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Recently I parted out a Lexicon Opus digital console. The meter bridge is all plasma. There are four modules each of which has four dual plasma,  16 in total. The boards are complete with the driver/HV power supply but I have no wiring data. Having said that I do not think it would be too difficult to figure out but I do not have any time at all. However, the plasma modules could easily be removed. They are raised off the board and the pins have not been cut. I was planning to advertise these on the black market but if there is interest then perhaps we can work out an arrangement that everybody gets a piece. Pictures are attached.


Ayone have any meters for an affordable price? I can only find them at ridiculous prices ($300)

If sahibs will work, then sahib you have a customer!
Hi Igor,

I have removed one block and these are 12205. I have not checked the data sheets yet but would they be o.k. with your boards?

If so I am not interested in auctioning these as a prize cow. Mutually satisfactory offers welcome.
I have just checked the data sheet. The major difference of  PBG 12205 from 12201 is that it requires  8 drivers as opposed to 6 on 12205 which completely disqualifies it for that circuit (and also firmware unless it has that option)

Checked the datasheet as well... 12201 and 12205 are not interchangeable,
and there is some mess to adaptize the circuit, except programming the chip.

I'd like to buy some tens of PBG12201's myself for reasonable price:)
I can't read german,

but right down the bottom, he is offering bg12201 displays for 10euros for members, whatever that means but could be a source for cheap ones?
Igor said:
Can you please give us the link? I know TONLEITUNGSUBERTRAGER in Deutch!

I think that is the link.
That one refers to "ask jan first", he had some for a very reasonable price, but now is out of stock.
I know onw guy who does not accept paypal but have some plasmas, 5 or so....
PM me, and I think it is OK with him to exchange his mail.
I've had this up and running for a while now. It's great! Thanks Igor!

Would there by any negative effects if I was to wire a switch to the linear/log pads to switch between those settings while the meter is running?


I used this meter for compressor's proto' input/output/GR setup. Any probs.
Ok so i got my plasma Vu all finished today, fired it up... and well the meter fires up, but just has 2 dots. No metering, just one dot at the start of the top meter, and one about a fifth of the way along on the second one.

Any thoughts as to the cause? Bad component somewhere? Bad IC? Bad PIC (god i hope not, i only just found the thing!!)

Its passing signal, it actually works great, the crm that is, but the meter isn't playing nice.
Got it working, just had a bad 78l05.

Just wondering, does it ONLY meter input level? Or is there a way to send it output level. Like to follow attenuation to tell you what the current volume is not just input.

Also can't seem to get peak/avg working. Can get one, but when i flick the switch the meters work, but barely, It only shows one or 2 bars max. I can't even get it working with jumpers... but i could just be reading the schematic wrong. Do you know what pins need to be joined to get average to work?

Sorry for all the questions, so close to the finish line! And i hit a hill.
Got it working, just had a bad 78l05.

Just wondering, does it ONLY meter input level? Or is there a way to send it output level. Like to follow attenuation to tell you what the current volume is not just input.

Please explain in other words.

Also can't seem to get peak/avg working. Can get one, but when i flick the switch the meters work, but barely, It only shows one or 2 bars max. I can't even get it working with jumpers... but i could just be reading the schematic wrong. Do you know what pins need to be joined to get average to work?

JUMPERS aka SV1 10 pin dual row connector:

Connect: 3+4; 7+8 for peak
Connect: 1+2, 5+6 for AVG

9-10 leave open for LOG scale or connect for LIN scale.
Ok so at the moment, it doesn't matter that i have no volume coming out of my CRM, it still meters.

Is there a way that when i turn down the signal using the crm, that the metering goes down too? Or can the metering only detect the untouched signal, not the attenuated one. Basically just so when i turn the volume down on the crm, the volume on the meters goes down too.

Regarding the peak/average. Yeah, even with jumpers still not working. I truly am sorry to trouble you with these problems.. my only thoughts is it could be one of the TL074p chips are bad maybe the TL072. I tried switching the two chips around but didn't work. Diodes are all the right way. Like i said, its metering, but only JUST, its like there isn't enough gain, or a loss of gain.

Something i should note, though it says keep pins 9 and 10 open for log scale, it seems that closing them makes it log. or atleast when pins 9 and 10 are joined the scale in this picture happens.

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