covid politics

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4. You will find that the members of this community are incredibly courteous and respectful of each other, so please reciprocate those gestures. Leave the Flame-war mentality at another forum. Personal attacks as well as general hateful comments (regarding race, religion, gender, sex, etc...) will not be tolerated.
The Algos have ALL of our limbic systems in tow. No one is immune to these effects. Once we take that personally, the less apt we'll be to heap generated content 'concerns' on our neighbor.

Love your enemy. Might get some love in return. Haven't we proven by now the inverse guarantees we get what we give?
he has valid points John.
they have nothing to do with DIY--but are timely.
he may be getting tiresome but this is a community he cares about and feels compelled to share his concerns; as you do...
4. You will find that the members of this community are incredibly courteous and respectful of each other, so please reciprocate those gestures. Leave the Flame-war mentality at another forum. Personal attacks as well as general hateful comments (regarding race, religion, gender, sex, etc...) will not be tolerated.
Posting harsh opinions about your favourite political party or politician doesn't qualify as hateful or trolling – it's politics.

Calling him a troll does break rule number 4.
4. You will find that the members of this community are incredibly courteous and respectful of each other, so please reciprocate those gestures. Leave the Flame-war mentality at another forum. Personal attacks as well as general hateful comments (regarding race, religion, gender, sex, etc...) will not be tolerated.
I've read the rules. I don't touch on any of those descriptors and etc is awfully broad. If you look back at my posts, I comment on those who hate. I comment on negative viewpoints concerning race. I comment on tough guy mentalities that are UNHELPFUL for society as a whole. The sooner covid is wrangled, the sooner the capitalists make more money. I'd be using my studio in my home, but my wife is high risk and people are being ridiculous about this pandemic. As soon as "intelligent" people stop pushing conspiracy theories(Ivermectin,GOF, etc) and stop pushing tribalistic fake information like covid comes over the border with immigrants and from inner city minorities... sounds like hate speech regarding race to me, MAYBE I CAN USE MY STUDIO AGAIN AND GET BACK TO GEAR USAGE AND TALK...

Yesterday, I had an refurbished RCA 77DX on trumpet, u87 on toys, D47 fet on bass, Def47 with pattern switching on piano low, stereo pair of Banzai KM84 as main piano(which I started the build thread for) and a Bo Hansen 1975 DI on bass di. This was all outdoors. The sooner people stop pushing the BAD covid agenda from the right, the sooner we all can get back to life.
As soon as "intelligent" people stop pushing conspiracy theories(Ivermectin,GOF, etc) and stop pushing tribalistic fake information like covid comes over the border with immigrants and from inner city minorities... sounds like hate speech regarding race to me
The accused reject conviction because the judge's psychological analysis is (usefully) shallow.
Industrious and cunning people have monetized our attention, our animus, our shortcomings, our sense of reality-- frozen us out of the growth of our love.
'noble obsessions'... important lessons. I'm still learning...I 'shared' this under a thread about covid. :p
But I worry about those who've made hobbies out of gazing into the abyss.

Afterthought: No one questions the power of the placebo. Ok, so what effect does the collective consciousness have upon pharmaceuticals, or say, the killing power of a virus??? Where is the respect and appreciation for the
nocebo? Perhaps drugs like ivermectin do work in isolated cases where those that claim positive results are surrounded by doctors and friends that trust it. Inversely, it could be that those who rail against certain drugs unconsciously produce nocebo effects in patients. Double blinds keep open an unconscious eye, or something woo like that...
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Perhaps drugs like ivermectin do work in isolated cases where those that claim positive results are surrounded by doctors and friends that trust it.
I agree that positive/negative mental state can make a difference. Do you think Ivermectin works to a benefit when involuntary tested on inmates? Following your train of thought, it would be less effective given the news/data links I have provided from real life in a "red state"...back to politics. Thanks for us all indulging each other. I avoided "fake news" outlets and included local news outlets and Fox News (Entertainment Channel)...not my title.
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"No one - including incarcerated individuals - should be subject to medical experimentation."


Only the general population should be subject to experimentation.
Not saying if ivermectin works or not but again, the link game can be played. I purposely avoided news outlets alltogether and included medical studies.

I wonder if $$$ has anything to do with the lack of studies of Ivermectin to treat Covid? Not that pharmaceutical companies are greedy or anything like that..

Oh.. These didn't age well (yes, I know the claim is 90% but we know that's far from what we're seeing in the 'real world')
Again, I'm not against the vaccines and think there are cases where they're unnecessary at this point (previous infections, low risk groups) but mandates are ridiculous and are about compliance. Let's see how the vaccine passport bit works in NYC. My guess is that it will be a failure and will be lifted at some point.
A bit of fallout's anecdotal bullshit.. I have friends who run the entire spectrum of political beliefs, vaccination status, vaccination beliefs, Covid status/beliefs, etc.. Hardcore pro vax'ers will still come to my BBQ's (super spreader events) and mingle with the un vax'd, no masks, etc. Lots of handwringing about Covid and vaccines, yet they'll sellout for booze and a steak. My study concludes that no one cares as much as they claim.
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The Jolt: Anti-vaxxers shut down vaccination event, harass state health workers

In one south Georgia county, the anti-vaxxers tracked down public health employees through social media and harangued them with messages of hostility and misinformation about vaccines.
And the event that was canceled was a north Georgia mobile vaccination event, where an organized group of people showed up to harass and name-call public health workers.
Are you saying Pfizer, Moderna, etc don't have a vested financial interest?
Did I say that? No. Did you bother even to glance at the paper I was commenting on? I suspect not. Do you have any idea what went into testing the vaccines from Pfizer & Moderna, or who was conducting the tests? Again, I suspect not. Just Asking Questions (look it up) may make you feel better about your willful ignorance, but it's a lousy argument technique, and you'd be better served if you'd just look for answers.

Oh, and your "summit news" link was contradicted by a study I happened to look at this morning. It's possible that the most vaccine-hesitant think they're smarter than everybody else, but thinking it doesn't make it so.
Oh and.... Every study is contradicted by another study. Oh and.... That's my point.

Do you have any idea? I suspect not.

You've better.. blah blah blah.

Man.. Liberals have the lousiest attitudes.

😂 😂 😂

Oh, and Maybe a "MSN" link is more to your liking and will make you feel better.
It's possible that the most vaccine-hesitant think they're smarter than everybody else, but thinking it doesn't make it so.
That's possible but did you even read the study? Oh, and you'd be better served if... oh never mind

The shitty attitudes are remarkable. Is that a side effect of being vaccinated?
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