To me the transformer doesn't make sense - at least to cause your voltage shift - it's on the other side of a coupling capacitor.
What normally sets that voltage is going to be the following:
R29 and R30 form a voltage divider setting the bias voltage of Q5.
R32 and R34 form a voltage divider in a feedback network. The rest of the output amp tries to servo the voltage so an input voltage of 5V results in a voltage of about 4.3 at the emitter of Q5 (0.7 volt difference between base and emitter as a rule of thumb). Taking 4.3 volts * R34 / (R34 + R32) means the output should sit at about 13.5 volts.
It's possible there's something else wrong with the output amp, too, possibly a short or open that causes it to almost work. If the output level is quite low then it's possible the amp is broken and you're just getting output from Q5 through R34 and through the output. I would not try troubleshooting the audio portion until you have the DC voltages where they are supposed to be.
There's one other thing that could cause the 23 volt output and also a strange sound - oscillation in the output amp. C12, R36, and C27 set the bandwidth of the amplifier and if something is wrong with any of those it might oscillate in the RF region, and this may cause the output to look more-or-less normal (or maybe not) but the DC offset is strange. Normally if you put your finger on various points on the PC board you'll either make it worse or better - watch that DC voltage.
If you post the various voltages - in particular, every pin (collector, emitter, base) of all of the transistors, then someone here should be able to point you to the problem fairly quickly. A difficult thing with feedback amplifiers is when they quit they tend to go to one power rail or the other, so you can't just troubleshoot it stage-by-stage.
One other thing that might be obvious - did you put in PNP transistors for Q6 and Q7 (BC560's)? Are they backwards - or do you have reversed-package parts?
Hope this helps. I just finished troubleshooting my G1176 and it's working now. I put in a 560k resistor in place of a 560 ohm resistor and it didn't work.