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Saying that it could have happened somewhere else is common spin to justify faked stories.

There is no claim or evidence that it happened at the hospital that is denying it happened there - this has nothing to do with the veracity of the doctor's claims, and is just used as a ******** excuse for saying he's a liar.

People make up ****, apparently thinking this justifies and proves their asinine beliefs and claims. This thread serves as evidence.
As a friend of mine used to say (sarcastically), "The louder I talk, the righter I am."
We've been over this ad nauseam. Protect those at risk of serious infection (immunocompromised or in a high risk group) .

There's no reason for healthy people to get a Covid shot unless they choose to do so themselves.
You (and millions of people like you) seem to be unable to comprehend that healthy people getting immunized is a major way to protect those who can't get the shot, and to decrease the chance of newer more virulent mutants from occurring.

Confirmation bias at work I guess.
"People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes."
There is no claim or evidence that it happened at the hospital that is denying it happened there - this has nothing to do with the veracity of the doctor's claims, and is just used as a ******** excuse for saying he's a liar.
I don't recall calling him a liar, I said the RS article was inaccurate perhaps manufactured (untruthful).

Now RS had to issue an update, now saying that "one" hospital is denying the claim that ivermectin overdoses are causing ER backups and delays (that "one hospital" seems to be the new talking point). RS repeated the statement to KFOR attributed to Dr. McElyea inside quotation marks in the body of the article.
People make up ****, apparently thinking this justifies and proves their asinine beliefs and claims. This thread serves as evidence.
As a friend of mine used to say (sarcastically), "The louder I talk, the righter I am."
Indeed,,, some people make up BS, some people (like Rachel Maddow, Newsweek, the Guardian) repeat it without questioning the veracity, exposing millions of people to this story, before the truth got its boots on.

Doing a web search for gunshot victims in OK, finds this ivermectin story repeated ad absurdum. I can imaging gunshot victims lining up outside an ER in Chicago, not rural OK.

I don't doubt that some ******* somewhere took horse ivermectin and got sick from the dosage. I do not follow Joe Rogan but he reportedly took ivermectin after testing positive for covid. I suspect he had a doctor prescribe human ivermectin, among a "kitchen sink" of medicines.

Do not take medical advice from me, or Joe Rogan... CrazyDoc seems pretty reliable when not inflamed.

Do get vaccinated... (even if I said to).


PS: Before we get al ad hominem, yes I can read... It like seems there is more than one truth being pushed here.
So thoughtful of you, John, to attack all those mainstream and left-leaning sources. I did a quick search on “ivermectin hospitalizations” and was blasted by a lot of links to pro-ivermectin propaganda. I did, however, find a link to an article from your fair state that indicated there have probably been at least one or two ivermectin hospitalizations in MS. The reporter was careful to note conflicting info from official sources on this matter—MSDH apparently contradicted itself on the matter. But the reporter sounded like he might be a liberal, so we can just dismiss him out of hand, right?
But my real point was that right wing and/or conspiracy theory lunacy still seems to be sucking up all the search engine oxygen on this one. Misinformation certainly comes through msm and left-leaning sources, but it does tend to get fact-checked by these same sources. But in the RW/CT world, the lies tend to rampage largely unchecked from within, and challenges to their veracity from the outside are ignored or attacked.
It’s a rather lame sort of bothsidesism you’re engaging in, and all it’s gotten you is an eyeroll from me as well as this overlong post.
I can imaging gunshot victims lining up outside an ER in Chicago, not rural OK.
...yet more right-wing talking points pushed by tribalism. Here's the real statistics per state. Illinois has 12.85 million people in it. 10 million in the Chicago metro area...and it still is not in the top ten of states regarding gun deaths per Capita. I live in Illinois, work in Chicago and follow the media outlets you get your news from. Try some others. The mynah bird is about to be knocked off its perch. Use real news, not hyped talking points. AK is the scariest state of all when it comes to gun deaths, but there aren't many black people there...weird. just like with covid, I use the data to make those on the right "eat crow".
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I don't recall calling him a liar, I said the RS article was inaccurate perhaps manufactured (untruthful).

No, you didn't call him a liar, but another poster here did, and plenty of people on social media platforms are calling him a liar, using that word.

I agree with you that RS, and other media have blown this up out of context and is innacurate, thereby promoting more misinformation from the left, or at least from those who are promoting vaccination and masks to help control the pandemic.

Here is a video of at least a part of the original interview - you'll note he says "some of the examples of patients that we're seeing who are causing the backlog are those that are taking horse doses of ivermectin...", not that the whole problem is due to those overdoses as the media seems to want to promote.
Apologies for being off topic, but here's a quote from the article I linked, but likely won't be read by those who blindly associate with like-minded people and then debate by emoji. How millennial.

"The South is a high-risk area for firearm violence, with those along the Mississippi River consistently reporting some of the highest gun mortality rates. Southern states, such as Florida and Louisiana, have seen sharp increases in gun violence since enacting stand your ground laws. Since enacting its stand your ground law in 2005, Florida has seen a 32% increase in gun deaths."

Come vacation in Chi-Raq someday.
More from the right. This is my local area. They don signs in their yards that say "Trump 2024: F*ck Your Feelings". They should say "F*ck Your Data, I Have Ungrounded Feelings". There is a state-wide, indoor mask mandate currently. The police ignored the businesses' wishes, the governor's mandate and no one was charged. Law and order? NOT. Even better, the offenders were chanting "USA" while ignoring the private business owners' wishes(backed by data). And JR asks why so much hate? Lack of respect is the answer. Lack of law and order is the answer. Not my party.
...There are an awful lot of buts in that article. Actually not sure there's any statement that isn't immediately followed by one.

but idk...
I can only assume those are disclaimers to avoid the "flip-flopping" accusations by non-believers as more data becomes accessible. The majority of data still shows that reducing infection, which the vaccines do, reduce spread.

edit: They wouldn't have to use the word "but", but stubborn individuals think they have an argument when something isn't 100 percent all the time...and nothing is, hence the "but". Necessary these days, it would appear.
The majority of data still shows that reducing infection, which the vaccines do, reduce spread.

"But with reports of breakthrough cases, the worry about transmissibility remains top-of-mind for many, even if—or perhaps because—there is a lack of data on all aspects of the issue. “What we don’t have—to my knowledge—is a clear epidemiologic study that maps out how many new COVID cases are directly traced back to someone who was infected after vaccination,” says Dr. Meyer. "

Just wish it was more inspiring and they didn't feel the need to cya if that's in fact what they're doing with these buts.

Can't shake the Rocket Mortgage commercials with Tracy Morgan...


"But with reports of breakthrough cases, the worry about transmissibility remains top-of-mind for many, even if—or perhaps because—there is a lack of data on all aspects of the issue. “What we don’t have—to my knowledge—is a clear epidemiologic study that maps out how many new COVID cases are directly traced back to someone who was infected after vaccination,” says Dr. Meyer. "

Just wish it was more inspiring and they didn't feel the need to cya if that's in fact what they're doing with these buts.

Can't shake the Rocket Mortgage commercials with Tracy Morgan...

What there is, is data showing an overwhelming percentage of people who are unvaccinated who are currently testing positive and ending up in the hospital. That's enough certainty for me. I'm not sure why people need omnipotence as proof to do the right thing.

edit: even funnier, it's those on the right who are "pretty certain" because of opinion and feelings that they've got the answer while disputing most data and harming others.
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“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

...well, maybe some of us know
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

...well, maybe some of us know
Profound. I would assume you would be arguing with Galileo(and calling him a liar), even though he had data saying the earth revolves around the sun. This is not much different, if not nearly identical. I'd be excommunicated, but I'm okay with that. History repeats itself because man refuses to learn. More deaths to come. More variants to come. Not my party.
Back to politics. Here's the newest "fear mongering" from Idaho's Republican governor...I didn't even have to quote Maddow, Newsweek, or The Guardian. This is because of inaccurate, UNHELPFUL talking points pushed by tough guys and conspiracy theorists. Period.
"We have reached an unprecedented a nd unwanted point in the history of our state," Republican Gov. Brad Little said. "We have taken so many steps to avoid getting here, but yet again we need to ask more Idahoans to choose to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. More Idahoans need to choose to receive the vaccine so we can minimize the spread of the disease and reduce the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations, many of which involve younger Idahoans and are preventable with safe and effective vaccines.”
Back to politics. Here's the newest "fear mongering" from Idaho's Republican governor...I didn't even have to quote Maddow, Newsweek, or The Guardian. This is because of inaccurate, UNHELPFUL talking points pushed by tough guys and conspiracy theorists. Period.
"We have reached an unprecedented a nd unwanted point in the history of our state," Republican Gov. Brad Little said. "We have taken so many steps to avoid getting here, but yet again we need to ask more Idahoans to choose to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. More Idahoans need to choose to receive the vaccine so we can minimize the spread of the disease and reduce the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations, many of which involve younger Idahoans and are preventable with safe and effective vaccines.”

that could mean

may be

or may find

Sure sounds like politics alright..


"COVID-19 hospitalizations are up nationwide with the rise of delta"

..from being spread by both vax'd and unvax'd. (FACT)

eventually you'll see it.. or maybe not.

the vaccine might prevent severe cases (certainly not stopping the spread) and this is a good thing.. Protect the immunocompromised and those at risk and get the shot if you want. Pay attention. There's a pattern.

SARS-CoV-2 2021. For the people, not the money.
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There is no claim or evidence that it happened at the hospital that is denying it happened there - this has nothing to do with the veracity of the doctor's claims, and is just used as a ******** excuse for saying he's a liar.
There is no evidence it happened at all.. 😂

Until a shred of evidence is provided. Yes, he's a liar.

Anecdotal ******** is not allowed. 😂 😂
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