OKAY, I've actually got parts of one of these things working now.
I've been working from Dave's original schematic. Since the stereo summing buss was the most complex portion of the circuit shown there, I used it for my prototype, omitting the buffer & auxes, as well as any solo logic and the VU driver.
Dave, if you're reading, the original schem fell off the host. It makes discussion of the design a little harder if people can't see it. Did you take it down intentionally? I'd be interested in seeng the updates you'd mentioned, as well.
So I've got two channels feeding a stereo buss, enough to verify that it's mixing properly. So a quick tour.
Here's the front panel, sharpie nearly legible in the photo:
I used toggles for the switching because they're easier to prototype with...the pushbuttons really need a PCB to mount them on. Only the mute is connected right now. Sorting out the solo is going to be the next step in the project.
Here's the proto board:
The opamps are right out of Nelson Pass's article. The sound good, but don't drive loads, and DC offset is a significant problem. But if I can whip their offset, any more civilized opamp shouldn't be a problem.
On the left are the fader buffers. The summing amps are in the middle, and the output drivers on the right.
Here's some detail of the point to point work for one channel:
Mute switch feeding panpot, with the fader on the right.
Finally, here's a scope shot:
I've got a small triangle wave and a larger square wave summed together, both channels panned to the center. The L & R signals are superimposed here.
I also took it into the studio and gave it a listen. It's certainly not objectionable. L/R crosstalk is minimal, the mutes don't thump. Unity gain is at about 2 o'clock, right whre I'd expect it. Pan-law is 3dB down in the center.
I think the next steps are to get the solo sorted out, move to the impedance balanced summing, then get back to the PCB designs.
I'd like the PCB to be sorta a springboard for mixer experinentation. I'd like to hear what people think about the following points:
- mechanically simple: each portion on a card that hangs off the panel, wired together using busses made of IDC and ribbon cable.
-easy to source: Taiwan Alpha pots, standard IDC connectors, ITT/Alps pushbuttons, etc.
-Flexible for experimentation: there are lots of variations on this basic idea that don't require too many changes. For instance, the channel cards could be designed for the "short mix path" of Dave's original, or respun slightly so that the aux buffer is actually a balanced line receiver, and the fader hangs off it instead of the input. Discrete/monolithic opamp footprints aren't too tough to do. Similarly, it's a couple of extra resistors per card to used impedance-balanced summing...or a few extra caps (DC-blocking and unity-stability) to make it so it'll accept a wide range of opamps.
I don't want to do a wholesale redesign of the oiginal, but with a few tweaks to the PCB, it can be much more flexible, and not add much to the overall PCB footprint. Someone could experiment with it, and then they decide they've outgrown it, they'll have gained some insight into the inner workings that will allow them to add the features they desire (left as an exercise for the reader: more channels, auxes, busses, whatever). It'll help remove some of the mysticism about summing. Dave, if you're so willing, we could put it under the an open-source license, so alterations and improvements come back to the community.