> what is advantage of balanced amps in terms of the target, I mean sonic qualities?
When the customer wants 96 channels with pre, post, and extra inserts, plasma meters, and all different signals going all different ways.... "Ground" is full of junk.
Even if 50 channels have input but all the sliders are slammed to zero: that is 5K/50= about 100 ohms from a lot of signal into your "ground".
Of course ground is never ground, and never silent. But in large consoles you have "garbage" which exceeds the distortion of any chip, and is not related to the signal in that channel, but is the sum of many signals.
That is before you get to class AB stages dumping garbage into their power rails and thus through rail caps into "ground".
Steve Dove's essay explains how bad it can get.
Above some size or complexity, console designers usually have to avoid ground referencing across the console (they may get away with ground reference inside the channel strip). Even though it means at least doubling complexity and increased/changed distortion.
Some projects "need" a massive mixer. And many musicians (and most listeners) do not have Golden Ears, can't hear the number of chips between original microphone and final car speaker.
And some folks can hear a difference. Which is why there are a few very good Large Consoles, and why there is interest in small "K.I.S.S." tools like NYDave's plan.
And sometimes you can use a rat-nest plastic-box mixer, like sodderboy, and make nice music. I've done projects like that, and even used some commercial stuff that was not even that neat.
You have a point about using inverting stages. They do not dump feedback current into "ground". And of course they do not excite the common-mode distortions in many input stages. They do tend to have higher-value resistors and thus higher voltage noise. Everything is a compromise.
It's like building a house. If you build a 2-story house, you just run fresh water and waste water pipes up and down. If you build a 100-story building, you can't push fresh water up from the bottom with normal pressure, waste water falls from the top with pipe-breaking force, and you have to use much more complicated pipe systems.
NYDave's goal here is a little house, which is why he isn't using heavy iron pipes or balanced mixing. If Svart wants to add plasma meters, digital ground bouncing, and a coffee roaster, he'll have to work out his own plan. If someone thinks that even a few op-amps is too many, there are passive mixer plans around.