Trump convicted on 34 felony charges

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Classic JR. I was thinking today about your backhanded "wellness checks." All the concern trolling about "elder abuse" put me to mind of it.

But I'm not the one wrapped up in misguided bitterness about DEI--so what about it, John? You OK?

EDIT: Now this right here:

I think we can all agree that that fella right there needs a JR-style wellness check. Surely we can agree on that, can't we?
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I think we can all agree that that fella right there needs a JR-style wellness check. Surely we can agree on that, can't we?
nah, but I have been getting cognition tested by my local clinic doctor for my last two annual physicals.
I am waiting for the debate, that might answer some questions about who is playing with a full deck.

Hah! White privilege much?
Try to focus less on race and other immutable traits and more on character/actions. It's obvious that neo-racism starting during Obama's (second?) term has done nothing good for anyone except perhaps a few BLM grifters and "media" blowhards. The vast majority of Americans are not racist and do not want others to be judged by external appearances, etc.
A photographer is taking their picture. Nice try. Miserable fail dude

If you can figure that out, why do you cling so stubbornly to the cheapfakes of Biden? They're both crap, but you seem utterly incapable of admitting that about one of them. Why is that?
If you can figure that out, why do you cling so stubbornly to the cheapfakes of Biden? They're both crap, but you seem utterly incapable of admitting that about one of them. Why is that?
I'm curious to which "cheapfake" you are referring; the Obama leading Biden off stage, the parachute demo wander, or the various nonsensical verbalizations?
The real TDS is the inability of his supporters to countenance evidence that is contrary to their (largely unsupported) beliefs. It's also quite clear that following along is not a prerequisite to commenting here. I'm tired of having to repeat myself just so some argumentative clown can yet again ignore the actual evidence put before them.
Last night I tried to watch some of the Jon Stewart show just to keep up on the talking points du jour (it wasn't easy).

He cited an embarrassing bloviation by exPresident Trump calling into question President Biden cognitive condition, while misstating the name of the WH doctor who gave him his last cognitive test.

Now that's some instant karma, punishing him for engaging in low politics.

I am surely repeating myself but I am waiting for the results of the debate which is coming all too soon. Inquiring minds might speculate about why the first debate is scheduled for before the actual party conventions. I'll leave that out there for all you mind readers to think about. 🤔

Interesting times.

They're both crap, but you seem utterly incapable of admitting that about one of them. Why is that?
I realize that's probably a rhetorical question, but...
I'm tired of having to repeat myself just so some argumentative clown can yet again ignore the actual evidence put before them.
Reminder that you don't  have to do this.The right is firmly aware of their hypocrisy, and they love seeing people exhaust themselves pointing out the obvious while they gleefully deny reality. (See also: Sartre's oft-cited quote about antisemites.)
If you can figure that out, why do you cling so stubbornly to the cheapfakes of Biden? They're both crap, but you seem utterly incapable of admitting that about one of them. Why is that?
You can see the photographer facing Trump and man and women posing for a picture.

The actual videos being declared deep fakes of Biden is a Hail Mary pass to save the WH who are sinking miserable in there believability and polls.

Face it Biden is only there to try and put Harris in chair one with out an election process. She’s in worst shape than Biden in favor ability.

The next big dem play is Newsome is Biden’s jeopardy buddy for the debate to bate and switch for the election. Again without going through a primary. Way to go Dems.

We basically have two corporations running the election as a duopoly and they won’t allow anyone else to participate. And the parties don’t care what the American people want. That would mess up the cash flow. Hence these are the choices. At least Trump earned his fans without the help of the party bosses.
The real TDS is the inability of his supporters to countenance evidence that is contrary to their (largely unsupported) beliefs. It's also quite clear that following along is not a prerequisite to commenting here. I'm tired of having to repeat myself just so some argumentative clown can yet again ignore the actual evidence put before them.
I've watched longer video of the G7 parachute demo with full context. It doesn't help your case. Rather than staying with the others and doing the photo-op, he got distracted by a couple of the jumpers who landed further away and started walking toward them and away from the G7 group.

That's one of several common symptoms of dementia. My mother has Alzheimer's and is in a memory care facility. I see these things all of the time. Two of my grandparents also had dementia (one Alzheimer's and the other not). The signs are apparent. Trying to project your denial on Trump or anyone who will not vote for Biden is sad.

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