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Hi Friends,
NEWS 2014:
Accepting pre-orders for steel case
new steel case available for you g-pultec builder the perfect case with prefabricated xlr and iec holes

Check this out
because of requests i currently managed to make capacitor kits for the two g-pultec filter boards and for the DIY-Friends (login as DIY-Friend *DIY-Friend account required

. This kit includes all you need to have a easier life sourcing the right caps. Pin-Space just fits and a mix of styroflex, panasonic film and wima film caps - the best you can use. I also supply the big two Elcos because many people had problems to find the right big sized one...
- Don -
Order collect 2013
#### New batch - DUAL LA-2A Panels, 3mm Aluminum anodized grey and a new "white" edition will be made if there are anough interests ~10 required! ##########
Accepting pre-orders + payment
First Deadline: April 1., next week monday. [/color]
Second Deadline

Friday 02.
*2 x white Edition + knob kit - me [payment recieved
- recieved]
*1 x white Edition + knob kit - StefanAC (Robeshop Standard-Series Caseholes) [payment recieved
- shipped]
*2 x white Edition + knob kit - sharpeleven [payment recieved
- shipped]
*1 x white Edition - dmp [payment recieved
- shipped]
*1 x grey Edition - mwrichardson [payment recieved
- shipped]
*Shipped Mai 05
Thank you all to get this running. Files are done and will be sent to Frank tomorrow for production.
here are some pics of the grey anodized and the new white powdercoating custom la2a panels:
New mods:
Only non commercial/privat use.
Two color Silkscreen, made in Germany.
Prices for countries outside EU:
Anodized grey standard edition: 79€ + Shipping
White powdercoated Edition: 89€ + Shipping
EU Prices include 19% valid tax:
Anodized grey standard edition: 94€ + Shipping
White powdercoated Edition: 106€ + Shipping
Knob kit: 21,90€ includes 4 x original la2a bakelit knobs.
Shipping - Insured with tracking id:
5,99€ Germany.
13€ Europe
19€ World
paypal to info (at)
Edcor trafos in Stock!
Yippieee, new Lundahl trafos in stock

Lundahl LL-1540
Lundahl LL-1673
Hypex cases (more coming soon

#### DUAL LA-2A Panels ##########
XXL size picture:
Silkscreened and drilled Dual La-2a front panel reservation:
1 x FP for who (arrived 
1 x FP for jensenmann (payed+shipped 
1 x FP for MatthisD (payment+shipped 
1 x FP MattC (payed+shipped 
1 x FP andyoh (payed+shipped 
1 x FP Sredna (payed+shipped 
1 x FP salomonander (payed+shipped 
1 x FP Niketouille (payed+shipped 
2 x FP Guest (payed+shipped 
0 D-La2a Panels available
4mm thick anodized grey aluminum, 2 color silkscreened and drilled.
Shipping - Insured with tracking id:
5,99€ Germany.
13€ Europe
19€ World
paypal to info (at)
shipping time 3-4 days after recieving payment.
4 panels are available and 6 are pending.
#### more knobs in use with Davids nice NV73 kit ######
*+-.,_L L 5 4 0 2_,.-+* 20 x On Stock:
those prices are only for prodigy members (login as DIYFriend*):
new batch on stock
Shipping world is only 8EUR
Europe is 5,40EUR
My little store is finished and online now.
New in Stock: G-Pultec Power Trafos: sec.: 220vac, 9vac (for the 6v tube heating regulatiors) and 5v for the power lamp.
EQP1A Boost/Atten Knobs // New Batch available
Available too: Power Trafos for the real Pultec Project 250v-0-250v, 6.3vct, 5v
Prodigy-Friends get most of the stuff for groupbuy quotes!
Attention, please!
Frequency Knobs
back at stock
better than 2k paint and everything... NEW! Powder coated panels in Pultec Color!!!
my panel design for the DIY g-pultec project that seems to look like the big brother with these original daka ware knobs

A big thanks to Frank who made it possible that i can offer those awesome powder coated panels...
hope you like it as much as i do

how to order? Please read the following notes a little bit down the page behind the 3 panel pics. thanks
Uploaded with
Who is a DIYFriend?
All Members of with more than 20 Posts (maybe i have to adjust it a little bit in the future up or down).
How can I see groupbuy/prodigy-member prices and other prodigy project things?
Register a customer account on my webshop and send me a contact mail with your forum name: info *AT* After checking your membership on, I will activate your account as DIYfriend. Login, have fun!
Custom Audio Trafos (for Pultec Projects).
# 100 x tranformer shielding sheets (in Stock) // they make your toroid quiet
Material: "Grain-Oriented Steel with 3% silizium DIN46400" and self written detailed installation guide (pdf- file).
Installation is quick and easy. tape it or fix it with an elastic band.
- One sheet: 15EUR
- from two sheets: 13EUR each
Finished EQP-1 Stereo with electronic sheet -95db Noisefloor on both channels. Without sheet i had -78db hum on the right channel that was nearer to the toroid.
Thats all you have to do:
sheet measures: 35cm x 4,3cm
extra large sheets are sometimes available too!
The sheet consists of two grain-oriented steel laminations for double shielding effect.
On the overlapping you will have four-time shielding.
login and order for 13EUR
...Added some Front-Panels and other stuff for the friends-group... Only visible for prodigy-pro friends!
Frontpanel1: *Pultec EQP Style* G-Pultec frontpanel - fits for Gustavs Filter PCBs and the original size Pultec EQP Daka-Ware Knobs - engraved and aluminium anodized 59EUR.
Frontpanel2: EQP1A engraved and aluminium blank 69EUR.
All frontpanels are uniques and only for non commercial use!!! They will be produced according to your wishes/needs on demand by hand. Maybe sometimes there are testpanels or used things that i put in the shop that are only visible for friends too.
On the pic are panels i made for my own privat use. g-pultec design, blank aluminium 3HE EQP1a, and colored one, a coloring version for all panels will be add soon too. All handwork is as for my needs only available in high quality and pro material. I used 2k epoxy primer that is used for sailing boat sports and a lot of polishing and professional brushing tools (Sata, Schneider,...). I Protected the panel with a 2k protection in 2-3 layers. Who want to brush his panels by oneself. You can buy custom colors as airsol cans on: profiautolacke DOT de. But the result is not matchable
But please do not ask for painting service cause I only offer powder coated panels anymore. powder coating is more robust and the look is awesome!
for Pultec or other Tube Projects
Primary: 2 x 115v (230v)
250-0-250 VAC 0.1A (center tapped)
3,15-0-3,15 VAC 2A (center tapped)
5 VAC 2A
Shipping will be on every Friday and most often much faster.
Feel free to contact me for any questions.
I hope you like it!
Yours "Who"
PS: The shop is growing, i am glad for any product ideas that could be interesting to add...
please email: info *AT*