The Rude Tube Build / Support Thread (MAJ + PSU)

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I'm looking for a toroid that has the proper secondary voltages but I'm having a hard time finding anything similar to the Edcor 250/24/9 available in the States. The 24v secondary is for the relays and lamps and the 9v is for the heaters. Is getting a toroid worth it to mount inside, or should I just hang the Edcor off the back of the case? I've found a 260v@100mA / [email protected] / [email protected] - part #205.5076 (54VA) from, but expensive. Would there be enough voltage headroom for the heaters with this?  Any reason I can't use 12v lamps and relays off the 13.5v winding? What are other people using for power xfmr?

Thanks all,

What are people using/going to use for the E88CC and EF86 Tubes?
I don't know Jack about brands and don't want to invest in something that's not worth it.



US source for toroid transformers (for tube circuits H+)would be great, moved to US last year, no clue on 110V transformers...

RATMNL said:
What are people using/going to use for the E88CC and EF86 Tubes?
I don't know Jack about brands and don't want to invest in something that's not worth it.



I use this in mine.
E88CC =>
EF86 =>

Edcor sure likes to add S&H to your orders :O

European Source for Toroid:

back in stock

RATMNL said:
Edcor sure likes to add S&H to your orders :O

European Source for Toroid:

back in stock

Do you take the Edcor direct from the factory?
That Edcor transformer is fairly heavy and made with lots of steel, mount it on the back of a 2U chassis and twist the leads. Shipping is not the $3-4 it used to be and is only going to get more expensive.

Just incase your in a hurry most Edcor transformers are made to order too.
So much I figured, but still wouldn't UPS or Fedex be cheaper still? USPS always seems like the most expensive option, in my experience.
though Edcor with S&H to the netherlands is still cheaper than any European dealer (XS cost 19 USD instead of 40 EUR over here)

bernbrue said:
63v is ok.

No, 63V is definately not ok.
I have had a lot of problems with capacitors on this project: you must use at least 250V rating, but the pin space is really small on the pcb. I used 63V rated capacitors for the 470nF value and they failed so I have burned some pots because I have had some Hi voltage dc on them... Now I installed 250V rating capacitors in vertical position with a piece of wire, and it seems ok.
I'll let you know.


All capacitors in the cathode section of each tube don´t need to be high voltage caps. All DC blocking caps must be at least 250V or more. The caps in the B+ section must be 400V or more. Still haven´t got any pcbs.
Jerome's in the UK.
(Damn that build manual needs some updating! too bad it's pdf, there's that 8 caps I'd LOVE to get the voltage rating of, cause If one says one thing the other some other thing.. confused)

EDIT #100: I read over your post-edit. going to figure out whatever you mean by that :p I love being new :D)
EDIT #101: Figuring it out, please correct if i'm mistaken, since these are amateur interpretations of a schematic I barely get,
DO NOT WORRY! I will attempt nothing dumb:

C6 (anode side of EF86, DC Blocking cap?) 0.47uf should be 250V
C7 (cathode side of EF86) can be lower 0.22uf (is this because of C6 being there, "blocking"?) I have 100V here
C8 (anode side of 6AS6, DC Blocking cap?) 0.47uf @ 250V
C9 0.22uf, this one I'm not sure, since it comes from the screening grid
C11 through C14: Al caps behind the rotary switch, connected to the cathode: can be lower! I have 100V here

Did I get it right?
The values and voltage ratings of the caps are noted in the schematic. Stick to them as close as possible. In addition to that the caps C6,C8, C9 must stand at least 250V or more. For all other caps, C10-C14 as well, 65V is absolutely allright.

To get this "confusion" clear. Drask designed the pcb, not me. He is responsible for the support, not me. Don´t you think it is a bit strange that the designer of this project still hasn´t got even a single pcb set? Anyway I follow this thread with consternation and anger in order to prevent people from killing themselves.
Bernd! Damnit :p
You beat me to it :p
did I figure it out?

EDIT: Sonofa... I DID! *ecstatic dance*

And don't be afraid of me killing myself.
As one of my favorite movie quotes goes:
"Crazy, not Stupid" I'm not powering up anything before all MY questions are clear.
As for the support and pcb's, I'm not taking sides, since you've both been really helpful,
although I do agree a set of boards would be a good idea.
Bernd, I sent you two set three or four weeks ago before go in England!
Normally you'll receive it.
Ok, Boards fully stuffed, All I need is the Audio transformers and I'll be ready to hook up and measure (something, but we'll get to that later).
Because of all the confusion I checked one of my unpopulated boards to the schematic and besides the LM-error I can find nothing wrong with them, everything connects as the schematic says. If the schematic's right, the boards should function. I am about to wire on the switches and everything whilke waiting for the X's

NOte that this is all theory as I have not yet tested/measured anything (I'll have a boatload of questions later on what to measure, how to measure and why...  Maybe I should make an idiot's guide to building rude tube's, because it's my first tube build and I'm learning Bunches! (I know tube projects are not recommended for "beginners" but you'll have to learn one day and step by step instructions for building a thing like this Is kind of what I made for myself after asking all the annoying questions)

P.S. Is everybody still fighting here?
Sorry for the double post, but:

People of the European Mainland!
I am about to order the Edcor trannies directly from the factory for me and drask to combine S&H to Europe.
the transformers are way cheaper than anywhere in Europe and with S&H combined, it's a pretty good deal.

XS1100: 39.28USD (*0.79=31.03 EUR) Per SET! (x2)
WSM10K/10K (Unshielded): 20.46USD (*0.79 = 16.16 EUR) Per SET! (x2)
WSM10K/10K (Shielded): 30.76USD (*0.79= 24.30 EUR) Per SET! (x2)

S&H to me (the netherlands) for the two sets I am ordering is:
57.50USD (*0.79 = 45.43 EUR) divided by two

3 sets: 65.15 USD (*0.79= 51.46 EUR) divided by three
4 sets: 71.60 USD (*0.79= 56.56 EUR) divided by four
5 sets: 78.05 USD (*0.79= 61.65 EUR) divided by five

All that's needed after that is Shipping from the Netherlands to where-ever.
Reply here or PM me.



You're not alone... I finished the unit but it doesn't work yet ;(

RATMNL said:
Ok, Boards fully stuffed, All I need is the Audio transformers and I'll be ready to hook up and measure (something, but we'll get to that later).
Because of all the confusion I checked one of my unpopulated boards to the schematic and besides the LM-error I can find nothing wrong with them, everything connects as the schematic says. If the schematic's right, the boards should function. I am about to wire on the switches and everything whilke waiting for the X's

NOte that this is all theory as I have not yet tested/measured anything (I'll have a boatload of questions later on what to measure, how to measure and why...  Maybe I should make an idiot's guide to building rude tube's, because it's my first tube build and I'm learning Bunches! (I know tube projects are not recommended for "beginners" but you'll have to learn one day and step by step instructions for building a thing like this Is kind of what I made for myself after asking all the annoying questions)

P.S. Is everybody still fighting here?

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