Found a link to Chunger's build and I think my transformer is wired opposite to the colors on the datasheet like this. If the ohm is 430r-ish between the two black wires, that means they're the secondary? I figured the bigger number meant primary.
Ricardus said:Do you have any other condenser mics? In other words is it in the gain ballpark compared to other mics? Because it's a clone of the original U87 it actually should have LESS gain than most modern condensers, but is it close to any other LDCs you have?
Proximity effect isn't really about how well it picks up from 3 ft away as compared to 6 inches away. Proximity effect is about the mic putting out more low end the closer you get the diaphragm. This is a phenomenon common in all mics that aren't true Omnis.
According to the Neumann web site:
"The proximity effect is a phenomenon that leads to an increase in low frequency response as you move the mic closer to the source. The closer you get, the bigger the bass boost. This can create problems, but at the same time it opens up ways to shape the sound."
So you say you did nothing and it started to work?