Going across the pond

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It’s 4am and I am awake. The joys of time zones and other things. Picked up a fever and congestion. Started with a scratchy throat. Luckily it’s not Covid and nothing some acetaminophen can’t handle combined with sweating it out.
It’s 4am and I am awake. The joys of time zones and other things. Picked up a fever and congestion. Started with a scratchy throat. Luckily it’s not Covid and nothing some acetaminophen can’t handle combined with sweating it out.
Ah, the joys of long haul flying. Hope you recover quickly.


I make a point of sipping a few whiskies when I used take flights , helps kill off any nasties you happen to inhale .
You really should do a Tommy Cooper style comedy of errors sketch with the Fez on , Im sure you'd bring the house down with laughter
I must say the first few days have been nothing but great. You Brits really do a great job of taking care of folks even guys like myself.
I am reminded of an aes years ago where we spent a couple of hours charting Guinness and how back then when we did it, the further west you went in the u.s. the worse tasting it became.
While it is Irish, here in England it’s amazing, in California I wouldn’t have one. So far every meal has been as if I am tasting common food items like tomato’s for the first time.
Todays job duties was a ton of technical training at a 3 lettered acronym often used in place of their full name. It’s intense and detailed but we’ll worth the journey. I’m here all week.
Other things of note is how much the uk news is invested in the u.s. coming elections. Rather then turn this into a political thread, I just finding fascination that they are that concerned about who we will be electing. Outside of our president does it really matter to you guys? For us across the pond, we don’t know who is who unless it’s a new prime minister or some position of top level. We tend to be conceded like that.
I must say the first few days have been nothing but great. You Brits really do a great job of taking care of folks even guys like myself.
I am reminded of an aes years ago where we spent a couple of hours charting Guinness and how back then when we did it, the further west you went in the u.s. the worse tasting it became.
I've actually found decent Guinness draft on tap in MS, in Hong Kong I had to settle for Guinness in bottles (different but OK).
While it is Irish, here in England it’s amazing, in California I wouldn’t have one. So far every meal has been as if I am tasting common food items like tomato’s for the first time.
I spent more than a few hours in the UK experimenting with different black and tan combos based on what they had on tap. There are some popular jokes about Brit cooking being bland, while they do a good job of cooking a hearty breakfast (bangers and mash).
Todays job duties was a ton of technical training at a 3 lettered acronym often used in place of their full name. It’s intense and detailed but we’ll worth the journey. I’m here all week.
Other things of note is how much the uk news is invested in the u.s. coming elections.
It's been that way for decades perhaps because the US "was" considered the leader of the free world :rolleyes: . We can see some of the same reportage in North American broadcast services from BBC, etc. They seem to take great pleasure from news reports of Americans behaving badly.
Rather then turn this into a political thread, I just finding fascination that they are that concerned about who we will be electing. Outside of our president does it really matter to you guys? For us across the pond, we don’t know who is who unless it’s a new prime minister or some position of top level. We tend to be conceded like that.
US foreign policy can matter when we influence NATO policy.


I am reminded of an aes years ago where we spent a couple of hours charting Guinness and how back then when we did it, the further west you went in the u.s. the worse tasting it became.
While it is Irish, here in England it’s amazing, in California I wouldn’t have one.

That is interesting. I drink CA Guiness, wonder where it is made, maybe it's the water? I didn't recall a huge difference in London but may not have paid enough attention since there was much else to try.

The original Samuel Smith bar (dungeon?) is worth a visit if you have the time.

I've actually found decent Guinness draft on tap in MS, in Hong Kong I had to settle for Guinness in bottles (different but OK).

I spent more than a few hours in the UK experimenting with different black and tan combos based on what they had on tap. There are some popular jokes about Brit cooking being bland, while they do a good job of cooking a hearty breakfast (bangers and mash).

It's been that way for decades perhaps because the US "was" considered the leader of the free world :rolleyes: . We can see some of the same reportage in North American broadcast services from BBC, etc. They seem to take great pleasure from news reports of Americans behaving badly.

US foreign policy can matter when we influence NATO policy.


I can see Guinness being nice in ms, not as far west as California.
That is interesting. I drink CA Guiness, wonder where it is made, maybe it's the water? I didn't recall a huge difference in London but may not have paid enough attention since there was much else to try.

The original Samuel Smith bar (dungeon?) is worth a visit if you have the time.
Imagine if the had a knob called flavor and turned it up when exporting to England is the best description.
I must say the first few days have been nothing but great. You Brits really do a great job of taking care of folks even guys like myself.
I am pleased you feel welcome
I am reminded of an aes years ago where we spent a couple of hours charting Guinness and how back then when we did it, the further west you went in the u.s. the worse tasting it became.
I think it peaks in Dublin and gets worse the further west or east you go. Fortunately |England is only very slightly east of Dublin
While it is Irish, here in England it’s amazing, in California I wouldn’t have one. So far every meal has been as if I am tasting common food items like tomato’s for the first time.
Probably because we use a lot less seasoning than you guys
Todays job duties was a ton of technical training at a 3 lettered acronym often used in place of their full name. It’s intense and detailed but we’ll worth the journey. I’m here all week.
Other things of note is how much the uk news is invested in the u.s. coming elections. Rather then turn this into a political thread, I just finding fascination that they are that concerned about who we will be electing. Outside of our president does it really matter to you guys? For us across the pond, we don’t know who is who unless it’s a new prime minister or some position of top level. We tend to be conceded like that.
I think we feel a little sorry for you because there is the distinct possibility that you will be saddled with the blond bombshell for a second term, and with Putin in charge on the other side.........


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I am pleased you feel welcome

I think it peaks in Dubklin and gets worse the further west or east you go. Fortunately |England is only very slightly east of Dublin

Probably because we use a lot less seasoning than you guys

I think we feel a little sorry for you because there is the distinct possibility that you will be saddled with the blond bombshell for a second term, and with Putin in charge on the other side.........


As I have said a lot this trip “you are a delight”
Two complaints
1. What’s with the 24 hour clock time? Took a bus from my lodging in Woodstock village to Oxford centre. My return trip is at 21:46. 21 what.? Sorry us tourist demand a 12 hour clock only. Lol
2.the gents at the bar won’t stop talking about American politics. I thought I could avoid things this trip especially now that we had the election. Lol
Jokes aside, you Brit’s really have the life. So much enjoyable things and people. Some things I will incorporate when I head back some I won’t. I will never understand marmite, sorry chaps I don’t get the appeal some have with it. I do love the baked beans at breakfast.
If I’m ever back here will definately spend more time and go visit some of you blokes.
Two complaints
1. What’s with the 24 hour clock time? Took a bus from my lodging in Woodstock village to Oxford centre. My return trip is at 21:46. 21 what.? Sorry us tourist demand a 12 hour clock only. Lol
It is the same on the railway. Porbably an edict long ago from Europe. It is unambiguous but half the population cannot work out the real time so it becomes ambiguous again. Catch 22 really.
2.the gents at the bar won’t stop talking about American politics. I thought I could avoid things this trip especially now that we had the election. Lol
Bars attract a certain kind of person. Nuff said
Jokes aside, you Brit’s really have the life. So much enjoyable things and people. Some things I will incorporate when I head back some I won’t. I will never understand marmite, sorry chaps I don’t get the appeal some have with it. I do love the baked beans at breakfast.
Marmite - you wither love it or hate it. I hate it. I much prefer Bovril. I use it to make gravy. Add some sun dried tomato puree and a litlle Lea and Perrins and you have ideal gravy. See if you can try some before you go back.
If I’m ever back here will definately spend more time and go visit some of you blokes.
Looking forward to that.


The fez made it to abbey road. Originally my connections who work there and were arranging a tour couldn’t make it happen due to Covid protocols still in place. These are people high up in the abbey road management chain. But we had a chain of events that could be described grasping at straws.
My younger co-worker who I mentioned else where reached out to everyone he knows. He finally got a response from an engineer who had left cables there and could he courier them back to the u.s.
So he got us down there and begging for a quickie tour, got a teaboy to show us around for a few. While I enjoyed it I can’t shake the feeling we got said teaboy in trouble. If management says no because of Covid, then surely a teaboy saying yes Has more meaning.
To further add to this, the cables were in a sealed bubble envelope. I would laugh if when he gets to customs it turns out something illegal is in that package.
Anyway. The fez made it to abbey road.
Interesting comments about the taste of foods and drinks ,
It probaby has something to do with how intensive the farming methodology is ,
I was in London many years ago , I bought my ingredients to prepare a meal , same as usual , I found it lacked taste compared to Ireland .

I've found the closer you are to the brewery the better the pint tastes , in some Dublin pubs that are adjacent to Guinnesses theres a rumour of very old lead pipes running under the wall and right to the tap at the bar, the thirsty locals lapping up the cheap pints and the racketeers running the scam came to collect a cash 'backhander' for the 'cause' from the proprietor every week , There was no point in putting a creamy head on the river Liffey flushing thousands of gallons after all .

The pouring of the pint of stout varies a bit between Ireland and the UK , that being said if you go to a bar in the UK where the Irish serve and drink it will be done in the traditional way , with a pause before the glass is topped up at the end ,
Cheers to that !

Heres a clip of how to pour a Guinness from a can ,
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In other notes, don’t carry your tool bag onboard the plane. Opps. In a rushed pack job to make a flight, left my tool bag in backpack day bag which flies onboard with me as my carry on.
The British security had many questions as to why I had tools, what was I doing in England all week. When finished with their q and a. Said “right” then dumped them in a bin and said you can take this but not that. By the time they finished, I still had my diagonal cutters and sharp stuff but my 2mm hex screw driver was a big no no. Lol. I apologized profusely and was sent in my way.
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What were they afraid of ? that you were going start trying to dismantle the plane in mid flight ?
I remember going to England years ago during the troubles , I was doing sound for friends so I took my electronics kit along just in case ,
wasnt worth the hassle in the end , having security eye me up and down like I was a bombmaker, I answered all their questions in a polite manner , in the end as I walked away I was called 'stupid Irish cunt' which I didnt react to at all , They were expecting me to get saucy with them and make their day . Of course I traveled to the UK many times without any issue .

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