So, I've now spent lots of hours optimizing the noise level. Since I built two largely identical M49 Archut Mics, I could easily compare all modifications directly. The last tubes, QC tested 5840 tubes from Raytheon from Royer L (blue ...printed), basically sound good. On the one hand, the gain is more than about 1-2dB louder as from all other tested tubes, but unfortunately the basic sound is much harder, sibilance is much more pronounced, for example compared with the 5840 tubes from Thompson (white print), which I really like in terms of the basic character. Round, powerful, silbance balanced, smoother, and slight airy, sooo noble. The S/N ratio is a bit better with the Royer tubes. But what I didn't like at all is that the sound is different on all three Royer tubes I bought, too inhomogeneous for my taste to pass as matched. Also when comparing the Noisefloorspectrum, there are huge differences. The Raytheon (label red printed) actually falls through from the noise floor, much too much, harder character, the Raytheon Philipps Jan (green printed) unfortunately had an unusable tube with quiet, discontinuous radio chirping. So I could not get a pair. At least the working one sounded well, but not as good as the Thompson ( white)
You can see testing this Tubes takes time. They look all different, defnitly all from different manufacture companys....Always desoldering, burn in at least over one day, comparing...
I separated the heater grounding from the tube and connected it directly to the potential screw in the PSU Case. That helped a lot and so I was able to bring the noise floor down to a good level. Now I keep up with the same S/N of my old C3000 on an equal footing.
Not the lowest level, but works really good now.....
Personally I would rather advise against building an OA M49 with 5840 tubes. As good as the tube mic sounds in the end, it is a "crux" with finding the necessary, low-noise tubes, which then also have very different sound images..... without the AC701 its a experimental build, more lottery in my opinion...