Donald trump. what is your take on him?

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mattiasNYC said:
It follows the pattern I've seen from most Trump supporters actually:

- Make claim
- When asked if there's evidence just say "yes, plenty"
- When asked what the evidence is specifically; change the topic

I've seen that OVER AND OVER AGAIN in the past week. I've lost count.
I hope that the TV networks run Trump's "concession speech" on a 30-second delay tonight. See, rather than offer a gracious congratulations to Clinton, I fully expect him to pull out a revolver, say, "You'll remember me!" and blow his brains out.

And I don't need my kid to see that.
T: We got weapons. We are going to storm the White House and get it. Any more questions?

The anti-government group that just got acquitted in Oregon for taking a gov. building by force with assault weapons has really emboldened the wingnuts I'm afraid.
I voted today in CA, took an hour. Some long time residents told me it usually takes 5 min. So might point to a high voter turnout. We have two of the most disliked candidates in history. Anti-Trump and Anti-Clinton should be on the ballot, since that is what the majority seems to be voting for.
john12ax7 said:
I voted today in CA, took an hour. Some long time residents told me it usually takes 5 min. So might point to a high voter turnout. We have two of the most disliked candidates in history. Anti-Trump and Anti-Clinton should be on the ballot, since that is what the majority seems to be voting for.

On Sky News I just heard an exit poll stated that 25% of people voted to stop the other candidate, not because they liked the one they voted for.


dmp said:
The anti-government group that just got acquitted in Oregon for taking a gov. building by force with assault weapons has really emboldened the wingnuts I'm afraid.

I am often apprehensive about the federal government using force against its own citizens. If they were acquitted perhaps the feds were wrong in that case. Lots of questions about western land management and long standing historical relationships with ranchers.

I am not sure about this stat but just read there are more non defense department federal officers authorized to arrest and carry firearms (200,000) than the number of US marines (182,000). This militarization of the federal government may be worth some inspection.

I thought it was interesting a couple years back when armed government agents busted into Gibson's factory over imported wood for their guitar fretboards.  Did they think they would get into a fire-fight with some Gibson luthiers? I have a friend who works there and doubt he was strapped at work (or at home).

ruffrecords said:
On Sky News I just heard an exit poll stated that 25% of people voted to stop the other candidate, not because they liked the one they voted for.


I don't doubt it, I saw a pre-election poll that read a similar number, 36% or more from both sides, voting "against" the opposite candidate. There have always been negative ads around campaigns (because they work), but the character assassination and visceral enmity this years seems higher than past years.

It reflects how I feel about this election, and many here seem to be aggressively anti-trump from reading their posts.

The good news this election is almost over and we can go back to hating spammers instead of each other.

Only in America (and the like):

Nevada's Republican Party chairman, Michael McDonald, told a Trump audience in Reno on Saturday that polling locations were kept open late so that a "certain group" could vote.

"Last night, in Clark County, they kept a poll open 'til 10 o'clock at night so a certain group could vote," McDonald said in introductory remarks at a Trump rally. "The polls are supposed to close at 7. This was kept open until 10. Yeah, you feel free right now? You think this is a free and easy election? That's why it's important."

At that rally, Trump suggested that the polling location's extended closing time to allow voters to cast their ballots was a sign of a "rigged system" pitted against his campaign.

"It's being reported that certain key Democratic polling locations in Clark County were kept open for hours and hours beyond closing time to bus and bring democratic voters in. Folks, it's a rigged system. It's a rigged system and we're going to beat it. We're going to beat it," Trump said.

Yep, you heard it courtesy of the Republicans: Being allowed to cast your vote is a sign of a rigged system, and contrary to "freedom", in the free and democratic USA.

Where else in a western democracy is it considered a problem that more citizens get to cast their vote?
Do any of you really think our system is about democrats or republicans, or black or white, or a woman winning? People tell me, heatedly, "if the DEMOCRATS would only..." or, "those dang REPUBLICANS are ruining this country..."

It's divide and conquer. Parties destroy rationality and a chance for true progress. They keep people locked into little boxes, their "home teams" instead of allowing us to simply step back, as a people, and address the issues holistically.

I realize many view the parties as a way to consolidate viewpoints, but really that isn't true either.

I ask you this. What major company would launch an initiative that cost billions of dollars, without adequate planning (in fact planning as it went), and then as it failed, look the other way and scream they will continue the system and not even consider evaluating how well it's working? (yes I'm talking about O-doesn't-care).

What person wanting to build a house would just start calling contractors to dig, without ever having the blueprints validated and checked?

So many of our systems - major, huge, life-changing systems - are run completely rough-shod like this. Before you start telling me I'm against healthcare, I'm not. I'm just against lunacy and initiating a system that was planned so badly there was no way it was ever going to work.

How is it that "the greatest country in the world  ::) " managed to come up with bottom-feeders we have for candidates? We produce amazing athletes every 4 years for the Olympics, but for our most important positions it seems anyone with cash and popularity can run. Candidates should have to take tests or have certifications - just like Olympians have to make trials.

I know I'm a bit OT from what y'all are saying at the moment, but I had to get this off my chest.

NONE of this is about Republicans or Democrats - those are just stupid systems (that are NOT in the constitution by the way) that hinder democracy. Democracy should advance the will of the people. But pulling that lever is NOT democracy - it's a joke. How do you want to be executed? Not IF. We don't have true choice here - none of us do. The 2000 election proved it. Damn the will of the people, the Supreme Court prevented a recount and declared Bush the winner. We have this thing called a Constitution, but the leaders seem to use it when they feel it serves their purposes, but ignore it completely at their whim.
I am often apprehensive about the federal government using force against its own citizens.
That's good. I am too. That was the point of the black lives matter movement.
The Feds acted with a lot of restraint in the Oregon case.  The acquittal came from a jury which said the group was exercising their 1st and 2nd amendment rights. Ridiculous, IMO.
Individuals have the right to protest in this country, but not by force. That's something different.
How is it that "the greatest country in the world  ::) " managed to come up with bottom-feeders we have for candidates? We produce amazing athletes every 4 years for the Olympics, but for our most important positions it seems anyone with cash and popularity can run. Candidates should have to take tests or have certifications - just like Olympians have to make trials.
+Plus 1

dmp said:
Individuals have the right to protest in this country, but not by force. That's something different.

Yes but was in necessary for the Bureau of land management to do what they did?
Take Nevada for example,  The whole government action down their was because  the gov was trying to do a land deal and the people where in the way.  From all accounts no one would benefit from this other then government and officials.  Sometimes force however ugly is necessary, it's how we did a brex it over 200 years ago and formed the U.S.
So, anyone care to wager, if the US manages to elect Trump, how far the stock market will drop in the next week or so?  I hope that it doesn't come to pass (the whole Trump debacle says so many terrible things about this country regardless of the outcome), but my guess is a minimum loss of 5% within a week, and between double and triple that before year's end. 
Crickets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    .    .    .    .        .        .        .        anybody else?
As JR watches his nest egg get scrambled....but hey, his ill-advised gamble  on gold may yet pay off!
hodad said:
So, anyone care to wager, if the US manages to elect Trump, how far the stock market will drop in the next week or so?  I hope that it doesn't come to pass (the whole Trump debacle says so many terrible things about this country regardless of the outcome), but my guess is a minimum loss of 5% within a week, and between double and triple that before year's end.

Well the stock market actually needs to tumble if you care about the overall economy and average working man. It's been over-inflated for a while with the government sending money to the wealthy at the expense of the middle class and poor.
Nikkei's down 5.3%--pretty much on target with what I was thinking.  And gold is up, John!  Hot diggity dog!  It's all worthwhile now. 

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