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Yes. Data indicates the vaxxed have 5X lower chance of infection,and even if infected a much lower rate of hospitalization. But that info doesn’t suit the arguments certain parties wish to make, so I guess we ought to ignore it.
Yes, this is exactly it. People don't like dealing with probabilistic scenarios, and like to speak in terms of absolutes like "not completely effective" or "just as effective as nothing", but it is far more nuanced than that.

This isn't specific to COVID, but rather any transmissible agent. Setting aside the outcome after infection, in simplistic terms, everyone carries around with them two dice, one green and one red. The green one indicates your likelihood of receiving enough viral load to become sick, and the red one indicates your likelihood of transmitting any infection to another. Two people each rolling a 1 on their respective red and green dice indicates that a transmission event happened.

So if you are infected, and you go into a room of unvaccinated people with no social distancing or mask wearing, you are not only constantly rolling your red die, but forcing everyone around you to roll their green dies. The longer you stay there, the more rolling everyone does. Eventually your red will come up 1 and someone's green will roll a 1, and you'll have a transmission event.

Mask wearing, social distancing, and vaccines all add sides to the green dice that vaccinated, mask wearing, and socially distant people carry with them. So if the green die starts off with 10 sides, wearing a mask perhaps adds 10, socially distancing adds another 10, and vaccinations add 100 sides. So if you do all three, instead of a 1 in 10 chance, it becomes a 1/120 chance (these numbers are approximations, and ever changing, but they illustrate the point). Even if you are vaccinated and are forced to constantly roll your green dice by infected people, the probability of a transmission event (both a 1 on a red and a 1 on your green) goes down by orders of magnitude. The number of sides of these dice (and how many rolls there are) eventually distill down to the R-value of the disease. Again, this isn't a COVID thing: all transmissible diseases like mumps, AIDS, ebola, follow these principles.

As an aside, even reproduction follows this, in that a male has a red die and a female has a green die to see if a pregnancy occurs. Based on data across millions of pregnancies, all other things being equal, a male red die has 2 sides, and a female green die also has two sides, meaning that if no other mitigations take place, the chance of rolling two 1's is about 1 in 4 (matching the data across millions of pregnancies which shows an aggregate pregnancy rate of about 22% per event). The use of a condom adds between 50 to 100 sides to a male's red die, and if the female takes contraception, it adds approximately 100 sides to her green die. In other words, the combination of the two makes the event of a pregnancy quite unlikely: stated differently...Duh?

In addition, wearing masks and socially distancing ALSO add sides to people red dice, further reducing the probability that both dice end up 1's. There is a growing body of evidence that vaccinated people who do end up testing positive for COVID (meaning they have enough virus in their systems for screening to pick it up) also have additional sides added to their red die.

None of this means any of these scenarios are IMPOSSIBLE. Nobody is arguing that they are.
There are proven cases of the other things mentioned as well. Tuskegee being one...
Tuskegee. Had to look that up. Ah, I understand now. First I thought it was an observed side effect of inoculation I just hadn't heard of yet,. Yes, I read about T. some years ago.

T. being cited in context with vaccination today sounds alienating to me. I am not a huge fan of conspiracy theories, no matter where they come from. I don't think the US government -- from former P. Trump and his project warpspeed(?) or now your P. Biden -- ever set out to harm their minorites or their non-minorities or anyone in the US. Nor do I think that Japan wants to harm their minorities, which they don't have, nor any EU country their people etc etc.

I do like Philip K. Dick novels though. Quite amusing.

P.S.: I am not so sure about Voltaire. I still do not like what he had to say about Christians versus black people. Today that would probably be called disassociative, or at least non-PC, whatever that means ; )
- ever set out to harm their minorites or their non-minorities or anyone in the US. Nor do I think that Japan wants to harm their minorities, which they don't have, nor any EU country their people etc etc.
For whatever reason , there are lower vaccination rates among some groups. Not keeping or getting jobs sounds like it could be harmful.
Tuskegee. Had to look that up. Ah, I understand now. First I thought it was an observed side effect of inoculation I just hadn't heard of yet,. Yes, I read about T. some years ago.

T. being cited in context with vaccination today sounds alienating to me.

ding ding ding... Welcome to modern America with an active campaign to unearth our deepest ugly history, and repeat it over and over again to discredit us. You'd think all this historical mud might slow down the flood of border crossings, but it hasn't. It is factual so nobody denies it, but it is being used disingenuously to suppress minority vaccination rates. The people they are supposed to care about and be helping.
I am not a huge fan of conspiracy theories, no matter where they come from. I don't think the US government -- from former P. Trump and his project warpspeed(?) or now your P. Biden -- ever set out to harm their minorites or their non-minorities or anyone in the US. Nor do I think that Japan wants to harm their minorities, which they don't have, nor any EU country their people etc etc.
Indeed but be warned when somebody approaches and says "I'm from the government and here to help you", back away slowly while holding your wallet with both hands, then turn and run.

There are/were some brilliant scientists with cra cra ideas about race etc.

I do like Philip K. Dick novels though. Quite amusing.

P.S.: I am not so sure about Voltaire. I still do not like what he had to say about Christians versus black people. Today that would probably be called disassociative, or at least non-PC, whatever that means ; )
It is not very fair to judge the ancients using modern moral standards. We can literally see todays morals changing right in front of our eyes.

Are you saying that 'reality taking care of the huge majority of antivaxxers who aren't going to die", is a good thing or bad thing? I initially thought you meant it (reality) would be a punishment for antivaxxers. Who do you consider an antivaxxer? A lunatic that thinks they're being injected with a microchip, etc.. or someone who doesn't believe in mass vaccination/vaccine mandates to participate in society? Or both?

I only ask because we're almost in agreement. I can't tell. lol
I'm just saying that anyone not vaccinated, for whatever reason, and gets and survives covid will contribute to eventual herd immunity. That's a good thing. Of course, the bad part is that more people will whelm the health system, more people will needlessly suffer from an illness that would probably have been prevented by their vaccination, and more people (like children) that do not currently qualify for vaccination will become ill, with potential hospitalization and death.
And of course, the more cases of covid, the more viral replication, with the increased potential for new mutants.
Food for thought, if you've been vaccinated and are still being advised to wear a mask. What does common sense tell you? Just saying.
Been gone for a while. Logic still appears to be absent. Unvaccinated still can catch and spread covid, even though it is LESS LIKELY. Hospitals are full because of people with "food for thought". As I have said over and over, when the hospitals are full, other emergencies can't be taken care of...we also are wearing masks because the "honor system" clearly didn't work...not because of me and my party(had to get the politics in there).

One step closer to getting people to do the right it just needs to mutate one more time(caused by no vaccination and no mask wearing) so that it kills the children...then people will no longer call it a "hoax".
It's confusing why FL uses different data...The State reports haven't updated since June but the weekly reports update ok. I like the older reports because they break down the ages a bit.
Hard to tell what the differences mean looking quick.

Over the last few months of our crazy, with hospitalizations, including pediatric, going through the roof, it still seems to leave children in pretty good shape in regards to mortality at least unless I'm reading wrong.


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I was on my first sold out indoor show. 2300 people all showing proof of vaccination, all wearing masks. That's how we get out of this thing. Period.
Been gone for a while.
Didn't notice.👍
Logic still appears to be absent.
Aren't you the one that said that when the insults start, the argument is over? 😂

One final time, both vaccinated and unvaccinated can an will spread Covid. Unvaccinated are not 'less likely' to transmit Covid. We are seeing this now. Herd immunity will not/can not be reached by either vaccination or natural infection. The virus simply mutates too fast (science). You can argue until you are blue in the face, these facts do not change.

I would agree with you that those at risk should get vaccinated to help alleviate the strain on hospitals. I'll give you that.

Children are going to get Covid, healthy people are going to get Covid. The overwhelming majority who are not immunocompromised will have asymptomatic or mild cases (science). Again, protect those at risk.

Hint: If it's recommenced that the vaccinated should wear masks, it OBVIOUS that they can be infected with and transmit Covid. (common sense). Although you seem to be buying the propaganda that the unvaccinated are the reason for the Delta, that is simply not true. Variants of Covid will appear regardless of vaccination (no chance of herd immunity). The vaccine is not a sterilizing vaccine and does not/will not stop the transmission of Covid, this can not be argued. The best we can hope for is that the vaccine will keep those at risk out of the hospital and that the virus will mutate into something less dangerous as it spreads through the healthy (science). Follow the science, not the talking heads.

Get ready for your annual flu/covid shots. Although it's looking like Covid shot will be more frequent. There are some VERY happy folks laughing all the way to the bank $$$$$$$$$$ (the scam)! Roll up your sleeves.

I was on my first sold out indoor show. 2300 people all showing proof of vaccination, all wearing masks. That's how we get out of this thing. Period.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Now I get it! 😂
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Truth: He's not talking about that particular hospital, where, as they state (Hey - it's not us!), he hasn't worked for over 2 months. He's talking about other Oklahoma hospitals, and having to transfer patients out of state because there's no room at local hospitals.

The anecdotal ******** just comes pouring down during this pandemic.
Please give names of the hospitals he is referring to. He's a liar.

"The story was built on a single interview that Oklahoma-based physician Dr. Jason McElyea gave to KFOR-TV. In that interview, McElyea claimed "the [emergency rooms] are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated" because people with COVID-19 are allegedly overdosing"

and you want to talk about 'anecdotal ********'?

😂 😂 😂

"A witty saying proves nothing." -Voltaire
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We will suffer the involuntary fate of those trying to prove everyone wrong instead of realizing the benefit of everyone trying to help each other out. TRUTH.
;) 👍

“The mirror is a worthless invention. The only way to truly see yourself is in the reflection of someone else’s eyes.” -Voltaire
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Please give names of the hospitals he is referring to. He's a liar.

"The story was built on a single interview that Oklahoma-based physician Dr. Jason McElyea gave to KFOR-TV. In that interview, McElyea claimed "the [emergency rooms] are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated" because people with COVID-19 are allegedly overdosing"

and you want to talk about 'anecdotal ********'?

😂 😂 😂

"A witty saying proves nothing." -Voltaire
He may be exaggerating, he may be lying, he may be telling his true experience, I don't know, and neither do you. For you to call him a liar is ******** of the highest order, and pretty much confirms my opinion of any of your information.
Didn't notice.👍
Obviously, you did... I'm toxic because I try to get everyone to help each other out. You're toxic because you try to prove everyone wrong without providing/suggesting any way to help the situation out besides pushing Ivermectin and "freedom".
;) 👍

“The mirror is a worthless invention. The only way to truly see yourself is in the reflection of someone else’s eyes.” -Voltaire
Aren't you the one that said that when the insults start, the argument is over? 😂
Nope, that was me quoting JR... and I am just pointing out that you revel in disputing info that was put together using data gathered through thousands and millions of cases by pointing out singular situations or small percentages of the large picture, just to be contrary.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Now I get it! 😂
Do you? All you do is fight mitigation or vaccinations with your arguments. Doing nothing will provide similar results. You have no suggestions to help. You only fight those who want to see things get better and attempt to make a difference by doing something. As per usual, I'm debating and going back and forth with people that are just being unhelpful.
Ohhh are we doing Voltaire quotes?

"You [Jews] seem to be the maddest of the lot. The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct, and in barbarism. You deserved to be punished, for this is your destiny." - Voltaire

"And it is a big question whether among [Blacks] they are descendants of monkeys, or if monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man is the image of God: behold a pleasant image of the eternal Being with a flat black nose, with little or no intelligence! A time will come, without a doubt, when these animals will know how to cultivate the earth well, to embellish it with houses and gardens, and to know the routes of the stars. Time is a must, for everything." - Voltaire
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