Hey everyone,
As one might guess I'm havin a few problems with my G1176.
I'm using mnats version with an OEP a262a2e transformer.
Anyway, the prob i'm having is that altough the compressor works and is compressing well it seems strangley slow sometimes. For example if i consatntly sang/talked/rapped etc the compressor is happy and works well. However if I stop for anything more than a second, to take a breath etc, it takes a short time for the comp to respond to the first burst of my voice again. I tried this with an extreme setting 20:1 etc, fast attack blah blah, and the note the comp dosen't catch always distorts and peaks the meter.
I've been through the whole bias procedure and the Gain zero/trck parts went sweet, but nothing happened at all witht the Q-bias part, which i thought would be very important.
Checked for shorts etc, no luck....................I'm a bit confused
I've read and searched a bit through this thread, but 53 pages is a lot to wade through while getting ready for a tracking session tonight.
Any ideas or expeirence with this one anyone?