covid politics

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[Decided to delete the first part. It was an inappropriate joke.]

As for nurses, same in Japan (no holidays though, for now). Plus they got the official OK and started to hire alumni nurses straight out of second semester at medical vocationals and universities.

Oh, and the website of the fire brigade, the ones you call here should you need an ambulance, got updated. It reads:

"Concerning calls in the case of a medical emergency, we have to apologize as we might not be able to respond to your call. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause."

Must be a seasonal effect.
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By the way, anyone can play the 'link' game to support their opinions on the internet, it's exhausting. I form opinions by my own experiences and observations which of course will be labeled as 'anecdotal' and 'bullshit', so whatever..
I agree, the "link" game is exhausting when it's hard to find real data and links that support conspiracy theories. Instead of viewing life in a myopic view(just your eyes), here's a link to a study of millions. How many were in your study? Please, tell me. Maybe your "study" can provide some insight to end this pandemic and help out our healthcare system....NOPE. Just based on opinion and once again... unhelpful. Pfizer+ was funny...but not helpful. Nice contribution to society...oh, do you hate socialists and "commies"?
edit: you clearly have issues with ”good little activist boys" while supporting doctors along side of activists that beat police officers with flagpoles donning our country's flag who protest in their state capitols fully armed...not my party...back to politics.


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Well, look at that. No one has died of covid in Florida for the last week. That's wonderful. :rolleyes: Great job, Ron!
Gee whiz - and I was so stoked. :( Maybe some political shenanigans going on here.

Florida on Thursday reported 21,765 more COVID-19 cases and 901 deaths to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to Miami Herald calculations of CDC data.

All but two of the newly reported deaths occurred after July 25, with about 78% of those people dying in the past two weeks, according to Herald calculations of data published by the CDC. The majority of deaths happened during Florida’s latest surge in COVID-19 cases, fueled by the delta variant.

It is the largest single-day increase to the death total in the state’s COVID pandemic history.

In the last seven days, on average, the state has added 242 deaths and 22,556 cases each day, according to Herald calculations.

The jump in the number of reported cases and deaths is due to the newest way deaths and cases are counted. The CDC implemented the change earlier this month, causing occasional one-day aberrations like the 901 additional deaths on Thursday and 726 more deaths reported Monday.
"The jump in the number of reported cases and deaths is due to the newest way deaths and cases are counted. The CDC implemented the change earlier this month, causing occasional one-day aberrations like the 901 additional deaths on Thursday and 726 more deaths reported Monday"

I can't find on the cdc what this change was...

jeez all these articles and studies has me hearing that speed talker at the end of car commercials in everything now.....
jeez all these articles and studies has me hearing that speed talker at the end of car commercials in everything now.....
It's almost as if someone is trying to scare us... :rolleyes:

you don't want to listen to all the caveats in medicine commercials it can get pretty discouraging... But one lesson worth remembering, if you are allergic to XYZ don't take XYZ.

edit: you clearly have issues with ”good little activist boys" while supporting doctors along side of activists that beat police officers with flagpoles donning our country's flag who protest in their state capitols fully armed...not my party...back to
Actually, i dont have issues with many people, only assholes.
Actually, i dont have issues with many people, only assholes.
Since there are no assholes here (its an unwritten rule) that doesn't make sense.

Let's try a little harder to ignore the trolling (trolling is against the written rules BTW ).

Be nice guys, all of you... those trolling for an argument please stop, I'd hate to have to read all that mindless blather just to enforce rules.

No one could have foreseen this. Oh, wait.....

Meade County, home to Sturgis, has counted 330 new cases in the last two weeks, up from the 20 reported in the two weeks before the rally, according to Johns Hopkins University's case count.

South Dakota Covid cases quintuple after Sturgis motorcycle rally
168% increase compared to the previous 2 weeks...

No mention of PA 230% increase using same metric?

or West VA 135%

FL 18%.....

eek... Guam 463%
Oh makes sense. Guess I'll still call my relatives in PA just because...

Cases per 100K is still higher in your state--and mine-- than in PA(by a lot), and substantially higher than WV and SD as well. That may not continue, but it's certainly worth taking note of. Generally speaking, I'd think a 100% increase from 1/100k to 2/100K is far less worrisome than a 20% increase from 100/100K to 120/100K.

However, if you look at what happened after Sturgis last year--that was the start of SD's big COVID wave. Correlation may or may not indicate causation, but I would not be shocked at all to see a similar trend there over the next 1-2 months.

And 330 cases in 2 wks. in Sturgis, a town of 7000? That's almost 5% of your population testing positive in two weeks. Not good at all.
Stop already... we will continue to have civil discussions here.... Calling people names just hardens their positions and closes their minds to new thoughts.


Are you telling the forum member stating facts and proven associations or the member calling other members names? Freedom. 'Murica. No More Bullsh*t 2021 yard signs coming to a neighborhood near you. What is going on in society? WOW.

edit: seems like those on the right are dependably acting as predicted...Crystal Ball coming to the White Market soon.
I just took a look at your postings to find what kind of contributions you make around here. I had to scan down through 3 pages before I found a single post about something other than Covid Politics, and that was about forest fires.

If you want me to disappear you, keep doing what you are doing, I haven't banned a member here for years and don't do so lightly.

Maybe troll somebody who doesn't have moderator privileges.

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