Donald trump. what is your take on him?

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That's really not a serious question, but I spend as much time as I can. It's important and interesting. Occasionally hilarious. Clinton sending Podesta out to do her 'concession speech' was great.



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Gene Pink said:
I'll bet he was angry, you should have let him out first.  :eek:
could have been worse...  An old friend of mine tells a story about a military prank (he served in viet nam) involving an outhouse and explosives.  :eek: Talk about sh__ hitting the fan.  ;D


PS: Since washington DC is built on top of an old drained swamp, outhouses don't work very well there.


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As a humorous slight diversion on the same subject have a listen to this.  Its a an after dinner talk by a demobbed explosives expert turned public speaker named Blaster Bates.

you have to listen through the northern England accent, but it is very funny once you do so


Ever see a two story outhouse?

As usual we are on the bottom.

-The reason why Silicon Valley's "innovation" doesn't show up in productivity data is b/c they redirect money from the rest of the economy.

-Their business model is monopolization, labor exploitation, and rent extraction. Why would we expect that to be productive??

-Oh, I forgot regulatory arbitrage.

-do you include taxes in regulatory arbitrage


-And shift profits offshore
JohnRoberts said:

That's why you're part of the problem John. If you can't get yourself to call a Nazi a Nazi, then you're part of the problem.

JohnRoberts said:
  (did you mean to write "chanting").I regret that one woman died, and I regret that 2 police officers died. I also regret that about 100 people died from auto accidents a day. I will gladly condemn all hate crimes (again, but please don't run the PC playbook on me)

It's not about a "PC playbook", it's about you showing where your priorities lie. You saying you "regret" these deaths feels completely hollow.

JohnRoberts said:
. SInce the 1930s there has been an american nazi party (ANP)  promoting hate, bigotry, and ignorance (Socialist/ Nationalist).  After the founder (Rockwell) was assassinated in 1967 the organization broke up, and since then many smaller groups have used the name (and iconography). Since the ANP philosophy has socialist roots, why is this being attached to the right? (rhetorical ....probably the populism).

Do you actually want to know why it's placed on the right side and not the left? I mean, do you actually not know why that is?

And what difference does it make? Would it make you feel better or give you leverage in a discussion if for some reason Nazis were "left" instead of "right"?

JohnRoberts said:
Again stop claiming I said things I haven't. These people are disgusting, just like any and all other hate groups are disgusting.  If anything their growth recently is coming from extra media attention.

From media attention of a POTUS that won't clearly, unequivocally and solely condemn them.

Again, you and Trump are pushing the blame on the media. Trump has routinely made statements that are far more strongly condemning media than he has condemning neo Nazis and the white power movement. Why? Well, which supports him and which doesn't?

It's as if someone blames Islam-based terrorism on the media rather than a shitty religion.

JohnRoberts said:
Statements from POTUS need to be more single minded and concise, as anything even slightly more nuanced will get twisted around and used to attack him with by an unfriendly media.  President Trump's Jewish son-in-law seems inconsistent with his imaginary nazi sympathies.

"I'm not a racist, I have black friends."

Never heard that one before.

As a matter of fact, I'm going to tell you a true story. I was once sharing an apartment with two guys and one was leaving. I wrote the ad looking for a new roommate, and the other who was staying had opinions about it. His opinion was about the phrase "All races, genders and sexual preferences welcome" because it would exclude people. My brain said to me it would include people, but I figured out what he meant: By implying that anyone was welcome bigots wouldn't be. A homophobe or a racist wouldn't feel welcome in an apartment in which I lived because of my views. He then told me he had problems with African Americans, but that I was "ok". That's what he said to my face.

And so the take home here is that if he got into an argument with me online and we didn't know each other he would say that he had dark skinned friends and even lived with one, so how could he be racist..... and yeah, he was a racist that tolerated me because to him I was the exception that didn't conform to all his shitty preconceived notions.

So T having a Jew in the family? Whoppdifuckingdooo.... I'm moderately impressed.

JohnRoberts said:
This is a slippery slope when we start to apply modern mores to erase past history. Maybe place some new plaques under these old statues adding contemporary statements. Some of these confederate generals were highly honored military commanders for the US before the civil war. 

First of all, there are history books. You don't need a statue to remember that X was a leader of a military. You need an education. Fortunately we also have the internet so you can get your pro-military fix on with a simple Google search. You even get the ones fighting for slavery thank god.

Secondly, who gives a crap if they were highly honored? Does that change what they were fighting for? Should we honor Rommel because he was decorated? If you fight for the wrong side you fight for the wrong side, period. Being decorated doesn't make you any less of a racist or antisemite.

JohnRoberts said:
Several of our country's founders were slave owners and that doesn't make them, or the constitution they wrote bad.

I beg to differ. Just because they wrote a decent constitution doesn't make up for them having thought they had the right to own and enslave other human beings.
pucho812 said:
What about the Morrill tariff enacted in 1861?
What about northern states that never left the union which were slave states?
What about the 2860 census that listed half a million slaves in the north?
What about the emancipation proclamation and how it did not free northern slaves?
What about Lincoln who would have left slavery alone had the union been preserved?
What about the control in d.c.  And how the north wanted to keep it?
There are a lot of questions and answer that all add up to the war between the states. There is not one cause, despite what history teaches now days.  It's not so cut and dried.

It's not relevant to what we were all addressing. You can have whatever opinion about why the war was fought years ago, but 'today' neo Nazis and white supremacists were marching on American streets wishing for a segregation along racial lines, and one of the nutcases even engaged in an act of terrorism because of it.

How do your questions in any way shape or form address that?
JohnRoberts said:
Modern media seems a little too inclined to  promote partisan agendas instead of objective factual reportage.

"Literal accuracy". Is that what you're looking for? I think that was the term you used. Don't parse what POTUS says for "literal accuracy".

So really what you are concerned with is hearing facts that jive with what you want to hear, and everything else is just anti-Trump partisan PC bs.

JohnRoberts said:
There are real terror events going on around the world and we are instead relitigating the civil war by applying modern cultural standards to behavior by our ancestors hundreds of years ago. 

Like the white supremacist that drove his car into a crowd killing a woman? That kind of "real" terror? The kind of event where you lamented the death of police officers but not the woman until someone asked you? The kind where you don't want to call a Nazi a Nazi because he's just an "idiot" instead? That kind of event? The one where they were marching with Nazi AND confederate flags?

That's the kind of event we should "apply modern cultural standards"? Or no?

JohnRoberts said:
Not sure where this PC surge will end.... We thought the "redskins" was the most objectionable part of the "Washington Redskins" team name, but after George Washington gets declared a racist white supremacist, they'll have to rename our nation's capital too.

For non-white people this isn't just about being PC, this is about being safe and it's about equality.
One more thing:

Some here thinks that the US needs cleaning up. Apparently there's a problem with crime. I want to just reiterate what some of us see quite clearly;

- Potus said when the Central Park Five were convicted that they should be executed. Five black juveniles. Executed. They were subsequently freed because DNA evidence surfaced. His comment? They could still be guilty. "Could". So, if he had his way they would have been killed by the state and then when DNA showed the conviction was on shaky ground... too bad.

- During the campaign he promoted stop-and-frisk which very disproportionally targets non-whites, a policy that got spanked in the courts.

- Potus now exonerates a Sheriff convicted of a crime. This crime was directed at a minority.

- Repeated attempts to govern prosecutions and investigations in the DOJ.....

Just what are we to make of this?  Rule of law? For whom?
mattiasNYC said:
"Literal accuracy". Is that what you're looking for? I think that was the term you used. Don't parse what POTUS says for "literal accuracy".

So really what you are concerned with is hearing facts that jive with what you want to hear, and everything else is just anti-Trump partisan PC bs.
You can't stop putting words in my mouth...  :mad: Since you ask.... news reportage should be objective, not colored by personal bias and agenda.

Trump is guilty of giving his detractors all the ammunition they can use by not filtering himself even a little. Since silicon valley are shutting down voices they don't like maybe they will shut down Trump's twitter account (please close his twitter acct).
Like the white supremacist that drove his car into a crowd killing a woman? That kind of "real" terror? The kind of event where you lamented the death of police officers but not the woman until someone asked you?
I pointed out the death of the two police officers because it was pretty much ignored in all the commentary I saw on social media. Their lives matter too.  All 3 lives matter.
The kind where you don't want to call a Nazi a Nazi because he's just an "idiot" instead? That kind of event? The one where they were marching with Nazi AND confederate flags?
again stop claiming to know what I think or mean.

I called the self described NAZI, white supremacist demonstrators IDIOTS because that is what they are.  Not because I somehow support any of the numerous fringe groups that our open society protects free speech from (ANTIFA are idiots too).

I tried to post some perspective but it has fallen on deaf ears while you argue divisive identity politics, making ugly suggestions about me.  I do not care what you think of me, but I notice what you say about me, to me.
That's the kind of event we should "apply modern cultural standards"? Or no?
Modern cultural standards and at least a little perspective.  Apparently these hate groups tried to mount a huge demonstration but only got a modest number (hundreds?).  In Spain more than half a million people protested against the recent terror attack (that would have been far worse if the idiot terrorists didn't blow themselves up making bombs for the attack. Yes they are all idiots. After they blew up their bombs prematurely all they had left was rental vehicles.

What didn't get widely reported was violent protests the next day in Barcelona between anti-islam and anti-fascist groups, but the police kept them under control.
For non-white people this isn't just about being PC, this is about being safe and it's about equality.
I can't claim to speak for all white people. In fact I try not to think in those terms. That racial division is promoted by some (many) to gain political capital.

If you are concerned about safety how about how the city administration and police failed to keep the demonstrators orderly and apart? Of course that alone couldn't have prevented the (white supremacist) idiot from driving his vehicle into the crowd, why those kind of attacks are so hard to prevent. I am pleased to see in the news that they are charging more rioters with crimes. I hope this is a new trend as so many violent demonstrators in the past have gotten away with a slap on the wrist.

I will not attempt to characterize your viewpoints (I know how much that angers me) but I see this event as just the most recent political wrangling of high profile events to pin it on POTUS for political gain. It is no secret that Trump is unartful in his messaging. I do not think he is racist, but he is like that old uncle at thanksgiving who says whatever is on his mind for better and worse. A hyper-critical media have a field day with his every comment.

They were oddly calm after his Afghanistan speech where he announced some substantive discussion of another intractable problem he inherited ( unlike N Korea that media worked  to inflame with the sky is falling reportage).


PS: [satire]Trump needs to start working on his apology for causing hurricane Harvey. [/satire]  Actually in this hyper partisan media environment it hasn't even stopped raining in Texas while partisan spinners are already dredging up old Sandy relief votes in congress to divide the nation into opposing sides. 
JohnRoberts said:
"Literal accuracy". Is that what you're looking for? I think that was the term you used. Don't parse what POTUS says for "literal accuracy".
You can't stop putting words in my mouth...  :mad:

JohnRoberts said:
Parsing Trump's tweets for literal accuracy will keep the fact checkers employed, while also changing the subject. 

You're welcome.

- - - interestingly enough, at the top of that page, I complained that POTUS didn't say a word about the racism against brown people after a terrorist shooting in Olathe, Kansas. The suspect said he shot and killed the Iranians. I made the point that that's what the rhetoric gets us. In your answer again you avoided being too PC by calling the shooter "a loser" rather than a "terrorist" or "racist" or whatever.

JohnRoberts said:
I pointed out the death of the two police officers because it was pretty much ignored in all the commentary I saw on social media. Their lives matter too.  All 3 lives matter.

I'm sure you could find other people who died in the area that day. Their lives matter too, don't they? But the only person who died because of ideology was the girl, nobody else. The cops died because apparently someone doesn't know how to fly a chopper properly.

JohnRoberts said:
again stop claiming to know what I think or mean.

I called the self described NAZI, white supremacist demonstrators IDIOTS because that is what they are.  Not because I somehow support any of the numerous fringe groups that our open society protects free speech from (ANTIFA are idiots too).

Why didn't you call them "men"? They were also men. Or "between 4'5" and 6'5"? That's probably also true. If you're going to pick out something of value to identify people or group them together then it's worth using a descriptor that matters. Nazi does. Idiot doesn't get you very far.

Imagine for a second that you're not white. You're walking in a city you don't know, and you're on the phone getting guidance from a friend. He understands you're heading into an area and says "The people in that neighborhoods are idiots". Would you prefer to hear that or "The people in that hood are white supremacists"? I'd say the latter is a tad more important. Or pretend you're a Jew and the area is filled with anti-semites. "Idiot" could be anything. Anti-semite would be relevant.

I'm detecting a pattern. It's the same patter and argument I've seen when "people" point to crime statistics of black people. Why point out that they're black. Because it's true. Uhm. Ok. I don't smell any fish at all, nor see anything even remotely resembling ducks.

JohnRoberts said:
I see this event as just the most recent political wrangling of high profile events to pin it on POTUS for political gain. It is no secret that Trump is unartful in his messaging. I do not think he is racist, but he is like that old uncle at thanksgiving who says whatever is on his mind for better and worse. A hyper-critical media have a field day with his every comment.

"unartful messaging"..... "literal accuracy".....

Just when does the spade become a spade in you eyes John? Ever?

And as for political gain - you didn't really complain much when he flirted with these divisive forces during the campaign, did you? Most of what I see is "oh, he should lay off twitter", not because of what he says, but because he says it.
While I'm generally pleased to see you back on this forum, I can't say it's edifying to see you laying into JR all the time.

What good does it do except foster an unpleasant atmosphere?

People who have had a good education and have been observers of life for a great many years have well proven ideas about people and how the world works.  I accept that you have ideas that I don't agree with (and some I do) and I probably have some inkling of why you came to form them, but I have no intention of trying to change them, or trying to back you into a corner over them.  I would like to see you accept JR's opinions in the same spirit.

Trump was trying to occupy the middle ground over his Charlottesville comments, but there are so few occupants of that territory nowadays that it turned out negative for him.  I at least understood where he was coming from, at this distance, I see Nazis and white supremacists on one side and Antifa on the other, so it made sense to me.

I hate the Nazis and everything they stand for, but I have no time for the militant Left either.  Both of these extremes want to use bullyboy tactics to control events because they can't get enough electoral support in the ballot box.

I am a big consumer of news, because it informs my opinions and I see almost daily "comment" from journalists instead of actual news.  Trump is deemed to be newsworthy and a source of ridicule and therefore cheap copy.  As a political amateur (which got him elected) he has made many mistakes, which to some reinforce those credentials.  But for international events, he has performed better than Obama IMO.  59 cruise missiles on the Syrian airbase, while the Chinese President was in town was a case in point.  A hard line with China over NK was another, so was 4k US troops for Afghanistan and a hard line with Pakistan over harbouring insurgents was another.  The media hate Trump because he has called them out for bias, so these stories get a mention but no praise.  The electors are not stupid and notice this stuff.

Ever since Watergate, the world has been obsessed with conspiracy theories.  The US never went to the moon and Paul Mc Cartney is dead being two I remember off hand.  The left in politics (ironic)  wants to drag Trump down over his alleged ties to Russia,  could this possibly be because a partnership with Russia would be an enormous foreign policy coup and put back the Doomsday clock by half an hour and enhance his standing enormously?  It might even get him a second term?

I wonder ???

mattiasNYC said:
You can't stop putting words in my mouth...  :mad:

You're welcome.

- - - interestingly enough, at the top of that page, I complained that POTUS didn't say a word about the racism against brown people after a terrorist shooting in Olathe, Kansas. The suspect said he shot and killed the Iranians. I made the point that that's what the rhetoric gets us. In your answer again you avoided being too PC by calling the shooter "a loser" rather than a "terrorist" or "racist" or whatever.
I have long argued that words matter but it seems we are in an alternate (PC) reality where language used takes on a life of its own with more significance than facts.
I'm sure you could find other people who died in the area that day.
I think I already did for across the nation. Local news that isn't about the partisan conflict is hard to find with search engines focussed on the drama.
Their lives matter too, don't they? But the only person who died because of ideology was the girl, nobody else. The cops died because apparently someone doesn't know how to fly a chopper properly.
Um no... the police were in the air because of the rally, so they died trying to protect civilians.  Arguably using your logic they died because of racist ideology too.
Why didn't you call them "men"? They were also men. Or "between 4'5" and 6'5"? That's probably also true. If you're going to pick out something of value to identify people or group them together then it's worth using a descriptor that matters. Nazi does. Idiot doesn't get you very far.
what matters to you and me are not necessarily the same thing.
Imagine for a second that you're not white. You're walking in a city you don't know, and you're on the phone getting guidance from a friend. He understands you're heading into an area and says "The people in that neighborhoods are idiots". Would you prefer to hear that or "The people in that hood are white supremacists"? I'd say the latter is a tad more important. Or pretend you're a Jew and the area is filled with anti-semites. "Idiot" could be anything. Anti-semite would be relevant.
I would try to avoid idiots prone to violence no matter what their ideology is. I have actually lived in cities before and did some stupid stuff going places I wasn't welcome (but apparently I survived that too).
I'm detecting a pattern. It's the same patter and argument I've seen when "people" point to crime statistics of black people. Why point out that they're black. Because it's true. Uhm. Ok. I don't smell any fish at all, nor see anything even remotely resembling ducks.
you are getting harder to follow, are you angry?
"unartful messaging"..... "literal accuracy".....

Just when does the spade become a spade in you eyes John? Ever?
I would vote for Trump again tomorrow, but I wish he would filter himself more to give his detractors less ammunition.  The media seems out of control feeding on positive feedback inside their own echo chamber with progressively more ridiculous claims that I decline to repeat.
And as for political gain - you didn't really complain much when he flirted with these divisive forces during the campaign, did you? Most of what I see is "oh, he should lay off twitter", not because of what he says, but because he says it.
I would have bet money that Hillary would win, while i did vote "against" her.  Trump in my judgement won because of a ground swell push-back against all elite politicians, not just against democrats. He is less republican than many would like (He's from NY after all).


@DaveP thanks for the kind comments but Matt just seems a little angry.  If he keeps up the personal attacks I will have to ignore him because these are not rational fact based criticisms of me (IMO), and I am already repeating myself (something else I do not enjoy).
DaveP said:
have no intention of trying to change them, or trying to back you into a corner over them.  I would like to see you accept JR's opinions in the same spirit.

There's this funny thing where you conservatives whine about being PC, yet when it comes to your own religion or your own political views we apparently have to accept them. Sorry, while I accept your rights to think whatever you want I'm under absolutely zero obligation to respect your views or your actions.

DaveP said:
Trump was trying to occupy the middle ground over his Charlottesville comments, but there are so few occupants of that territory nowadays that it turned out negative for him. 

The middle ground between Nazis, Anti-Semites and White Power fanatics and on the other hand those who oppose them? Is that the middle ground?

F that. There is NO middle ground when it comes to Nazis. The POTUS said that there were very nice people among those groups. That's what he said. And JR says he'll vote for that president again.

I can tell neither of you are black or Jewish, because you appear to have no f-ing empathy for those who are. Zero.

My anger should get you to question just how significant it is that Trump said what he said, but instead all you two do are coddle up and try to protect your dear version of conservative ideology or whatever it is. To say that you don't understand "us" is an understatement.

Look, "we" warned you about this president during his candidacy, and we warned about how divisive he would be. The rhetoric was all over the news and we now see David Duke and others hailing him for his comments. And you support him one way or another.

I just have no 'love' left over for the supporters. None.

DaveP said:
I hate the Nazis and everything they stand for, but I have no time for the militant Left either. 

Yeah, one side tried to exterminate all Jews by tossing them in ovens, and the militant left is really annoying. They break windows and crap. I can see how it is rational to compare the two.

DaveP said:
While I'm generally pleased to see you back on this forum, I can't say it's edifying to see you laying into JR all the time.

What good does it do except foster an unpleasant atmosphere?

Don't read my posts then.
JohnRoberts said:
I have long argued that words matter but it seems we are in an alternate (PC) reality where language used takes on a life of its own with more significance than facts.

You said I put words in your mouth. I showed you your own words.

Your words. Choose them more carefully if you don't want to eat them again. It probably wasn't the only time you downplayed his lies, and I could check that and prove that to you by quoting you, but you'd just whine about "PC" again.

JohnRoberts said:
the police were in the air because of the rally, so they died trying to protect civilians. 

So if a worker in a factory gets killed because of the machine he works on, and he was making toys for children, he died because he was trying to make children happy?

I mean the lengths you people go to to prop up your own group is astounding.

JohnRoberts said:
Arguably using your logic they died because of racist ideology too.

LoL, YOU are the one tying the cause of their unfortunate accident to the event, not me. It's YOUR faulty logic, not mine. They died because of an accident. That's all.

JohnRoberts said:
what matters to you and me are not necessarily the same thing.

Yeah, I understand that very well. Put a white-power coddling potus in the white house and apparently it's clear as day.

JohnRoberts said:
you are getting harder to follow, are you angry?

You're a very intelligent person. I'm sure you'll figure it out all by yourself.

JohnRoberts said:
I wish he would filter himself more to give his detractors less ammunition.

Exactly. Your problem isn't his views on Hispanics, on blacks, on Nazis, on any of that; your problem is that he says it out loud.

Except it's not a big enough problem not to vote for him again.

JohnRoberts said:
Matt just seems a little angry.  If he keeps up the personal attacks I will have to ignore him because these are not rational fact based criticisms of me (IMO), and I am already repeating myself (something else I do not enjoy).

Yes. "We" are angry. Deal with it any way you like. This is your own doing.
The problem for you Matt is the American Constitution which defends free speech and the President's duty to do the same.

America is riven down the middle and Trump knows this, I would guess this is behind him being on neither extreme.

I think it could be possible to make the Nazi salute against the law, that is the case in Germany I believe.  But making things illegal just tends to drive people underground.  Describing them as clowns or misguided might well be more successful at restricting recruitment.

There's this funny thing where you conservatives whine about being PC, yet when it comes to your own religion or your own political views we apparently have to accept them. Sorry, while I accept your rights to think whatever you want I'm under absolutely zero obligation to respect your views or your actions.
Classic Matt:  Show me where I said you had to accept my views?  All I said was that we should all respect people enough to allow them their own opinions.  Crushing free thought and free speech is the tactic of the extreme left and right,viz. Hitler and Stalin.

If I don't like to see my culture disappearing under the weight of immigration, I'm a racist,  If I'm ever so slightly conservative I'm a fascist.  Sorry I don't buy your politics.

Regarding "We": I have my suspicions about some members here, no electronics contributions, no comment on other sections, just an agenda on the Brewery.  It almost seems like it's part of a organisation plan, am I getting warmer?

It's interesting that conservatives keep saying the left is bringing up identity politics when extreme groups on the right are imposing or supporting a variety of discriminatory policies or viewpoints, and reasonable people in the middle (or left) say: "no - I disagree, it is wrong to be prejudiced against certain groups of people". Good people believe 'to live and let live' and support positions that provide equal opportunity do not discriminate.  In fact, the right wing has been very successful in mobilizing their base through these tactics of stirring up identity politics issues - Bannon said as much himself.

Trump is definitely not in the middle of the political spectrum on any of this - he is extreme in a way that is unprecedented. Perhaps this is simply through poor judgment and a lack of critical thinking skills, but none the less, he has consistently presented a repugnant character, whether his treatment of women, or his support of hateful groups.
If he blamed both sides after a ISIS terrorist attack, would anyone on this board be defending him?  No, he only has defenders in his base because they are in the same 'tribe'.

The pardon of Sheriff Arpaio can illustrate how extreme and radical Trump is. Here is a person who defied a court order to stop illegal profiling behavior of hispanics. This sheriff defied the court order and was convicted of that - since it is a crime to defy a court order. If the power of courts is ignored, the whole rule of law and country is undermined. The sheriff had not appealed; the process was incomplete. The sheriff  had not served a sentence or shown any contrition.  Yet Trump has pardoned him because he was a strong Trump supporter and Trump shared the same strong arm view of law enforcement towards immigration issues.
The proper way to proceed is to create laws through the legislative process - not break the current laws!
Although the President has broad powers to pardon, this is an unbelievable example of bias and disregard for the US Constitution and rule of law.
Anyone who has read the news and has an understanding and respect for the rule of law in USA should be horrified by this.

I'm sure the "what abouts" will come flying back about past Presidential pardons. I'm not interested in defending abhorrent behavior by normalizing it (this seems to be Trump supporters modus operandi)

The final point I'd like to make is about conspiracy theories.  Similarly to the identity politics issue, the right has coalesced around conspiracy theories. From pizzagate (Hillary Clinton child sex trafficing conspiracy) to the Clinton Murders (the Clintons over the years have killed many people) to anti climate change (the majority of scientists have created 'climate change' through fake data)
One really cannot claim to be well informed and call Trump's ties to Russia / Russia meddling in the election a conspiracy theory. There is solid evidence, a special prosecutor has been appointed, and the investigation is proceeding. Trump and his team have  been caught in numerous and significant lies. 
Trump's administration has already lost an unprecedented amount of people (priebus etc...). Rumors are floating that Tillerson is on the bad list now for saying trump speaks for himself on ethics (refusing to defend Trump's character).  It is unraveling and that is a dangerous place for a country to be in.
Those who parrot Trump's attacks on the media (and blame the media for Trump's failures) should think long and hard about Trump's disrespect for the Constitution and self aggrandizing behavior. 
As the smaller and smaller group that is supporting Trump tunes out science, news, and reality in general in favor of a distorted worldview that says racist behavior is not racist, science and higher education is wrong and untrustworthy, and the rule of law should be ignored, more and more outrageous behavior occurs and is normalized. We are in dangerous times.
JohnRoberts said:
  Actually in this hyper partisan media environment it hasn't even stopped raining in Texas while partisan spinners are already dredging up old Sandy relief votes in congress to divide the nation into opposing sides.

This is actually a very important point that I hope more people see. Maybe it is too early to discuss this when people need help and the rain is falling.
Isn't it important that Texas tried to deny another state Federal help when that other state was suffering, as TX is now? Both Ted Cruz and another guy voted against allocating fed funding.
But the conservative belief system, that people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, not depend on a social safety net, cut government programs like FEMA, and let the free market operate (even in disasters) is hypocritical when you only believe that when it is helping OTHER people.  If it happens to Texas, oh yeah, let's socialize the damage.
Past statements and votes are tremendously important in keeping good politicians in office, and getting rid of hypocrites and ultra partisans..
Ala Tim Russert on Meet the Press - until his too early death. 
Unfortunately, in this hyper partisan environment, people play politics when the attention is there...