covid politics

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this is the politics thread so pretty much all misinformation.

I was questioning the need to stir up anti-Semitic quotes to cancel Voltaire, who will be remembered long after his detractors.

But herding cats on the internet is not appreciated by the cats.

All Rolling Stone said was that they couldn't "independently verify" the story, not that it wasn't true. I can imagine this doc sitting in the ER trying to transfer a patient with a GSW to a hospital with surgical capabilities, and the triage nurse coming up to him saying, "Doctor, a patient just came in vomiting, with visual impairment, and says he took one of his horse's tubes of ivermectin." That would really frost my butt to have to interrupt a transfer of an unstable gunshot patient to take care of this horse's ass.

Verifying a story like this would be difficult without violating HIPAA laws What is a HIPAA Violation? covering patient privacy information. Once you know the hospital, the date, the doctor and the diagnosis, you've probably got the patient's name. Penalties for HIPAA violations can be severe, even criminal, not to mention the huge hassle of being investigated.
The hospital issued statement, shared above, pretty much debunks multiple key aspects of the RS story. Are you denying the hospital issued statement? I just went to that named hospital website and their denial is prominently displayed.

I am not advocating that anybody take horse medicine, Ivermectin has long been used as "human" medicine for parasite control. That does not sound like an obvious candidate for mitigating a viral infection but won't I attempt to second guess the medical community with it's almost one million experts.

This is clearly being used as a political football to smear an entire group as ignorant, and worse.

This seems a good example of bad behavior in media, appropriate for inspection in a covid politics thread.

Jesus H Christ John - can't you read?! This hospital has had nothing to do with this doctor for 2 months, as they state, so they can't say **** about what is going on. They're just saying "Hey, it's not us!" This doc works for a group that covers several hospitals in that part Oklahoma, and this obviously happened at another one or ones. Where it happened can't be divulged, because the doc, his employer, and the hospitals would be subject to HIPAA penalties.

Like I said before, we don't know if this is true, or exaggeration, or lie, but saying it's not true is typical of the misinformation of the kind that has ****** up the response to this whole pandemic. This last year and a half has really illuminated the darker aspects of human interaction for me - there are just so many shitheads out there.
The RS article has been discredited... the picture of gunshot victims waiting in line wearing winter coats was grabbed from a real vaccination story that occurred during colder weather. I feel pretty confident saying that story as presented, and repeated to millions of people, is inaccurate (probably fabricated) and politically useful to some people, disrespectful to others.

Saying that it could have happened somewhere else is common spin to justify faked stories. I am not accusing you of that but if the shoe fits.


You raised the issue of HIPAA laws. Do you have any thought about vaccination passports and HIPAA privacy regulations?

You raised the issue of HIPAA laws. Do you have any thought about vaccination passports and HIPAA privacy regulations?

I do. Nobody besides the original anti-vaxxers had an issue with OUR CHILDREN being vaccinated. Now the right plays their base like a fiddle to create division. Recognize and denounce or play the part of the pawn.
Those on the right scream about privacy concerning vaccination status as 600,000 died in a year...they have no issue allowing police officers to administer breathalyzers to suspected(not proven) intoxicated drivers while only 10,000/yr die from drunk drivers. Logic absent. Law and order. more than,in deaths and damages annually.
edit:drunk driving is not contagious.
edit 2: sounds like a dumb argument. Stupidity intended.
I feel pretty confident saying that story as presented, and repeated to millions of people, is inaccurate (probably fabricated) and politically useful to some people, disrespectful to others.
Different story. Is this example politically useful, disrespectful or just plain common sense, following the recommendation of most available compiled data?


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FWIW, Covid-19 IS NOT a 'vaccine preventable' disease. No reason for children to get a Covid-19 shot.
WHY? Here is an article from Yale Medicine. They state over and over how vaccination reduces the ability to spread and contract covid. Do you not trust those who have more education and experience than you, or do you just want to see people get sick and die? From my viewpoint, I can't see any other reason for your arguments, besides to be contrary...which causes more people to die...and makes it so businesses can't get back to normal...and closes down schools...and creates division within society. Please, tell me how your arguments benefit anyone besides yourself as you "win".
We've been over this ad nauseam. Protect those at risk of serious infection (immunocompromised or in a high risk group) .

There's no reason for healthy people to get a Covid shot unless they choose to do so themselves.
FWIW, Covid-19 IS NOT a 'vaccine preventable' disease. No reason for children to get a Covid-19 shot.
Almost all studies show that people are less likely to be infected when vaccinated. If you are not infected you cannot spread. While it is not a "silver bullet", and it was NEVER claimed to be, this cancels your argument.
I have been critical of HIPAA regulations in the context of preventing mental health professionals from sharing information about potentially dangerous individuals. Dangerous to themselves and dangerous to the general public.
You guys don't need my help to find topics to argue about.


PS: I recall getting my government mandated polio vaccination before some of y'all were born. The way that partisan politics has overwhelmed pretty much every aspects of our lives, makes thoughtful, sensible discussions almost impossible. I remain optimistic that we are better than that, despite recent evidence.
Almost all studies show that people are less likely to be infected when vaccinated. If you are not infected you cannot spread. While it is not a "silver bullet", and it was NEVER claimed to be, this cancels your argument
Sure, if you say so.. We'll agree to disagree. Let's see where we are a year from now.
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