Well-known member
Yes, the 'PIN 1' spot is left unconnected. The NE5532 input stage will not be used - its output goes nowhere if you put in those parts - you can eliminate the NE5532 and all of its support components.
Input gain - I have some heavy limiting (-6 to -10 db) occuring starting at around 1-2 on the dial with a balanced or unbalanced input at all ratios. Think this is strictly Q bias adjustment (I did the procedures like 3 times) or more? It's unusable this way because I get barely any output gain.
Also - The ratios seem to be backwards. I checked the wiring, but both channels I built react the same way. What could cause this? My markings are fully CCW to CW: 1:4, 1:8, 1:12, 1:20. Meter showing more GR reduction with 1:4 than with 1:20.
Measuring voltage at point 22 to GND:
with 1:20 ratio = -6.3V, approx 90k to GND
with 1:4 ratio = -2.08V, approx 47k to GND
If you are sending a very hot signal in , this will happen. It sounds like you set the Qbias correctly.I can't turn the input pot above 2-3 or the signal just gets slammed too much. Can someone tell me if this Q bias calibration seems correct?