casrec said:
Do your stereo link PCB's allow the fets to have a wider tolerance. Or does it just make it more stable.
I would say both.
Check out Ed's analysis here:
The only way connecting the output of the side chains works is if the FETs are perfectly matched. You can find some that are very close, but who knows how close they stay as they heat up/age? Tossing a battery and a pot in there (1176SA) may line them up at a point along the curve...but only at one point. If you've plotted FET curves you know how they might be the same at point A...but drastically different at point B.
The purple circuit basically keeps the compressors working as separate mono units, but getting the same summed audio into both sidechains. No combined release and attack settings and no need to have perfectly matched FET's because they are not tied together (no risk of DC potential).
Since I've plotted about 2,000 FET curves, I have a good idea of what looks normal and what looks wrong. Basically I did a lot of testing with the kits and found out the tolerances I need to maintain to have two units tracking within 1db up to 10db of GR. I was surprised with how different to two FETs could be and still have very good stereo tracking.
Hope that makes sense...I mostly don't know what I'm talking about. I just know people who do