Calrec PQ 1061

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You bet he will... If not him, maybe Gustav. Anyway, please, someone make those boards!

We still need those inductors info, no?
I'll have a go at a full layout this summer, but I may get stuck with it and require help.

It'll be a big job as we still gotta figure out how to cut out the HPF,LPF etc....

Need that inductor info! :twisted: :grin:

Boards from Gustav or fabio would be ace!

If the documentation contains an original overlay, if we can get the art into the appropriate format, Id consider protoing a set of boards at PCB express and building one up. Would probably be a lot easier to make omissions etc, if we built one up instead of visualizing it. I know my brain at least works like that, we'll see.

Nice offer Dave,

once we get the files sorted we can look thru it and decide as a group....should have all original overlays as JPEGs.

To build one up though, you'd need to get a TX from Sowter, not sure if they'll be a minimum order as they're not stock.

If the art is there and someone can set it up for PCB express, Id go forward and just treat it as a prototype and throw whatever transformers that fit the ratio in there. At the very least that way we can get a few different inductors and try them out. Cannikin is in my neighborhood, so we can hopefully get together and compare his real unit to whatever I hack together and come to some conclusions, hopefully. PCB express isnt the cheapest service in the world, but its quick and the boards are decent and would probably be smart to do before running tons of boards through one of the guys here. Just an idea, we'll see how it goes. I should have some time this summer to work on this on weekends if we can get it rolling.

to steer this a little differently, does anyone know if the PQ14 was built on the same motherboard? There are lots of unstuffed portions on it which look to be in the EQ section, the high frequency is fixed, not variable, so this might be an option for some folks down the line if they wanted to save money on a switch or make it a little simpler.

Bumpety bump....

no idea on the PQ14 thingy dave.

Still in the process of receiving scans from half the motherboard so far. I didn't realise before but two of the plugin cards are for PSU regulation from bi24v to bi22v and can be removed from the clone by just using a +/-22v PSU in the first place. That removes some of the component count and frees space on the mainboard.

Kevin unfortunately already did a layout for the 1061 but scrapped it into the binary ether a while ago. He's in the middle of having another stab at a layout I think.

After talking its even more clear we need to bang our heads together once and for all concerning the final features of the DIY version. I think Kevin was going for a complete clone layout but I mentioned many expressed a desire for no plug-in cards and removal of the LFP/HPF plus Buz's modifcation for the 12way gain switch.

So, I figure its best we iron it out here to save Kevin from busting his balls for no good reason.

Let the head-banging begin! :green:

Guys let me know what I can do. IF you need to poke around an actual 1061. Dave can come over to my place and open mine up, I dare not do it myself... I probably wouldn't know what to look for and I'd break something. But Dave can come over and do it anytime.
Hi Folks

Sorry I have been out of pocket for a while but here is where I'm at and what I,ve got in mind.
I'll have a layout by monday that I'll post. In the interest of making it accessable and editable by all I'll post it in pcbxpress .pcb format. It will not be exactly to scale since there is not the issue of using real calrec cards as it's not like having BA283s or the like to use. The reason for this is the master pcb layout I have is so old and funky that no matter how I washed it I would have to figure out too much against the schematic any way. So might as well do it right. I am doing the silkscreen layer as well with the component numbers and values and the keys for the jumpers to switches etc. Obviousle you can make notes from this then edit them off.

For those interested in build as a single pcb. Since the mother pcb is single sided it would not be too dificult to ddo the daughter boards as component side traces, expand the mother and flop them down and connect them up. Because pcb are priced by sq in and drills I think the costs would be close enough even with connectors that modular is very appealing. The other advantage is short loading becomes very easy.

Random stuff:

Yes you can lose the local regulation.
From a functional stand point I would lose the LPF long before the HPF.
Build it modular and it would be easier to do a fuctional chan then add the mid and inductor as they become available.

Wow, a lot of new stuff. Looks like Kevin has got some good info. My schedule clears up in a couple weeks for a bit and I'm hoping to get some work done with audio gear. We'll see where this goes. I echoe Kevins notes regarding being modular, but I've always felt that way. I have been playing around with the calrec gain stage fronted with a quad eight 3440a mic input tx and getting some interesting results but that is another story.

I would love to gauge interest in ordering some of the sowter tx's for the calrec, at least then we could be prototyping and playing around as we work towards a final project.

I know I'd buy 4 at least, what was that minimum order? How many out there would be into this? Anybody interested in spearheading a group purchase such as this?

well, with all the original art, perhaps its easier to just make it up based on that and handwire the switches and just omit whatever on our own. That certainly seems like that will be the easiest thing to do rather than redesign the whole thing.

perhaps prodigy pro can get stock on the sowter parts we'll need. I imagine that if we can get this going it would be a popular project.

dave, your right, one could just jumper the sections not desired. With the switches being hand wired in the originals it would easily allow the user to make whatever gain arrangement one wants, 12 pos or go for the original 16 pos design.

I am not sure if I understood the post correctly but I am not sure there is room to include the gain stages as a top side layout on the board. With the original art, maybe going back to using daughterboards is a good idea? or is that what everyone is thinking?

My thought on a single board layout was a suggested starting point for a layout. Obviously if all the modules are laid down the pcb will be MUCH bigger. tThat was also just considering the amps not the cap boards which have pcb connectors and wires to the selectors. I still think modular is easier and cheaper in the long run

[quote author="cannikin"]So..... Fabio is going to make the boards???? :grin: :guinness: :guinness: :razz:
Just kidding. (for now :cool: )[/quote]

I'll have a go at a full layout this summer, but I may get stuck with it and require help.

Tom, guys, count on me if you need some help with pcb design! :thumb:

Nice one guys!

So if we stick with the original layout we are good to go apart from the MF inductor but I think Kevin knows how to calculate the values....

Dave, I'll send you the info gathered so that at least we have some more details. There is a nice filter curve scan Kevin made that I'm sure everyone will want to see....

Could you PM me your email addy?

Kevin, are you using a 0.1" spacing for the pins on the plugin cards?

Looking forward to seeing that layout. Can .pcb format be changed to gerbers etc if someone like Gustav or Fabio was to fab it?

Tom et al

The B series amps are 27mm by 38mm wide. The spacing of the elco varicon pins is .1"
the cards are keyed by omitting and blocking ground pins. ie

Have I sent you the layout of all the cap boards?

I chose to do this in pcb express because it is free, was on my home computer, and is available to everyone. For those who use pro packages ,as I do normally, you can print out the layout and enter it fairley easily.

BE AWARE: The stuff I'm providing are scans of copies of OLD documents. And the layout is a sketch that is as accurate as time allows.
In other words Check Everything. this ain't heathkit it's DIY :cool:

Hey Kevin,

Are you laying out all of the plugin boards as well or just the motherboard? The card layout I did will fit and can be improved / adapted for the 202/205/210 amps.

I only have a scan here of the LF Shelf cap card, so I'm missing the LPF/HPF, MF and HF cards.

I'm sure PCB express will be just fine for the first run.

Oh Buz, in terms of Sowter transformers, Brian did not mention a minimum order but there probably is one.

If your in for 4, I'm in for 4 (maybe 8).

Hi all

I came up with these values for the coil :


Unfortunately, this is theoretical only, so no resistance values.

I will simulate them later tonite to make sure they are correct.
