Donald trump. what is your take on him?

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Senator Jeff Sessions will head the Justice Department. Let's look at what justice is to Trump and Sessions:

"Sessions said Thursday that Donald Trump's 1989 campaign to bring back the death penalty for the "Central Park Five" shows the Republican nominee is serious about "law and order," though all five of the men convicted in that crime were eventually exonerated. "

Did you get that?

- Five children get coerced to confess to a crime they didn't commit.
- Trump takes out a full-page ad advocating the death penalty for them.
- The five spend years and years in jail.
- They're then exonerated due to DNA evidence and a confession.

Rather than admit that they were wrong and realizing that if Trump had gotten what he wanted there would have been five innocent kids executed.... rather than that:

- Trump calls their exoneration a disgrace.
- Sessions uses this as a way to highlight Trump's sense of justice.

That's the mentality of the Justice Department for the next four years. Add Bannon as a topping. F-n Hitler would have been proud.

Now, John et al; supposedly you voted for Trump because he could solve the problem with places like Chicago, so - Just how is that going to be done? By instituting a death penalty? By killing off racially profiled people before DNA evidence materializes years later?

No? Law and order wasn't why you voted for Trump? Was it to get away from the mingling of personal business and politics?.....



I think the best thing we can do now is cover our eyes and ears and ignore that..... because there's most definitely probably not possibly a conflict of interest there.... like likely.... right?
Yes, you make convincing points Mattias. Trump has a lot of skeletons in the closet. That's nothing short of disgusting about the kids and the death penalty. I can only hope he won't continue this extremism in his term as prez.

I guess he's a mixed bag. I just saw that he is banning any of his appointees from being lobbyists for 5 years after being in his employ. That's pretty cool. Also he is advocating for tax credits for single mothers so they can pay for daycare...there are definitely some good things too. Dunno what to say; your arguments are cogent and convincing, yet there are other facets to him as well.

Just maybe some good can come from this, but I don't know.

But to your point about conflict of interest - omg the whole government is in bed with big Pharma and it's a good ol' boys club at every turn. To have high ranking FDA officials leave the FDA and then take up cush positions at big drug companies, or vice versa - it's beyond sick and disgusting. To have drugs approved that are rushed through the process, with evidence suppressed - OMG.

Have you SEEN the movie "Vaxxed"?

You simply cannot watch that film and then deny there is a link between vaccines and autism. The info was suppressed by the CDC. The very report that everyone is basing the "scientific evidence that shows conclusively there is NO LINK between vaccines and autism" in fact SHOWS THE OPPOSITE! That very report shows there is up to a 700% increased risk of autism in kids with no previous symptoms. But you won't read that on the news. Oh no, nothing to see here folks.

There is a senior scientist at the CDC who is a whistleblower who has come forward and admitted he and other high-ranking scientists at the CDC perpetrated fraud by changing the report to conform to what the CDC wanted it to say. Autism used to be 1 in 15,000; now it's more like 1 in 88. If the exponential trends continue then by 2032 it will be 1 in 2. The science doesn't lie; we are on a trajectory for total disaster unless someone starts admitting the truth. Autism came from somewhere, and the number of parents whose kids suddenly came down with it immediately following vaccination reeks of suspicion. But oh, no, nothing to see here folks, our science is safe; your kids must have bee exposed to something else or maybe it's hereditary. It couldn't possibly be the known poisons we are injecting them with before their immune systems are fully formed. (Actually they have shown that simply by delaying the vaccines until the kids are a little older, with their immune systems more fully formed, and giving them single vaccinations instead of the dreaded MMR combination, can dramatically reduce the risk of autism.)

The doc who was publicly humiliated and disgraced (Dr. Andrew Wakefield), stripped of his medical license, for previously having shown a scientific link between vaccines and autism has since been exonerated - quietly. Very, very, quietly, so as not to disturb the "known" fact that he lied (he didn't). Once a person's reputation is destroyed, the average unthinking person will discredit them no matter what the truth of the matter.

And that's just ONE example. Conflict of interest is rife everywhere, yet absolutely nothing is done about it. It isn't seen as inappropriate that the major studies done on new drugs are funded by the very drug companies that make the drugs - no, there couldn't possibly be anything wrong with that, ay?

In any case, to your point, yes, conflict of interest is sickening but it's everywhere. Let's start SOMEWHERE and clean house!
I have been trying to find a reason why anyone  in the USA would adopt the Nazi symbol, when they must have known that their grandparents had fought against that ideology and many would have lost their lives doing so.

I think it all boils down to ignorance and fear. there is little excuse for ignorance (History Channel) but I can only imagine it is the fear of being out-bred in the future that has come to the surface.  They are scared of becoming a minority themselves.

Fear and instability is at the heart of most bullying behaviour.

As note earlier, Sodderboy falsely criticized Obama's infrastructure spending plans as not properly vetted.  So how does he feel when Trump's top advisor says they're going to spend (waste?) a trillion dollars on "whatevs, dude."  The actual quote, from the Hollywood Reporter:
We're just going to throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks.

That's their infrastructure investment plan.  Someone like JR, a Trump supporter and a guy who tries hard to invest wisely, should be appalled by their cavalier attitude about spending a trillion of our tax dollars.  Every GOP politician who opposed Obama's infrastructure spending plans at every turn should be apoplectic with rage. 

But sadly, no one's ever gone broke overestimating the hypocrisy and self-delusion of the modern-day Republican Party.
There is no link between vaccines and autism. You are misinformed. Yes,  that's all there is to it.  Please do yourself a favour and aquire critical thinking skills. I'm not trying to be rude here, seriously. But those guys are feeding you bullsh*t information.

IF there were a link, autism prevalance would have dropped off sharply after the vaccine formula was changed. It did not. Every other piece of evidence points to the same conclusion.

Also, the supposed "rise" in autism has a lot do to with a change of diagnostic criteria. Someone considered autistic today would not have been diagnosed in the 70s etc.

A good source of actual information:

The problem with Trump is that he doesn't not have any core principles other than doing whats necessary to getting whatever he currently wants.  He's the ultimate flip-flopper. He doesn't seem to care about truth, objective reality, consequences in the pursuit of any short-term goal. Yes, the similarities to the diagnostic criteria of clinical psychopathy are not accidental...
(You can skip directly to the link if you're sick of my ramblings)

Mattias, I for one am not sick of them. On the contrary!
Reading them is one thing though, digesting them another and replying to them, point by point, yet another. For the latter I simply don't have the time.
But, as I've said before, you raise good points and you know how to get them across IMO.  You have the wit and the drive (!). So you may want to look for a broader audience than just us, electronic freaks (and wannabees like me). Seriously, America needs people like you IMO, especially now. Use your talents for the good cause.

One advice, if I may say so. Take a breath now and then to relax and enjoy some lightness and humor (like I think you did on the last page). I do realize there ain't much to laugh about. Some serious s#1t going on right now. But if you don't allow yourself some slack and bird perspective now and then, this will consume you (don't ask me how I know). And that will not serve the good cause.

Life's easier for a populist than it is for an idealist, that's for sure.
living sounds said:
...Please do yourself a favour and aquire critical thinking skills...

IF there were a link, autism prevalance would have dropped off sharply after the vaccine formula was changed.

Is that critical thinking?
I notice that a couple posters have tried to suck me back into this scrum, sorry but I will not take the bait.  As I've said before I do not enjoy arguing that does not appear to be productive, and stopped taking homework assignments from opposing voices.

I can watch the mud slinging from a safe distance and put my personal time to more productive use.

I declare this is now a safe space (free of me, for now) for whatever you guys want to say......  8)

JohnRoberts said:
I declare this is now a safe space (free of me, for now) for whatever you guys want to say......  8)


I think that attempt at humor misfired something fierce.

As for you bowing out of discussion.... what a "coincidence".
I don't think some of these comments are helpful, or to be honest, nice to fellow members of the best DIY electronics forum on the net.

It would be more helpful if guys were just able to accept that people have different opinions.  Sometimes these opinions are calculated from forensic dissection, some are just gut instincts, but none of us are qualified to be judge and jury.

It's more sensible to wait and see how things turn out,  he may make stupid mistakes or turn out to be a skillful operator, nothing we say here will change the outcome.  Just taking out your own personal rage and frustration on fellow members because of Trump, just adds to the problem rather than alleviating it.

There is no doubt that Trump is a polarizing character who has intentionally/unintentionally brought some nasty characters out of the woodwork,  but  I don't believe that there is anyone like that on this forum and the tone of the replies here should reflect that fact.

Just remember how Trump got to be president elect, it was a reaction to the previous era where American's views were belittled, trivialised or even demonised.  We don't need to make the same mistakes on this forum.

I can parse the reasoning for it if you want, but I already write too much text; so rather than use "calculated forensic dissection" of why I think what you wrote is incorrect, I'll just use my gut and call it bullshit.
living sounds said:
It's part of the evidence. You may read about the whole history how the vaccine-autism hoax came into being. It does not stand up to scientific scruteny.

There is also evidence to the contrary so yes it does !.......certain vaccines do have a negative human gene effect, as do chemical and gene engineering by large Corperate Drug companys on grain and root crops ,ie seem to be defending them.....this is not the world i was taught to belive in at school, and its going to hell in a hand basket !
Trump or no Trump, the puppet is still on the strings, the result will remain the same......elitist control of the masses, as it has Always been, expect much of the same !
THE AGENDA has not changed .
In modern, present times  we , and "they" have far more powerfull and manipulative technology  to mould the human condition and influence Its function,
Those elite , with the bottomless pit of funds, have the upper hand and control of the masses media , tech and medicine corperates.
While the masses suck up the daily dose of trivia  and propergander,
We seem to accept wars and violence  again like it all never happened and is forgot in the past, and even to be acceptable,
Most are totally unaware of reality.

The hidden hand still has all the cards !

living sounds said:
There is no link between vaccines and autism. You are misinformed. Yes,  that's all there is to it.  Please do yourself a favour and aquire critical thinking skills. I'm not trying to be rude here, seriously. But those guys are feeding you bullsh*t information.

IF there were a link, autism prevalance would have dropped off sharply after the vaccine formula was changed. It did not. Every other piece of evidence points to the same conclusion.

Also, the supposed "rise" in autism has a lot do to with a change of diagnostic criteria. Someone considered autistic today would not have been diagnosed in the 70s etc.

A good source of actual information:

The problem with Trump is that he doesn't not have any core principles other than doing whats necessary to getting whatever he currently wants.  He's the ultimate flip-flopper. He doesn't seem to care about truth, objective reality, consequences in the pursuit of any short-term goal. Yes, the similarities to the diagnostic criteria of clinical psychopathy are not accidental...
I've only researched this for 10 years. I must be an idiot.

Have you even watched the film?

Continue in your dogma if you will but there is hard evidence you are being lied to. A top scientist at the CDC has admitted fraud on THE major study that everyone bases the "no link" lie upon.

But hey, believe what you want. The truth us out there.
mattiasNYC said:
I can parse the reasoning for it if you want, but I already write too much text; so rather than use "calculated forensic dissection" of why I think what you wrote is incorrect, I'll just use my gut and call it bullsh*t.
Not sure if you're responding to my vaccine comments or to someone else.

We can all agree to disagree on certain subjects here, but seriously calling someone "sadly misinformed" after they present evidence devolves into a personal attack. (Not you Mattias)

The truth is you can find mountains of information on both sides of an issue; it comes down to what information you choose to believe.

Watch the documentary Vaxxed. If for no other reason than to give you more fodder for your counter arguments. But you might be surprised.

Gang, do you not get that our hard science is so often politically motivated propaganda? They say science advances one funeral at a time.

Almost every generation uncovers egregious errors in medicine, from blood letting to vaccines. And every era declares itself "right" and acts like it's impervious to falsity or error. That's called hubris.

And like it or not vaccines are dangerous--there is even a vaccine court that has awarded millions to people injured by them. And drug companies are immune from accountability if the vaccine causes injury. They don't even put the vaccines through the same safety testing, or ANY double blind studies, as other drugs. They contain known neuro toxins. Is it so completely out of the realm of possibility that they might, in fact, be dangerous?

We don't have to agree, and we won't. But just maybe the other fellow has some good reasons for his beliefs too.

Peace guys.
Again, this is about facts, evidence,truth. People tell whatever stories they want in very compelling ways, it is not affecting objective reality approximated best by application of the scientific method.

Vaccines are safe and effective. They've saved millions of lives.  They are rigously tested.

Toxicity is a question of dosage, there are neurotoxins in every meal you take - it's the amount that makes the difference.

I could go on and on. First step is to think why you want to believe these stories, and then educate yourself about the facts. The website I posted above is a great source of information. The Wikipedia article gets it right, too.
living sounds said:
Again, this is about facts, evidence,truth. People tell whatever stories they want in very compelling ways, it is not affecting objective reality approximated best by application of the scientific method.

Vaccines are safe and effective. They've saved millions of lives.  They are rigously tested.

Toxicity is a question of dosage, there are neurotoxins in every meal you take - it's the amount that makes the difference.

I could go on and on. First step is to think why you want to believe these stories, and then educate yourself about the facts. The website I posted above is a great source of information. The Wikipedia article gets it right, too.
You know, it would be one thing if I was a half-crazed idiot spouting anathema I picked up from some conspiracy website.

It's quite another to cite sources, by doctors and scientists, and a well-done documentary and have you roll your eyes.

Please continue to believe what you want, but to mark me as somehow believing crazy stuff is not anywhere in the realm of reality. I've done a lot of research on this subject, as apparently you have too. You are sharing the party line, I am sharing a more fringe viewpoint albeit based on hard evidence which you refuse to even look at.

I'll agree to disagree with you, but maybe think about how you are completely dismissing someone's point of view just because you believe they are wrong - not because you have shown they are wrong or refuted their evidence point by point - but just because you believe what you believe.

We're all guilty of it, including me at times. But what I shared is based in truth. Do you not even care that a top scientist, the head of the study that proves your point, has come out and said he lied about it?

Would a thinking, rational person not at least call into question their beliefs if the basis of those beliefs were shown to be fraudulent?

Dr. Thompson of the CDC - the CDC - came out and said he lied in his report. His report originally showed a 700% increase in autism spectrum disorder risk for children who had never had any symptoms, if they had their vaccines before a certain age.

Mind you, I'm not even arguing with you whether vaccines work - that's a whole different discussion - the sole point here is that if the vaccines are given too many at a time, like with the MMR, and at too young an age, there is greatly heightened risk for autism.

But who cares about evidence, right? Let's just believe what the men in white coats tell you, who work for the drug companies.

I know people think it's "rational" to believe doctors, and that we get our science from the media. But that's not truth. A lot of it is propaganda. There's a whole body of evidence to the contrary of your way of thinking, and it isn't by weirdos in tin foil hats - many are scientists and doctors and patients and thinking people just like you.

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