covid politics

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I don't see how you consider my post hysterical - it is the reality of the situation.
I think everyone is on edge crazydoc. We all have strong opinions. Never thought I'd see society and the world in it's current state. Covid aside, the healing process is going to be quite the undertaking, if we're ever allowed. I'm always optimistic.

Identification of 3-chymotrypsin like protease (3CLPro) inhibitors as potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents

"Here, the authors identify potential drugs that target 3-chymotrypsin like protease (3CLpro), which is a pivotal protease for the replication of SARS-CoV-2. They found that off-target inhibitors such as ivermectin and micafungin inhibit 3CLpro enzyme activity, suggesting that these molecules could constitute useful therapies to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication."

Pfizer CEO says oral COVID-19 pill could be ready by the end of the year

"The oral antiviral clinical candidate – known as PF-07321332 – is a SARS-CoV-2-3CL protease inhibitor, designed to bind to a viral enzyme and thereby prevent the virus from replicating in the cell."
I don't see how you consider my post hysterical - it is the reality of the situation. Sorry you are in an unfortunate position, but it is the reality of the situation. Nobody is going to make it any better, and it will just run its course, whatever that will be.
There is a world full of people who think they know everything, but in reality know nothing. It is good that many of them will acquire natural immunity and improve the situation.
ahh, i quoted the wrong post, my apologies!
I cannot be vaccinated, it will kill me(underlying health condition) and my doctor has told me to not get it. Not ideal, but it is what it is. I am young, otherwise healthy and have to be tested regularly+ have to wear a mask for work anyways so no problem. Heres the catch though, my local government has just put a mandate in place that prevents me from going basically anywhere that isnt work, home or the grocery store. I can not go see my wife who lives on the other side of the border, I cannot visit family who live the next province over, I cannot go out with friends for dinner or anywhere else indoors. There is no medical exemption.
That doesn't sound right.

What I'd do is to talk to my local representatives (several and of different parties, just avoid the nutheads) and tell them about your situation.

Vaccine passports looks quite likely to come in many parts of the world, if they haven't already in your region, and there should be the option for a line in it saying "The rightful holder of this document cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. This individual is to be treated equally to and granted all the same rights as a double-vaccinated individual."

They might ask you to testify and produce medical records, which shouldn't be a problem, and most likely might even require you to undergo an independent medical assessment by a third-party. A nuissance for sure,, but people had to go get the vaccines too, so... and it shouldn't take long, and in your case, will most likely only be required once.

Did I menton that I do not like mandates ? But looking at the vaccination rate among populations and in light of autumn and winter on the horizon, both vaxx mandates and the temporary requirement for vaxx passporst are not entirely unlikely.
Vaccine passports looks quite likely to come in many parts of the world, if they haven't already in your region, and there should be the option for a line in it saying "The rightful holder of this document cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. This individual is to be treated equally to and granted all the same rights as a double-vaccinated individual."

They might ask you to testify and produce medical records, which shouldn't be a problem, and most likely might even require you to undergo an independent medical assessment by a third-party. A nuissance for sure,, but people had to go get the vaccines too, so... and it shouldn't take long, and in your case, will most likely only be required once.
Anyone who is/was affected by Governmental/societal experiments / obstacles?
Anyone who is/was affected
I was thinking more like proven case of severe allergies etc .

Read yesterday that Japan is looking into Ivermectin again. Interesting. Makes me wonder what took them so long. Ivermectin was in the news here in the first half of last year. Well, they can be very slow here , it seems. Will have to wait and see. It would be very positive if they found something reliable this time, cos we will likely need more therapeutical drugs (pills preferable over infusions).

Meanwhile horse-medication still seems to be flingy off the shelves -- which I thought took the notion of herd-immunity to an entirely new level ; )
I was thinking more like proven case of severe allergies etc .
There are proven cases of the other things mentioned as well. Tuskegee being one...

Meanwhile horse-medication still seems to be flingy off the shelves -- which I thought took the notion of herd-immunity to an entirely new level ; )

Can't say I wouldn't borrow my dog's antibiotics if procrastinationg on a cavity too long put me in a bind but yeah, some Neem could maybe be a safer alternative until this other stuff is sorted...
Food for thought, if you've been vaccinated and are still being advised to wear a mask. What does common sense tell you? Just saying.
Food for thought, if you've been vaccinated and are still being advised to wear a mask. What does common sense tell you? Just saying.
That if you are vaccinated you still have the potential to be assymptomatically infected with the virus and spread it, so wear a mask in an effort to protect others from your infected spittle and boogers. Of course, protecting others is not a concern for many people.
That if you are vaccinated you still have the potential to be assymptomatically infected with the virus and spread it, so wear a mask in an effort to protect others from your infected spittle and boogers.
We have a winner!! Except I'd argue to replace "potential" with "as good a chance as any" and remove "asymptomatically" altogether. Those who have been vaccinated can most certainly be symptomatic, let's not kid ourselves.
Of course, protecting others is not a concern for many people.
Sad but true.
Common sense tells me to be very suspicious of internet advice. Government advice "should" be better but things like the food pyramid don't really support that thesis.

The recent mask advice rationale was already discussed, perhaps not here in the politics thread. We have a clean covid thread for scientific discussion while it gets hard to tell them apart these days.

I just wore my spit mask over at the empty post office (If I choose to die on a political hill, it won't be covid mask wearing).

I expect the arm waving to taper off eventually but probably not before the mid-term vote.

Watch out for variant mu..... reportedly coming from Columbia. Just like the flu never goes away, at least not yet, I could imagine covid being the gift that keeps giving for authoritarian control freaks in perpetuity.

HL Menken said:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”


PS; Not to get scientific in the politics thread I am still optimistic about far UVc (short wavelength UV light) allowing us to disinfect public spaces while humans are present. The technology is still not cheap enough (LED) for commercial use. Far UVc could help control a lot more infectious diseases than Covid. Still years away or more.
The recent mask advice rationale was already discussed, perhaps not here in the politics thread. We have a clean covid thread for scientific discussion while it gets hard to tell them apart these days.
I don't think it's possible to separate the two. The science or rather 'scientists', have unfortunately become political. The science is what it is.
I just wore my spit mask over at the empty post office (If I choose to die on a political hill, it won't be covid mask wearing).
I expect the arm waving to taper off eventually but probably not before the mid-term vote.
Watch out for variant mu..... reportedly coming from Columbia. Just like the flu never goes away, at least not yet, I could imagine covid being the gift that keeps giving for authoritarian control freaks in perpetuity.
Hammer, meet head. Covid is here to stay. Voluntary Covid/Flu shots to keep the vulnerable protected is my prediction.

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
I see someone is on to it.. 👍
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Except I'd argue to replace "potential" with "as good a chance as any"
Not true from the data. Of course it might be anecdotally true.

"Between Dec 8, 2020, and July 4, 2021, 1 240 009 COVID Symptom Study app users reported a first vaccine dose, of whom 6030 (0·5%) subsequently tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (cases 1), and 971 504 reported a second dose, of whom 2370 (0·2%) subsequently tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (cases 2)."


and remove "asymptomatically" altogether. Those who have been vaccinated can most certainly be symptomatic, let's not kid ourselves.
Of course they can be, but exponentially fewer than the unvaccinated, and even fewer cases of serious disease, hospitalization and death. But apparently these data are not politically convenient for the antivaxxers, but reality will take care of them.
Yes. Data indicates the vaxxed have 5X lower chance of infection,and even if infected a much lower rate of hospitalization. But that info doesn’t suit the arguments certain parties wish to make, so I guess we ought to ignore it.
PS; Not to get scientific in the politics thread I am still optimistic about far UVc (short wavelength UV light) allowing us to disinfect public spaces while humans are present. The technology is still not cheap enough (LED) for commercial use. Far UVc could help control a lot more infectious diseases than Covid. Still years away or more.
Yeah, expensive is not good. Here they are thinking about installing air cleaner units in public spaces with such technology inside and so constantly clean air. People won't be exposed to the light this way. It is quite amazing what so-called 'intelligent' air flow can do. We have restaurants here where smokers sit in the same room with non-smokers and it doesn't smell at all. You can only see the nebula rising and disappearing into the ceiling.
Yeah, expensive is not good. Here they are thinking about installing air cleaner units in public spaces with such technology inside and so constantly clean air. People won't be exposed to the light this way. It is quite amazing what so-called 'intelligent' air flow can do. We have restaurants here where smokers sit in the same room with non-smokers and it doesn't smell at all. You can only see the nebula rising and disappearing into the ceiling.
Regular UVc is cheap and very effective against microbes, but not compatible with humans present at the same time. I shared the story about a schoolroom in Russia where they used UVc light at night to disinfect the classroom. The teacher forgot to switch off the UVc lamps one morning and reportedly there was some eye damage.

I have a blower circulating air between rooms in my house. I mounted a modest 15W UVc lamp inside an air duct. I routinely use UVc light to disinfect my beer making apparatus. Nobody living inside my house has contracted COVID (anecdotal), but I bet if I get tested enough we'd find something. :rolleyes:

If the government wants to fund useful research for a change, how about getting the semiconductor industry to develop far UVc LED technology. The current working prototypes of far UVc LEDS are not efficient enough to be practical.

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