I am working on one of these 2254's assembled by a friend that doesn't work quite properly.
Ohho))) Who doesn't work properly, friend or compressor?)))
Now, without certain degree of black humour: good luck, and let's fix'em both!
First, I believe that the input trans is wired backwards. The input trans should be a step-down transformer, right, with a loss of 6 dB, and the interstage a step-up, with a gain of 6 dB?
Which trafos are used?
Second problem, even with the input trans backwards, and adding 6 dB rather than cutting 6 dB, I cannot get the unit to unity gain, even when I ground the control voltage test point.
Easiest way, FIRST, check every possible resistor/capacitor/wire/etc. Than, check what is the signal amplitude after interstage trafo.
Measure with DC voltmeter right at input trafo's secondary, do not refer to GND.
Check the out trafo wiring as well. Than, ground CV signal and get audio working properly.
In general, after the input traf, there's -6.5 db (add trafo loss); after the interstage traf, should be -25...26db; at collector of 2N3055, should be -3.8db, if we take input/output zero db between pins 2/3 of XLR's as reference.