity. Fan violence also transferred. Needless to say the soccer league was much easier to deal with after that one year. This has happened with other sports too, just on a much smaller scale. A conclusion could have been that popularity provokes violence, but that was proven wrong.

I don't know. Never spent much time on it. But the research was fairly well carried out and at the time I read it, it seemed very plausible. And it was followed up with several other studies, one about voter conduct. And those reached the same conclusion.

Can you come up with an example of a sport with a violent fanbase that's not two team based?
No, but I can come up with many two team sports that don't have regular fan riots. Softball, baseball, volleyball, American football, hockey, swimming, gymnastics (ha), etc. And I've never heard about any mass violence at an American soccer match. Sure there are occasional fights or unruly behavior and some teams' fanbases have a bad reputation (the Raiders when they were in Oakland some Detroit teams).

There have been a few bad incidents here in the US, but they aren't typical, especially considering how many kinds of sports we enjoy and at all levels of play.
Seems to me it has more to do with hooliganism than with A vs B team sports.
I spose you mean grass hockey, or whatever it's called, since ice hockey often has fighting. And gymnastics and swimming aren't between two teams.

But, hey, it's no skin off my back. You know what they say 'bout opinions.
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