This is the setup procedure I came up with by reading festers instruction and studying the schematic.
Set up procedure.
1. Make sure you have +28Vdc and -28Vdc on the power supply PCB.
2. Set the +20Vdc on test point TP+20 by adding in resistors on JP1, JP2 and JP3 as required.
3. Set the -20Vdc on test point TP-20 by adding in resistors on JP4, JP5 and JP6 as required.
4. Install resistor in AOT10 so that the dc voltage on the collector of VT5 and VT6 are the same.
5. Set unity gain. Set HOLD and OUTPUT to 0 and switch the compressor side chain out by selecting THD. If you have the correct 2.5mA FS meter it should read zero, if not adjust the 100K trim pot until it does. Apply 0dBu (0.775V) 1KHz sine wave to input and measure the output on a oscilloscope or DMM. You need to adjust AOT1/AOT2 so that you get 0.775V at the output.
6. Set distortion without compression. Set HOLD to +10, OUTPUT to 0 and switch the compressor side chain out by selecting THD. If you have the correct 2.5mA FS meter it should read +10. Apply 0dBu (0.775V) 1KHz sine wave to input and measure the output on a distortion meter and select a resistance for AOT7/AOT9 that gives you the lowest distortion reading.
7. Set distortion with 20dB of compression. Set HOLD to +10, OUTPUT to 0 and switch the compressor side chain in by selecting LIMIT. If you have the correct 2.5mA FS meter it should read +10. Apply 1KHz sine wave to input and increase the voltage so that you have 20dB of gain reduction as indicated on the meter. If you have the correct 2.5mA FS meter it should read -10. Measure the output on a distortion meter and select a resistance for AOT8 that gives you the lowest distortion reading.
8. AOT3/AOT4 adjusts the compressor threshold. This is a matter of taste. I left mine standard.
9. AOT5/AOT6 adjusts the limiter threshold. This is a matter of taste. I set my unit to limit harder by changing the resistors to suit.
If you don’t have a distortion meter (like me) use the standard values. When I set my TG12413 up I did so with the bypass PCB disconnected. That way the test signal is going straight into and out of the compressor without being boosted or attenuated the OP amps or transformers.
Here are the values I used.
AOT1 620r (Unity Gain)
AOT2 not used
AOT3 47K (Compressor Threshold standard value)
AOT4 (Compressor Threshold not used)
AOT5 3K (Limiter Threshold standard value)
AOT6 510r (Limiter Threshold, make the unit limit more in limit mode)
AOT7 33K (Distortion without compression, standard value)
AOT8 68K (Distortion without compression, standard value)
AOT9 (Not Used)
AOT10 10r (DC voltage on the collector of VT5 and VT6 are the same)
I have also attached the procedure as a pdf.