any idea of a tentative ship date?
sr1200 said:any idea of a tentative ship date?
xaxxon said:What are you guys using for the 'insulated solder terminal'?
I searched Mouser and DigiKey and can't find what I'm looking for.
sr1200 said:Any update on shipping, I'm anxious to get this thing started! ;D ;D ;D
forgotteng said:According to the epaper it seems like at the V1, V2, V3 tube sockets have a center sodder pin. The ones I ordered from the BOM do not. So, for example, on V1 R14 and R12 seem to connect to a center pin. I do not have a center pin. Am I missing something. Is there a better place to post this question?
sr1200 said:neither of my LA2A's have anything soldered on those pins... are they needed?
forgotteng said:I ended up splurging and trying a Mundorf Mcap EVO Silver Gold Oil Capacitor for C5. The question I have is the spec'd C5 has a dedicated polarity but it doesn't look like the Mundorf has a specific polarity. Am I missing something?
Potato Cakes said:C5 in the BOM is 0.1uF (100nF) and the cap in your picture is 10uF.
The BOM also says it's axial but makes not mention of it being electrolytic/having polarity. Other layouts I've seen for P2P builds have C5 as being film/non-polarity.