i've just "finished" my 1176 unit (mnat version J), and it doesn't work as i expected... :-\
my problem is that if I put input and output pots at 12o'clock in bypass mod i've 22db of gain!
then when i turn on it seemed to compress ...
and when i'm in GR mod the VU (SIFAM AL19) goes to the right (i don't know how to explain, it indicate full full full!) even if there is nothing in input! i tried to use the bias trimpot but nothings happen, ???
I use the mnat external power supply that deliver correct voltages,
I just use a oep tranformer on the output,
i checked transistor voltage and value that i'm not shure to be good are:
Q4 -- 12,03 -- 29,02 -- 11,43
Q13 -- 14,78 -- 29,3 -- 14,17
Q15 -- 17,08 -- 29,3 -- 16,55
instead of: (http://www.axtsystems.com/index.php?view=article&catid=34%3A1176ln&id=57%3A1176lnproblems&option=com_content&Itemid=62)
Q4 -- 11.8 -- 30 -- 11.2
Q13 -- 15.1 -- 30 -- 14.5
Q15 -- 16.6 -- 30 -- 16.0
i did a search on this thread but i didn't found a similar problem, maybe it's 2 different problem?
i've just "finished" my 1176 unit (mnat version J), and it doesn't work as i expected... :-\
my problem is that if I put input and output pots at 12o'clock in bypass mod i've 22db of gain!
then when i turn on it seemed to compress ...
and when i'm in GR mod the VU (SIFAM AL19) goes to the right (i don't know how to explain, it indicate full full full!) even if there is nothing in input! i tried to use the bias trimpot but nothings happen, ???
I use the mnat external power supply that deliver correct voltages,
I just use a oep tranformer on the output,
i checked transistor voltage and value that i'm not shure to be good are:
Q4 -- 12,03 -- 29,02 -- 11,43
Q13 -- 14,78 -- 29,3 -- 14,17
Q15 -- 17,08 -- 29,3 -- 16,55
instead of: (http://www.axtsystems.com/index.php?view=article&catid=34%3A1176ln&id=57%3A1176lnproblems&option=com_content&Itemid=62)
Q4 -- 11.8 -- 30 -- 11.2
Q13 -- 15.1 -- 30 -- 14.5
Q15 -- 16.6 -- 30 -- 16.0
i did a search on this thread but i didn't found a similar problem, maybe it's 2 different problem?