Midas XL3

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2010
Hello to everyone,
I would appreciate your help and advice on the following matter please:

I bought 8 stereo modules (XL304) and a VCA Faders module (XL302) from a Midas XL3. I also have a couple power supply modules.

I've been studying the service manual and the diagrams (attached) but I have a few doubts and would like to make sure I don't fry anything.  What I'd like to do is to rack everything up and add a master output. The doubts I have are mainly about some connections.

Please could you check if the following is correct?

-Component side is L channel, solder side is R channel on each stereo module.

Connector A:
1-power ground (+18vdc)

2-iref. What's this??

3-  +18vdc
4- power ground (-18vdc)
5-  -18vdc
6- 48vdc positive pin
7- Input A hot (from mic xlrf pin 2 input connector)
8- Input A cold (from mic xlrf pin 3 input connector)
9- input shield (from mic xlrf and line jack shield input connector)
10- Input B hot (from line jack tip input connector)
11- Input B cold (from line jack ring input connector)
12- Direct out R ch hot (to direct out jack tip output connector)
13- L ch insert send hot (to jack tip insert send connector)
14- L ch insert send cold (to jack ring insert send connector) 
15- L ch insert return hot (to jack tip insert return connector)
16- L ch insert return cold (to jack ring insert return connector)
17- Direct out L ch hot (to direct out jack tip output connector)

18- In gnd. Which gnd is that?

19- R ch insert send hot (to jack tip insert send connector)
20- R ch insert send cold (to jack ring insert send connector) 
21- R ch insert return hot (to jack tip insert return connector)
22- R ch insert return cold (to jack ring insert return connector)

Is all this correct? Do you know what connects to pins 2 and 18?
Where are the insert and direct out grounds?

I would appreciate your help very much. Thank you for your time and help

Schematic: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqzpp1tn6ug3jfm/midas_xl3.pdf

I would guess pin 2 for input reference, the ground from rear panel connectors, where inputs are attached, pin1 of XLR, slave from TRS. Pin 8 should probably be the output reference, to the ground buss of the mixer part, output ground... But just guessing, I should look at the scheme, no time now... If you have doubts check the inside of the modules and look for PS inputs, that they connect to the bypassing caps in the correct way and to ICs at the supply inputs, then connect and you can try audio signals with out burning nothing. All the grounds are to minimize noise, if racked alone probably won't make much difference, but could depending on the devices around.

Hi Joaquín
Thanks for your kind reply. Input ground from both mic and line inputs are already on pin 9 though. And pin 8 is labelled input A cold.....

The inside of the modules is not of easy access and I'd rather avoid disassembling the modules if possible.
I guess you mean Power Supply inputs by PS right?

Please take a look at the schem when you have time.

I would appreciate any help
Hello ijzerpro,
Thanks for your reply :)

Is that related to the leds on the modules? Do you know what should I connect to that pin?
