Trump convicted on 34 felony charges

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Does this mean he can no longer run for president or is there still a possibility the USA could end up being run from a prison cell?


Does this mean he can no longer run for president or is there still a possibility the USA could end up being run from a prison cell?
In theory, the latter. These are NY state charges so he can't pardon himself if he wins. In practice of course there's not a high chance he serves jail time for this, and no chance at all he sits peacefully in jail if he wins in November.

Even Tulsi Gabbard
I'd be very wary of using Gabbard as a bellwether for anything...
Does this mean he can no longer run for president or is there still a possibility the USA could end up being run from a prison cell?
No he is still running for president. The constitution did not anticipate anything this unusual. Ironically he may get elected in some states that wouldn't allow him to vote as a convicted felon. In his current home state of FL, according to state law he can't vote if still owes fines, or is under probation.

The next wrench the democrats can throw to interfere with his campaign is the sentencing hearing. There is discussion about moving the republican convention earlier to occur before that hearing so the Judge can't prevent him from attending the convention with travel restrictions. The timing of this case is such that the expected appeal can not overturn it before Nov, assuming normal timing.

It is hard to make predictions about how he will be treated by the justice system going forward. In NY they routinely downgrade felonies to misdemeanors and release the criminals. In this case they used an obscure legal strategy to upgrade misdemeanors into a felony.

Coincidentally the Democrats have a convention timing issue also as President Biden is not certified on the ballot in Ohio yet and that state deadline falls before the scheduled dem convention.
Immediately after the conviction, exPresident Trump's website was overloaded and shut down because so many supporters tried to contribute money to his campaign at the same time. This has clearly energized his existing supporters and caused many who were not formerly on board with him to now support him.

This is clearly historic and not in a good way. I sure hope this does not become the new normal for American politics.

IMO we should be better than this.

For those looking to make a quick buck: futures on stocks for motorized goalposts are guaranteed a high return for the next 6 months.

I’ll bite… see attached photo.

Let's go back and revisit these:

pucho812 said:
Sure, but is being convicted of a crime the bar you want to set for your elected politicians? That's pretty dang low. You, and all of us, should expect and even demand better.
You’re changing your argument stance now. Ok I’ll bite, yes that is the bar I want set for politicians, no different than you or I living in the u.s.a. It’s one component of many that make up the corner stone that is the contract between us and the government.
I do demand better and expect better. Whatever you seem to think that is, is different than me. But, I also expect the law of the land to be upheld which is innocent until proven otherwise.
pucho812 said:
While I am sure it’s good fodder for you, until proven guilty in a court of law, I don’t care.
pucho812 said:
while the outcome is the same is far different then being found guilty of your peers.
pucho812 said:
Are they going to give him court time with a jury of is peers to judge him?
pucho812 said:
That’s just how the law works in the u.s. it’s not perfect but I can’t think of a better system

Now it's Judge Merchan memes?

In this case they used an obscure legal strategy to upgrade misdemeanors into a felony.

Obscure legal strategy? Ney York State Code PL 175.05 and PL 175.10 are obscure legal strategies?

WWW said:
Prosecution of falsifying business records in the first degree is commonplace and has been used by New York district attorneys’ offices to hold to account a breadth of criminal behavior from the more petty and simple to the more serious and highly organized. We reach this conclusion after surveying the past decade and a half of criminal cases across all the New York district attorneys’ offices.
Records for the State of New York show, between 2013 and 2023, over 3,000 cases being sought in state courts involving the charge of falsifying business records in the first degree (PL 175.05 and PL 175.10).
In Bragg’s first 15 months as DA, his team filed 166 felony counts for falsifying business records against 34 people or companies. Under former District Attorney Cy Vance, it took three years – between 2019 and 2021 - to charge about the same number of business record felonies.
Obscure legal strategy? Ney York State Code PL 175.05 and PL 175.10 are obscure legal strategies?
Yup, old NY business records misdemeanor (that already had expired statute of limitations) was brought back to life and bootstrapped to make it a felony by linking it to "federal" election law. As many legal experts**** have observed this case is full of reversible errors that will likely be used to win appeal.
FWIW exPresident Trump is still under a gag order from Judge Juan Manuel Merchan, so who knows how his campaign will play out?


PS: It looks like the Soros groups got their money's worth from DA Bragg.

**** I am not a legal expert, but these days everybody thinks that they are. :rolleyes:
For those looking to make a quick buck: futures on stocks for motorized goalposts are guaranteed a high return for the next 6 months.

Let's go back and revisit these:

Now it's Judge Merchan memes?

Obscure legal strategy? Ney York State Code PL 175.05 and PL 175.10 are obscure legal strategies?
Yes, it is. I would have thought there would have been a fair legal trial where the outcome could be trusted as fair, guilty or not guilty, it would have been fair.
So yeah a meme because that is about the level this deserves.
Last edited:
You see, crimes only count if they violate laws printed in a giant font on the first page of the legal code.
I for one am outraged that a political figure could be tried and convicted of their crimes by a jury of the peers. Outraged! Furthermore I... um... sorry, a wormhole to 2016 just opened up and I was distracted by the chants of "lock her up!" emanating from it.
Yes, it is. I would have thought there would have been a fair legal trial where the outcome could be trusted as fair.
Election interference in directly by the injustice department.

Sad day. Robert Delusional says, “trump will jail his opposition out of spite and democracy will be lost. “.

Let’s see Alvin brag under the direction of MATTHEW COLANGELO. Former DOJ attorney, from the injustice department., Directs NY cherry picked court and part time acting Trump hating judge , to prosecutes a former president and leading opponent to the Let’s go Brandon campaign.
I'm trying to separate the wood from the trees from across the pond.

In 2016 I was shocked to hear ordinary voters referred to as "deplorables" and I defended their right to vote for whoever they chose on this forum. I reserved judgement on Trump to give him the benefit of the doubt. Eight years later I think America deserves better, but your election system makes it easier for billionaires to get elected than say an ordinary honest schoolteacher with principles, could Abraham Lincoln be elected in 2024?

Regarding the jury: didn't the defence filter them? If the decision was split, then I could understand the fuss, but unanimous on all charges? It sounds like they did their job to me, but unfortunately they may need protection for the rest of their lives just for doing their duty.

One thing is for sure, calls for civil war are playing into the hands of America's and the West's enemies, I wonder where many of those calls are coming from in this chaotic digital age?
I'm trying to separate the wood from the trees from across the pond.

In 2016 I was shocked to hear ordinary voters referred to as "deplorables" and I defended their right to vote for whoever they chose on this forum. I reserved judgement on Trump to give him the benefit of the doubt. Eight years later I think America deserves better, but your election system makes it easier for billionaires to get elected than say an ordinary honest schoolteacher with principles, could Abraham Lincoln be elected in 2024?

Regarding the jury: didn't the defence filter them? If the decision was split, then I could understand the fuss, but unanimous on all charges? It sounds like they did their job to me, but unfortunately they may need protection for the rest of their lives just for doing their duty.

One thing is for sure, calls for civil war are playing into the hands of America's and the West's enemies, I wonder where many of those calls are coming from in this chaotic digital age?
There seems to be some confusion as to what their job was. Normally in trial on our side of the pond, it's pretty clear and dry what the charges are and how one is supposed to determine if burden of proof was met for those charges. Based on everything that has been covered about the trial it's hard to say what exactly they were supposed to be doing in the juror room. This is because the D.A. didn't really do his job and the judge wasn't as clear as he should have been.
Based on everything that has been covered about the trial it's hard to say what exactly they were supposed to be doing in the juror room
I thought they had to decide if Trump paid hush-money out of election expenses? Which is illegal in USA?

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