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It isn't really that fascinating considering Dr Gottlieb says, "There is more evidence that people are likely to spread the Delta variant even after vaccination than they were likely to spread the other variants", which basically supports the premise of the entire article..

Immediately followed by the sentence, "But it's still a very small percentage of people."

Good lord, we are doomed, aren't we?
my wife is an experienced ICU nurse in TN. If you have any real questions about the state of hospitals in high covid areas, I have boots on the ground insight. Spoiler, it's really bad especially for unvaccinated or immuno-compromised people.
I wish stories like this would motivate people to behave responsibly--even if they won't get vaccinated, they could at least wear a mask. Unfortunately, on a recent trip that took me through Tennessee and Kentucky (which has numbers similar to Tennessee's right now), I saw almost zero mask wearing--outside of myself and my travel companions--in any of the places we stopped. In Kentucky I stepped into a restaurant to get a tea, and as I waited in line I watched Gov. Beshear on the tv discussing the overloaded hospitals and alarming infection rates. And not a single masked person in the dining room besides me.
Then again kinda difficult to stuff your cake-hole and wear a mask at the same time ,
My guess is overenthusiasm by the vaccinated to get back to normal is now the predominant cause of the spread of infection here <86% vax rate , theres no doubt vaxing gave people a false and unfounded sense of security .
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I think were quite entitled to agree or disagree here , we often do , Ive personally found some of crazy docs outbursts and wishes of death on people who dont happen to concur with his views, very difficult to square off from a man who supposedly upholds the hippocratic oath . I think I did have to withdraw at least one comment to the good doctor and yes I've had one or two warnings over the time myself too , theres an old saying ,play the ball not the man .
We went through this before, but you persist in stating that I have wished death upon people. I have said that people make their own ill-informed choices, and if their choice leads to an untoward outcome, like death, they have brought it upon themselves. I've also said that I feel relief at the end of a destructive life (think Hitler, bin Laden, Edie Amin, Pol Pot, and many others not so well known and may still be among the living.)

Feel free to post some factual information about my "wishes of death on people who dont happen to concur with his views."
That's OK - I am a ********. Many doctors are, due to having to deal with patients. :LOL:
Many people have to deal with customers.... Some even say the customer is always right. I've met a few customers who aren't but I couldn't tell them that to their face as they might be offended.

My current clinic doctor is one of those "what do you want" doctors, but i don't take notes from the TV commercials telling me what meds to ask for. I preferred my old clinic doctor who was willing to debate and occasionally lose when I disputed her advice.

Sorry you have such unpleasant patients.


PS: I did deal with one orthopedic specialist about my bum knee and he was definitely a ********.
Thanx. I experimented with CBD back years ago. Who knows what was in those early snake oil ointments. Perhaps now years later after legalization CBD sold actually has some Cannabidiol inside, but back then no effect, not even placebo.

I have managed my arthritic inflammation with OTC naproxen sodium (NSAID) as long as I am careful to eat food with my 2x daily doses, so I don't suffer gastric insult.


PS: I smoked my share of whacky tobacky back in the 60s, but not so much these days.
Sorry you have such unpleasant patients.
Not so many. I divide patients into three types.

First, the ones who have a problem, come to you for treatment/advice, and accept it. This is OK, and is the bread and butter.

Second, the ones that question your response, and we can have a conversation, and a learning experience on both sides. These are the best ones.

Last, the ones that want something they can't have unless they can get you to use your medical license to get it (because they don't have one.) Sometimes appropriate, sometimes not, but it's always a tense situation (for me anyway) because they are trying to use me. Things like their internet diagnosis that they know is right, prescriptions (inappropriate medications - antibiotic not indicated, controlled substances probably for abuse), insisting on labs and imaging that are not indicated, disability, work excuses (doc, I was sick last week and didn't go to work - I need a note saying I was sick.) Sometimes you just have to be a ********.
PS: I did deal with one orthopedic specialist about my bum knee and he was definitely a ********.
Well, he's a $urgeon and wants to cut - what do you expect.
they could at least wear a mask
Went to eat at a small town restaurant for the first time in a year and wore a disposable mask. While in this blue county, I found the mask to non-mask ratio at my destination to be at least 35:1.
Managed a few curious glances from the unmasked while waiting and being taxied to our table. These sideways looks were familiar, but not the same as the ones I got in late 2019 while in a Safeway checkout lane, before our moral camouflage took on colors of pastel blue and green.
The grocery store looks came from not liking the future the mask implied, while looks at the pizza place came from the mask's reminder of the past? Lowering my mouth-diaper so to enjoy a plate of Ravioli, I imagined a fleet of microscopic UAP's crash landing upon my Alveoli.
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Mouth diaper , :ROFLMAO:

I liked Matadors previous post too , that might have been from the Spanish flu over 100 years ago ,yet still very relevent in the times we find ourselves in now .
"Hmmmmmmm. I thought "releaf" was what the trees do every year."

Next thing you know we'll find out they have a financial incentive to market

I was surprised how effective it was. But I think breathing has a powerful effect on the body too so there's that ...

Thanks for keeping it political... ;)
I just looked at a chart showing trends wrt ICU and general inpatient capacity. hospitalization trends link
I got different a different average number of covid patients for the week of Set 06-12 in FL. Only 100 less though..

06/13564...07/13382... 08/12995...09/12610...10/12158....11/11433..12/11238..

we're at 10979 as of yesterday.... a few days were in the it's kind of floundering.. Hopefully it keeps trending lower...

Wonder what's up with that recent Atlantic piece about the hospitalization metric being used and how it's a bit confusing in the different contexts being used.
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Thats a tragic situation Winston , I'm sorry for your loss ,

Ive kept the same level of precautions all through and I wont be letting up anytime soon , Instead of one squirt of high strenght alcohol ,provided for free at my local grocery store , I dispense around ten squirts and rub it right upto my forearms , its free alcohol after all , and the Irish have a reputation for over indulgence .

The number of cases here in Ireland appears to be slowing tapering downwards also , weather is starting to close in again now for the winter , so probably less chances for the young to socialise out of doors , currently most if not all restrictions will be removed by 22 Oct , but as always its subject to change if things start heading in the wrong direction again .
Well, he's a $urgeon and wants to cut - what do you expect.
Actually that was not my complaint with him, but my actual criticism is not important.

I was warned about Ortho's wanting to cut everything when I was dealing with plantar fasciitis (in both feet at different times). I avoided the cutters and managed to heal my fascia stretched out using a sleep brace...

Ive kept the same level of precautions all through and I wont be letting up anytime soon , Instead of one squirt of high strenght alcohol ,provided for free at my local grocery store , I dispense around ten squirts and rub it right upto my forearms , its free alcohol after all , and the Irish have a reputation for over indulgence .
Skol ; )
I push the sanitizers twice -- way in and way out. Most people in Japan do only once or not at all. With colder weather not good for my skin though.

For skol, I am sure I can say, we all here prefer proper. For me beer in hotter weather, wine in winter.

If you have any real questions about the state of hospitals in high covid areas, I have boots on the ground insight.
Yes, I'd have a question -- not sure you can / are supposed to share though. How is monoclonal infusion faring ? Available in sufficient quantity ? Administered when ? Early stage or also severe stage ?
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