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Except for the fact that paying won't actually eliminate things like ads. So you are still the product, just now paying for the privilege. What a deal!!
it should eliminate the numerous bots that won't pay $8 ea for the privilege. Just like my (old) concept of charging even modest postage on email, that quickly makes it uneconomical for spammers.


[edit- just like I can't sell the bitcoin I never bought, I can't quit twitter, that I never joined. I did buy some twitter stock years ago for a trade then sold it profitably also years ago. /edit]
I think theres a broader point here that he agrees with freedom of speech until someone disagrees with him - the last few years are littered with examples of him attempting to silence people who disagreed with him, contradicted him or corrected him.
Examples of Elon silencing people? Links?

Perhaps I chose a bad example - yes, it's his right to ignore anyone who he doesn't like - even if that person was selected to advise him just the day before. It's not a hole in one to demonstrate my point, but the fact that none of you see even a hint of hypocrisy in his position is revealing.
That has zero relevance to freedom of speech. Lou was not banned from Twitter, cancelled, or otherwise harmed (except perhaps for his feelings). I get the distinct impression that many people on this forum have not interacted with entrepreneurial hot shots, high tech marketing and sales types, and other denizens of the fast-paced tech environment. There are plenty of shysters out there, some very wealthy. Business relationships can be very short-lived when these big egos clash. Just because someone was chosen for a role doesn't mean they'll stay in it, especially if their "vision" is incompatible with higher-ups. It seems apparent that Elon's ideas for a better platform are not going to be driven purely by what advertisers think is "better." Good for him. It's his company to make or break.

What's interesting is how this whole musk / Twitter thing seems to split people pretty much down party lines. His supporters are willing to overlook his many flaws because they believe he'll ultimately do good. His detractors mostly see the thin skinned egotist, and believe that his flaws make him a dangerous person to be at the controls.
Everyone has flaws. Some people have skills or other traits that offset or mitigate those flaws. I think it comes down to what people value and where they are or aren't willing to compromise. Those of us who don't want to compromise on freedom of speech will tolerate other flaws in people who are willing to fight for this fundamental right, for example. I think it is only quite recently that Musk recognized the importance of this battle for sanity. He isn't the only one who's "seen the light" over the past few years.

This reminds me of another divisive individual who's on the cusp of making a major reappearance 🤔
Yes, there are some parallels. I've said it before: compromise is for annual budgets, not fundamental rights. This is where the dividing line is most apparent here in the US from what I can discern.
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Except for the fact that paying won't actually eliminate things like ads. So you are still the product, just now paying for the privilege. What a deal!!
The payment is not to participate, but to have the "elite" blue check beside your name. Perhaps there are other benefits that come with the paid account.

It isn't clear what Twitter was data mining from its user base nor whether that would continue under Musk. Perhaps he has other ideas for generating operating revenue. But I'm sure whatever he does will be denigrated by the ignorati who get their "information" from The View and MSNBC. Time will tell whether he's successful or not.
It seems apparent that Elon's ideas for a better platform are not going to be driven purely by what advertisers think is "better."
And yet this hasn't stopped him from whining about advertisers backing away from the site. If you want to be a "free speech absolutist," then you'd better be prepared for folks who aren't as fond of racism, misogyny and disinformation as you are to take their $$$ and go home. Musk is upset that people don't want to support his impulsive and way overpriced purchase of Twitter, and they don't trust him not to make decisions that will reflect poorly on those who advertise on Twitter. That's on Musk. If he continues to run Twitter like a spoiled, vindictive, conspiracy-addled child, things will only get worse.
And yet this hasn't stopped him from whining about advertisers backing away from the site. If you want to be a "free speech absolutist," then you'd better be prepared for folks who aren't as fond of racism, misogyny and disinformation as you are to take their $$$ and go home. Musk is upset that people don't want to support his impulsive and way overpriced purchase of Twitter, and they don't trust him not to make decisions that will reflect poorly on those who advertise on Twitter. That's on Musk. If he continues to run Twitter like a spoiled, vindictive, conspiracy-addled child, things will only get worse.
He isn't whining. He's pointing out the ridiculous behavior of SJW activists. I've stopped using services and products from quite a number of companies after they decided that some BS social agenda was more important than running their business efficiently and focusing on quality products and/or setvices. That list may well grow. Actions have consequences.
What's interesting is how this whole musk / Twitter thing seems to split people pretty much down party lines.
It has gone from interesting to unsettling for me, as the splitting seems to infect all who come in contact with it. The homogenization of opinion and choice has to mean independent thinking is largely a story we tell ourselves, while what we actually do is 'trust the tribe'. But accuse any individual of being tribally controlled-- it will get nasty, fast.

It brings to mind the effects of hypnotherapy: Suggest to a patient while under hypnosis that they are to "act like a dog". Once they wake, they'll proceed to come up with all kinds of excuses for needing to inspect the flooring. They'll make rational, human arguments for getting on 'all-fours'; to look closely at tile patterns, or sniff carpet fibers, but critically- they do not become conscious of choosing dog-like behavior or how it was framed in their mind by the hypnotherapist.
It has gone from interesting to unsettling for me, as the splitting seems to infect all who come in contact with it. The homogenization of opinion and choice has to mean independent thinking is largely a story we tell ourselves, while what we actually do is 'trust the tribe'. But accuse any individual of being tribally controlled-- it will get nasty, fast.

It brings to mind the effects of hypnotherapy: Suggest to a patient while under hypnosis that they are to "act like a dog". Once they wake, they'll proceed to come up with all kinds of excuses for needing to inspect the flooring. They'll make rational, human arguments for getting on 'all-fours'; to look closely at tile patterns, or sniff carpet fibers, but critically- they do not become conscious of choosing dog-like behavior or how it was framed in their mind by the hypnotherapist.
If you want to look for mass hypnosis look into climate politics. ;)
Social media and big tech have disproportionately censored and blocked conservative voices, while amplifying liberal/progressive voices. There is no question about what team they were batting for. If Elon can remove one big fat thumb from that scale good for him.


PS: If anything Elon is probably more of a libertarian than conservative, and crony capitalist working the government teat. Before this brouhaha he was a darling of the left for his EV efforts.
Blah, blah, buzzword blah, blah. Adorning your argument with ridiculous pejoratives doesn't make you any less wrong.
Truth hurts.

Indeed. And part of the consequences for Elon is a class action lawsuit for violating California labor laws.
You are clueless about CA labor laws. All RIFfed (former) employees were paid for something like 3 months which, in CA, meets the 60 day notice requirement. Happens all the time. I have no doubt that some lawyers have convinced some morons that they have a case. Also happens all the time. Nothing will come of it.
Not sure about the Netherlands but here, impersonating another person is a crime.

Maybe some other omniscient contributors can explain free speech to you

Try again..
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Blah, blah, buzzwords blah, blah. You forgot white privilege.
Except, you know, for the facts. Musk himself promoted a scurrilous post that not only was utterly false but played on anti-gay prejudices. And twitter was flooded with a particular racist slur the day Musk took over--because, you know, free speech. And laying off 75% of your staff that deal with disinformation on the platform is not, shall we say, a heartening sign.

I don't understand why all you supposed absolutists choose to participate here. After all, while some of us (including me) have at times crossed the line in the sand demarcating what can and can't be said, we do have limits on our speech here. Are you guys going to harass John for doing the moderation thing, or storm out in a huff because you can't say anything you want?
Not sure about the Netherlands but here, impersonating another person is a crime.

Maybe some other omniscient contributors can explain free speech to you

Try again..
Ah, I see! So all those impersonators will soon be prosecuted! For impersonating poor old Elon. Why are people so mean to him. Good job he can change the rules to stop it happening.

Edit - what I'm beginning to understand is that 'free speech' means what people want it to mean at a certain time, and doesn't mean what people don't want it to mean if it doesn't suit their position. It's a minefield!
Edit - what I'm beginning to understand is that 'free speech' means what people want it to mean at a certain time, and doesn't mean what people don't want it to mean if it doesn't suit their position. It's a minefield!
"Free speech" to a Libertarian - "I can say whatever I want, and everyone has to listen, and I never have to face any consequences for my words. You, on the other hand..."
Is this a call to action?
Maybe a call to inaction? Maybe folks should stop lionizing Musk's "free speech absolutism" when they themselves seem more than happy to participate in a forum that allows no such thing?

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