After looking everywhere for a good 12 pos. PC mount Right angle rotary switch, it looks to be a little bit too expensive, so I'm back to looking at pots again. I went back to the site Tamas mentioned at the beginning of the thread, for a closer look.
The main reason I wanted to go with a rotary switch is I want a lot of strength in the mounting as one side of my PCB is going to be supported by the switches and DI jack. These little pots just didn't look sturdy enough, that is until I saw the support plates, see item B-24-5, basicly, other than the 3 pins of the pot itself, it adds four more support pins, one in each corner, me thinks that's plenty. If we were to do an order of the 388 reverse log taper 25K pots, I'd be in if they were the ones that come with support plates.
So, what were you guys thinking about as far as the specifics if this pot? I hadn't really seen anything in this thread that detailed it, Tamas? As far as I can tell, going by the 388 data sheet, I'll put out there what looks to me to be ideal, let me know what you guys think.
388 style
single module
B-24-5 mounting plates, both ends
RZ taper
.375 long bushing
1/4" dia shaft, 3/8" long
no locating pin
standard mounting hardware
I think that would be a sturdy pot, of high quality, very fitting for such a fine project. If a group order could keep the cost below $15 per pot I'd be game for about 20 or so.