Hey dudes!
Everybody got tracking nr's to mail them specified. 70% of stuff already shipped; the rest (last orders) at Monday.
In case of something not arrived - mail with "Shipping Issue" subject to i.j.research at gmail!
For now, I really need some rest, and getting into slow mode for about month.
For last days, I had some thoughts about re-profiling the business... maybe,
I really have to go to audio only and not run between money and my hobby (time->nerves->health).
But I hate production in China and 90% of audio company's policy - make funny fronts with cheap insides;
If you watched the movie "In Bruges", YNWIM about "sticking to principles".
Custom stuff brings only medals and doubtful respect, but not money
Well... have to think out one idea in details
And, for fun - really crazy thing.
I feel I need to share the knowledge in audio gadgets with people.
There will be some cool videos on how-to's later; working now on some simple lessons...
I know this is crazy idea, but more I think about this, I like it more and more.
Kinda Electronics Vipassana.
The idea is, for about 7-10 hours a day, for 10-12 days, come here,
use my laboratory, ask every possible questions - if I know the answer, will give it, if no - will try to help find it out;
build with my guide any of projects I can help. Most of audio things should be passed like a Zen - come, see and do, than give it further.
We can build couple of complicated projects, engrave/mill panels (with design and cnc explanations), wind some audio tranny's,
or simply design something together - than, write down the things and post relevant stuff for other people.
Besides it sounds crazy, it is possible and very realistic.
I have a really cool resource - huge house at pastoral place with excellent food, air, etc,
and guest apartments with separate entry, with everything needed for life.
Requirements - fast teachable person with big motivation, restrictions - I am allergic to some smells, food and pop music, and prefer to work with
stable flegmatic people (I am medium - heavy ADHD, so, 2 hyperactive people in same building = total destruction).
Potential "Vipassaners" - welcome (drop mail or write here).
If this sounds like I gone nuts - just tell!