Sucess! ....
Well, sort of.
This is my first automated winder layer.
It might not look that good to you guys, but for me, it was a happy momment.
The motor and the stepper are at least communicating.
First layer:
Added a little tension and adjust the stepper for #48 and I get a little closer!
I am wrestling with a dual 555 timer (556) and it does not look like it is going to work out.
It is fine for constant speeds, but it burps and coughs up stray pulses when I accelerate or slow down the winding motor.
And, it has limited bandwidth. I played and played with different RC values for the time constant, but no luck.
I think Radio Shack might be exagerating the freq response at 200 K CPS, as I only got about half of that.
So the stepper quits at high RPM.
I took the encoder pulse and shoved it into a monostable 555 circuit to generate a triggered pulse of more even amplitude and wave shape.
Then I went into the 555 wired as a divider. The freq out is controlled with a time constant pot.
I put a decade resistor box in there instaed of the pot and got some really good low speed resolution on the stepper.
This thing now has four power supplies
1) bobbin motor-variac-bridge-cap-motor
2) counter supply ( i wanted the counter on it's own supply so I could leave it plugged in all the time while shutting down the other systems.
A litle redundancy to keep from losing turns info.
3) + 5 for the control board
4) + 37 VDC for the stepper motor.
The stepper motor is rated for 3.4 volts, but the Gecko limits current to 1.4 amps, so the motor works better at the higher voltage.
Stepper motor voltage should be between 4 and 25 times the stepper motor voltage for best results.
Also, it likes an unregulated supply, just an xfmr, a bridge and a big cap. Thats it. I made this by "stripping" down a Power One supply.
Regulated suplies do not sink the crap coming back from the stepper very well.
Couple of pics.
Thats the controller perf board proto at the bottom.
I made a quick wire guide out of teflon.
Just drilled a 1/16 " hole it, wanted instant gratification, been working on this dang thing so long!
Visible on top of the traverse.
Will build wire guides next.
Here is a schematic showing my next plan.
First a x2 buffer to get a little more encoder pulse voltage at the high Revs.
Then, something that will generate equal sq wave halves, independent of frequency.
I noticed that the 555 chip pulse width varies with frequency.
Idf the cap value is too high cpompared to the resistor, the cap does not have time to discharge all the way, and you get missing pulses, which is not good for winding accuracy. Thus, the need for a better pulse generator, which can be a descrete multivibrator (total DIY) or a 74M series logic chip of some kind.
Then, now that I have my accurate sq wave that does not drop out at the high end, I can divide the pulses with a PIC chip, or try Jakob's idea with the N divider ( thanks Jake!)
One good thing about the flip flop is that it auto divides the frequency in half, at least according to the guy hear at work.
This means I do not need as much frequency response from the chips down the line.
I really don't need 5,000 steps per rev out of the encoder, 2,500 will be fine! :grin:
I figued out the accuracy with the 5,000 pulses.
It orks out to 0.00000312" inches per pulse. :thumb:
80:1 for the lead screw.
Here is my scratch pad sheet for the next rev.
I found out that the direction port on the Gecko drive does not need a fancy pulse to switch it as indicated in the instructions.
It's just needs an open collector of a transistor, and a switch and LED's to indicate direction. High or low. Thats it. No pulse required.
The circuit for that is at the bottom and is final.
I think a sig gen into a the base of a 4124 could drive the Gecko to just make sure everything on down the line is in order.
When you get missed steps, you do not know who the culprit is, therfore, running the driver, stepper motor and lead screw with the generator will rule out trouble form any of these components, thus, the aux drawing at the top right.
A endpoint sensing scheme using already existing infrared LED send and recieve is in place.
I need a jog button, so when I want to move the traverse without the motor winding, I can.
I will use the defunct 555 chip as a permanent dpeed pulse generator which will be switche into the gecko while switching out the encoder circuit.