Montreal Group buys & DIY meeting ?

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U.S. population = 300 million aprox
Canada popution = 30 million aprox scattered on 100 miles between Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Might be able to get room in a school nearby my place but there may be a fee involved. I'll have more news soon. I'm going to try the community centre as well.

I'm in the l'ouest de l'ille" les gars! Let me know if that is a problem for any of you. there is bus system from metro and I could pick some people up nearby so if you do not have wheels that is a solution.

by the way I have no problems with meeting in restaurants etc. but my experience with other clubs/special interest groups meeting in restaurants is that conversations become limited to the person on either side of you and in front of you. If you are more than 5 or 6 people the meeting becomes fragmented and information does not get to all. Also I don't think the restaurant owner would like it when we turn on a piece of gear on the table and start prodding it with an oscilloscope! (or it starts smoking!)

Therefore a quiet room somewhere with a table and chairs and AC outlets for testing/demoing/presentations/etc.

As always please feel free to give your thoughts.

I'm in the centrum... I have a car... and I can give a lift to the ouest of the island...

Actually the place depends of how many people will come ... between 3 and 6 ?
Between 10 and 15 ? More ?

So far these are the ones that have shown interest to meet.


indirectly I know these may be interested.


How many members are listed not as Montreal even though they are within our area? I have no idea. I don't know if I can search members by location.

25 people are listed with Montreal as location.
10 have never posted.
3 have less than 10 posts.

I will PM all of them with link to this thread so that maybe we could increase our numbers.

and of course there is also Jakob/Gyraf and NY Dave ! :green:

If any of you know of others that are registered here but not under Montreal as location please have them update their profile. Even if not in Montreal (I'm in Pierrefonds) its better to use Montreal first then your city if you want.
(ie Montreal - Pierrefonds) This way we can find you in the members list.

Ptownkid, I've sent out a bunch of PMs to the other Montrealers.

Hopefully we will get a few more people interested.

Most special interest groups seem to favor weeknights to meet. Usually between 7PM and 10PM. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays seem to be favorites as well. We'll see how it pans out.

A once a month meeting should not be too invasive on anyone's lifestyle.

Another 514 resident reporting!

I'd be interested in a meetup. I live up by Jean Talon market. No car, though, so I'm at the mercy of weather/the Metro.

Right now I'm having an 'stie de hard time finding a place to put holes in the Hammond box I picked up for my Green Pre's. Curious to hear if anyone has any suggestions.

My French is ok, mais pour les choses techniques, pas si bon, malheuresement....

Credit to Bluzzi for the heads-up. I've been stuck into Exams lately.
bodega - thanks for chiming in. Don't worry about the language thing, its DIY and it will take care of itself.

No car will not exclude you. We will find a way. First meeting hopefully will happen in mid January. If only to break the ice. We'll take it from there.

I just want to get the numbers up to a reasonable count. We need to reach the boiling point.


I made the holes myself with a drill press I bought at Canadian tire (55-5509-2). It was at a special price of $ 80. It's not the top quality but it does the job. (BTW, It took me 3/4 hours for assembling it. English translation of a chinese manual :grin: ) Unfortunately, The bi-metal saws are quite expensive...
I took me almost a whole day for the chassis and the front panel of my first GSSL : wholes, cutting with a dremmel, sanding, painting !
I'm very good with the wood, but not really with the metal...


For the metal work, I was thinking about something... They must have technical schools, I mean students who learn to work with metal (cuting, soldering, electrostatic painting and so on...) Maybe they need ideas for practical projects. Why not making chassis and front panels instead of furnitures ? I'm just throwing the idea here...

If we are a lot, I think it will be easier... we could rent a conference room in a hotel or someting like that. It doesn't have to be the Sheraton ! :green: Somewhere close to a metro station.
I have no idea about how much it would cost. But if we are enough and if we share the fees, I guess we're in business ! :thumb:

Once a month seems perfect to me. Maybe we should think about an afternoon or a whole evening. A 2-3 hours meeting is maybe too short...


Ptownkid, if you come, maybe you should bring a family pack of BE-Meters ! :green: I've to confess I blew up of of the two I bought from you :oops:


My English is so so... I understand it quite fluently, but speaking it is far less easy to me... But after a few :sam: :sam: :sam: I'm sure we'll understand each other very well :wink:

vertiges et all - again everyone please do not worry about the language thing. DIY has its own language! I am fluent in both. Whatever is appropriate. No one will get left out because of language I'm certain. Everyone so far seems really cool.

I'm not sure a hotel is a good idea unless you are willing to spend big bucks or know someone that owes you a favor! I'm trying for free or minimal $ ($5 to $10 each per meeting).
Save the $ for after when we can go get a bite or drink.

Give it time and we will find a room somewhere. Its where that is the question.

Cases continue to be our worse nightmare. Already some solutions are emerging for the "design" of the front panel (engraving at SF Marketing was one, I have a place that prints in inkjet color (no white) on any flat surface. Not as tough as engraving but you can print anything you can design). This is one of the things I can show and we can improve on.

The case itself, well these are the things we can discuss at the meetings and put our heads together. Maybe we can get some extrusion made. "Lets talk amongst ourselves"...(Long Island accent off)

I personally do not like engraving although lazer engraving looks nicer. I just never dug the rough look. Not on all my gear. Maybe one or two pieces. The inkjet place is cheap! Its not perfect but I'm trying to get it better. when I finish my GSSL I'll post pictures.

Things are starting to move here. Montreal is a groove!

Hey group, I'm interested!
Although I am pretty green, i live in rosemont and would be interested to meet

Try technoplaque in repentigny, contact is eric (450) 470-1389

Il post again soon
[quote author="vertiges"]bodega,

I made the holes myself with a drill press I bought at Canadian tire (55-5509-2). It was at a special price of $ 80. It's not the top quality but it does the job.[/quote]

I'd be tempted if it wasn't back up to its normal $150 price tag and if I had the room here. I've just got an apartment so space is a concern. Also, I don't do enough diy to really justify the expense.

I'm going to Concordia, so I've been trying to find a lab there that would have a drill I could use for the 30min or however long it would take to put holes enough in a box for two Green Pre's. I know there is one, but no luck so far....

[quote author="vertiges"]My English is so so... I understand it quite fluently, but speaking it is far less easy to me... But after a few :sam: :sam: :sam: I'm sure we'll understand each other very well :wink: [/quote]

I'm the same - one drink always helps but 5 really doesn't help! I know this from experience! :)
hey bodega...i have a friend who lives in the plateau who has a drill press he lets me use...if you are interested Im sure you could swing by sometime and use it when im there. send me a PM for more info!

I live in an appartment too...
I use the table of the living room as a benchwork ! The most difficult part is to finish and to clean everything before my girlfriend come back from work. :grin:

Hopefully she lets me solder now in her presence since I bough no-lead soldering :wink:
[quote author="vertiges"]I use the table of the living room as a benchwork ! The most difficult part is to finish and to clean everything before my girlfriend come back from work. :grin: [/quote]

I'll solder on the kitchen table from time to time. I don't think my roommate knows too much about the bad health effects of lead... and I'm certainly not going to tell him!
Hello, I'dd be interested. No car, near Jean Talon market too. I'm pretty much a newbie, mostly recaping and racking old stuff and it would surely help me to get into more serious projects. Nice initiative!

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