volker said:538-19705-4303
Thanks Volker, BOM Updated with available parts. on PSU BOM, dunno why these were in the MB+CTRL BOM.
Don't hesitate to post here if some parts are obsolete or missing or whatever from the BOM.
volker said:538-19705-4303
electrisizer said:wow half year later the sowters came in
but theres no indication how to wire it up. whats + and - lead?
thanks guys
petermontg said:Heads up...
Sowter current lead time is 12weeks minimum across the board.
What are other options for output trafos.
I currently have API for input.
Rob Flinn said:Heads up 12 weeks is very optomistic. I had and order that arrived recently after about 17 weeks.
petermontg said:Seen that alright Rob ouch!
I really don't have the patience at the moment maybe in the new year ill order some replacement sowters.
Anybody have any thought on jensen JT-10K61-1M it's turn ratio can be wired to 8:1 I know it requires in around 9:1.
petermontg said:Thanks Rob. Never been a fan of edcor trafos if am honest. I've had them in a few builds now and over time I took the all out
electrisizer said:half year later the sowters are in! ;D
i think the unit is working right. it does have a strange behavior if HPF is off (norm). bass seems to trigger the compression way too much... no problem when setting some HPF.
i had to put in a 5k trimmer for the meters too. the voltage thats related with the meters (was it test point D/E?) is only around 130V then.
i made some audio putting the compressor into a mastering chain (mid /side) of a dancefloor song i mixed last night:
without compressor
compressor engaged
petermontg said:Sounds great. Well done. was you sidechain engaged in this?
I think its box tone is exactly where I thought it would be.
Well done lads and thanks for bringing this project to where it should have been originally.
labak said:Hello All,
Working on this project for 1 week now and nothing works.
I have sound but it's like it has a 10khz hipass, both sides.
Input TX are 1540 and Output TX are XSM10k/600.
I've read that it could work with those Edcors output TX.
Meters are pegged to full value : VR100 is already a 5k. They are moving a bit if I put a 1k trimmer in serie with the meter but to have the needle moving, I end up with 24V at F test points.....
Meter are Sifam AL20 1mA fsd
Voltages are :
B : 264 / 260
C : 265 / 265
D : 190 / 186
E : 193 / 176
F : 5 / 5
G : 3,72 / 3,33
H : 3,35 / 3,34
I : 264 / 264
J : 264 / 264
My power transformer is external in another box, only the TX.
Any thoughts?
Thank you.
Rob Flinn said:I don't know what meter this pcb is designed to use, but the original units use a 200uA FSD meter.