Built by Mark Watson... m.a.watson at hotmail.co.uk
Slutty info:
- It has EQ in and out switches on each band
- It's stereo, but fixed in linked mode
- It has a 6 or 12 dB switch, so that's 6dB at 0.5 steps or 12 at 1dB steps
- All other controls are switched for maximum recall.
- It looks the same as my compressor, aka like a tank!
Some basic operating info:
Individual bypass switches:
+/-11dB gain in 1dB steps (bands 1 to 4)
+/-5.5dB in 0.5dB steps (band 5 - hi-shelf)
+/-5.5dB gain in 0.5dB steps (bands 1 to 4)
+/-2.75dB in 0.25dB steps (band 5 - hi-shelf)
So band 5 has half the gain range of bands 1 to 4 just because I could think of no earthly reason why anyone would need a +/-12dB shelf in a mastering eq.
IN switch (top right)
Bypasses all channels for quick A/B testing.
Low Shelf
On the original, this only worked when the Q knob was turned all the way to the left and the pot switch was engaged. In your model, it can be used at any Q value giving some more sound shaping options (which may or may not be desirable, worth playing around with it).
Hi Shelf Slope Switch
Switches between 12dB/octave & 6dB/octave slope. This is a subtle change but still useful.
Q switches
Continuous rotary switches so you can go from Q=1 to Q=12 in 1 step.
I used 12 steps in the end as 24 would have been total overkill. 6 steps would have been more than adequate looking back.