Hi all,
I am building a version of the dual 1176 on mnats rev J boards, and already had decided upon using lorlin switches and mnats ratio boards.
Therefore I had already understood that I could not achieve the "all buttons" function with this setup. I remember reading the ratio of "all" somewhere but cant find it now (was like 1:2500 or something - being the sum of all the resistors for the four ratios as I understand it).
However, is it possible to modify the ratio board so that the lorlins fifth switch position can provide another ratio and just use a resistor with correct value to achieve somewhere near the ratio of "all buttons"?
I guess I am just concerned that due to budget and trying to use the parts I have - I may be limiting the potential usability of my unit, and i dont have enough experience using original 1176's to know if not building in the "all" function is poor judgement.