piano said:
Does the switch get placed this way?
Yes; for dual Lorlin switches, it doesn't matter, saw this already answered, just to confirm.
piano said:
C1, C44, C8, 8 pin inline chip sockets (do I have to order them -did not come with kit) and 20K questions in picture.
Yes, 4x20k are used wit 4x VCA's. 20k resistors should be supplied in kit.
C1=10nF, ceramic
For 8-pin SIP sockets, just cut 16 pin sockets supplied with the kit
Capacitors at picture:
334 is 0.33uF (C40, 42)
u47 is 0.47uf, poly, used with release switch assembly
u1 blue caps on photo: 0.1uF, poly, btw, C44 as well
220=22pF, COG
piano said:
C29L, C29R, CP11 Questions??? These are the parts I have left.
c29L, C29R are 22...47pf, COG, used in sidechain VCA opamps feedback
CP11 is 47nF....0.33uF ceramic
piano said:
C40, C42 Questions as in Picture:
already answered, 334 (0.33uF)
piano said:
CM5, CM6 Questions as in Picture:
Electrolyte, 10uF/25V, 6mm diam; should be supplied with kit
piano said:
Molex question. I used all the Molex supplied. What do I use to hook up wires to the front panel?
Solder them directly
With the LED Meter kit i received Q1&Q2 2N4403 !! it's referenced also in the LED Meter BOM as a equivalent for the 2N3904 !!
This is not wright !!! The 2N4403 is a PNP transistor and the 2N3904 is a NPN !
The 2N3904 is the wright one ! if you put the 2N4403 you got full meter readout even without the ic4 CD4016 !
If you already installed ic4 with the 2N4403 then ic4 is dead !!
Yes, here is a mistake, I used package from 4403, BUT the right transistor is 2N3904, 2N4401 or PN2222 etc.
In case 4403 installed, I doubt IC4 will be damaged..anyway.
If you got wrong transistors (2N4403) with kit and cannot source 2N3904 or PN2222
(they available from every electronic shop for approx. $0.1), just let me know, will send them for free.